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- Is it worth merging this with episode 4 chat? Fresher in our memories, more to talk about..?
- Backgrounds of new guests
- Intro
- What they did in their previous lives
- (A tiny bit about applying?)
- How they felt in the lead-up to FAC14
- How they've found it so far
- Week 3 - API week!
- APIs: what are they?
- (Perhaps no need to talk about XHRs...)
- (Mention of callbacks? Waterfall challenge? lol)
- (Flexbox froggy?)
- (Brief chat about 2nd week projects? Todo lists)
- Struggles (also see "learnings" below)
- Week 3 projects! What we built :)
- Anythinng else we got up to in the week, e.g.
- Meetups
- Talks we had
- Anything fun
- Learnings (can be discussed where relevant earlier in the podcast):
- Things (ways of thinking, resources...) that helped our understanding - can be brief
- "Silly" mistakes/things we got stuck on
- Recommendations (everyone is allowed several if they want!)
- Podcasts (not necessarily tech-related)
- Other resources (articles, meetups)
- Videos, music, memes (if you're Kate)...