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@hannahmbanana hannahmbanana released this 10 Jul 20:11
· 950 commits to master since this release

This release is particularly important for Carthage users. It properly expresses the default dependency on PINRemoteImage, which provides very dramatic performance and user experience improvements for ASNetworkImageNode. Even Progressive JPEG works by default! Give it a try — make sure you are creating your ASNetworkImageNodes with a simple alloc / init or +new, not providing a cache / downloader manually.

Cocoapod Specs:

Total Downloads: 484,101
Dev-installs this week: 11,347

Apps: 4,718

1.9.81 Release Changes:

245 commits from 22 contributors
758 files changed with 6,572 lines added and 3,921 lines deleted

New features:

  • Xcode 8 Beta 1 & 2 compatible
  • Improvements to Carthage (standard build) & static library compatibility
  • Convenience methods for creating performance-focused flat-colored resizable circles & rounded rects. See more in [AsyncDisplayKit+Utilities.h]

API improvements or extensions:

  • ASEditableTextNode now implements protocol. These may even be set before the view is loaded.
  • ASCellNode now provides -applyLayoutAttributes: for subclasses to override.
  • Improvements to table / collection batch fetching. Programmatic scrolls or collection layout transitions will now trigger a new fetch.
  • ASPagerNode now supports nodeForPageAtIndex: and has improved rotation support.

Key bug fixes in this release:

  • ASTextNode / Text Kit crash fixes (improved locking around Text Kit objects).
  • ASCellNode: Improve selection / highlight implementation; writing to the properties now updates UITableView / UICollectionView, and they will not be called again if the value hasn't changed.
  • ASDisplayNode: Measurement is now always allowed off the main thread, even if the node's view is loaded and Implicit Hierarchy Management is used.
  • ASViewController: Modal view controller rotation now works properly on iOS 8.
  • ASEditableTextNode: Insets are now included in the size returned when measuring.
  • ASVideoNode (shout out to @gazreese!) Ensure activity indicator view is transparent. Only seek to beginning when auto repeating. Improved placeholder image behavior during video loading

Full commit list here: 1.9.80...1.9.81

As always, email AsyncDisplayKit(at) or ping us on Slack (#1582) with any questions or comments. Thanks for following the development of our framework — I hope the community continues to bring you advanced and exciting software technology for years to come!