This project follows Semantic Versioning. To access the latest release of the package, visit the ParaMonte GitHub repository release page.
The post-processing report in the output report file of ParaDRAM simulation has been significantly improved:
- The parallel simulation summary now also provides the predicted strong-scaling speedup behavior of the parallel ParaDRAM simulations in "single chain" parallelism mode. This can help make wiser decisions regarding the the number of processors for similar parallel simulations in the future.
The ParaDRAM restart output file in ASCII mode now contains all proposal updates, including the first user-specified proposal specs.
All parallel simulations now avoid the unnecessary creation of temporary files by all processors for System and OS operations. As a side effect, this will also potentially improve the runtime performances of the simulation.
Major enhancements has been made to the parallel simulation performance analysis reported in the post-processing section of the ParaDRAM simulation output
Bug fixes
- minor typo fixes
Compiler support
- Intel Parallel Studio (>2018.0.0)
- GNU Compiler Collection (>7.0.0)
Compiler / MPI library used for this binary release
- Windows: Intel Parallel Studio Version Build 20190417 / Intel(R) MPI Library 2019 Update 4 for Windows
- Linux: Intel Parallel Studio Version 18.0.2 20180210 / Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux OS, Version 2018 Update 2 Build 20180125
- Linux: GNU 8.3 / MPICH 3.2
- macOS: Intel Parallel Studio Version 20191121
- macOS: GNU 9.3 / Open-MPI 4.0
New features
- The MATLAB interface to the ParaMonte library is now ready to use, in addition to the existing C/C++/Fortran/Python Programming language interfaces to ParaMonte.
- The simulation summary report in the output report file has been improved.
- The error handling in the build Batch-scripts on Windows is now greatly improved.
Bug fixes
- The build Batch-script for the ParaMonte examples on Windows now properly builds and runs coarray applications in parallel.
- The fully-deterministic restart functionality is now functional also when chainFileFormat="verbose" in ParaDRAM simulations.
Compiler support
- Intel Parallel Studio (>2018.0.0)
- GNU Compiler Collection (>7.0.0)
Compiler / MPI library used for this binary release
- Windows: Intel Parallel Studio Version Build 20190417 / Intel(R) MPI Library 2019 Update 4 for Windows
- Linux: Intel Parallel Studio Version 18.0.2 20180210 / Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux OS, Version 2018 Update 2 Build 20180125
- Linux: GNU 8.3 / MPICH 3.2
- macOS: Intel Parallel Studio Version 20191121
- macOS: GNU 9.3 / Open-MPI 4.0
This is the first public release of the ParaMonte library.
New features
- ParaDRAM sampler: Parallel Delayed-Rejection Adaptive Metropolis-Hastings Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampler.
- ParaMonte Interface to the C/C++/Fortran/Python Programming languages.
- ParaMonte simulation-output visualization via the ParaMonte Python interface.
Compiler support
- Intel Parallel Studio (>2018.0.0)
- GNU Compiler Collection (>7.0.0)
Compiler / MPI library used for this binary release
- Windows: Intel Parallel Studio Version Build 20190417 / Intel(R) MPI Library 2019 Update 4 for Windows
- Linux: Intel Parallel Studio Version 18.0.2 20180210 / Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux OS, Version 2018 Update 2 Build 20180125
- Linux: GNU 8.3 / MPICH 3.2
- macOS: Intel Parallel Studio Version 20191121
- macOS: GNU 9.3 / Open-MPI 4.0