Welcome to the Shumai docs! To get started, install Shumai:
bun add @shumai/shumai
You may also need to install arrayfire
brew install arrayfire
# sudo apt install arrayfire-cuda3-cuda-11-6
If you're looking to play around and get ramped up quickly, follow along with the examples below!
Shumai has various standard arithmetic utilities. Often, there are both static and method based versions of the same functions.
import * as sm from '@shumai/shumai'
// There are various ways to create tensors
const a = sm.randn([128, 4]) // random normal tensor of size 128x4
const b = sm.scalar(1337) // from a single value
const c = sm.tensor(new Float32Array([1, 2, 3, 4])) // from a native array
// do math! if you have a GPU, it will be used
const d = a.mul(b).add(c)
// grab the contents of d
const shape = d.shape
const data = d.toFloat32Array()
console.log(data[4]) // 4th element of the flattened array
Many arithmetic operations can have their gradients automatically calculated. The {@link Tensor.backward} function returns a map of Tensors to gradients as well as populates all the differentiated Tensors with a .grad
const W = sm.randn([128, 128])
W.requires_grad = true // or use functional `tensor.requireGrad()` method
const X = sm.randn([128, 128])
const loss = sm.loss.mse(X, W)
// backward returns a list of differentiated tensors
const ts = loss.backward()
// gradients are accessible from the original tensors
// gradients are NOT available after optimizer
const delta = W.grad.mul(sm.scalar(-1e-2))
// we can optimize these tensors in place!
sm.optim.sgd(ts, 1e-2)
// use `detach` to copy W without tracking gradients
const Y = W.detach()
Y.sum().backward() // nothing changes
Shumai comes with a plethora of network oriented utilities.
In a server file:
const W = sm.rand([128, 128]).requireGrad()
function my_model(x) {
return sm.matmul(x, W)
sm.io.serve_model(my_model, sm.optim.sgd) // we'll immediately use sgd on backprop
Then, in a client:
const model = sm.io.remote_model('')
for (const i of sm.util.viter(300)) {
const input = sm.randn([1, 128])
const out_ref = input // we'll learn the identity matrix
const out = await model(input) // network call, have to await
const l = sm.loss.mse(out, out_ref)
await l.backward() // another network call, this time with autograd!
For a detailed walk-through of lower-level primitives, see the {@link io | io namespace }.