All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- about: move the search button of the Help Center (abdbf3f)
- about: show feedback screen (821e385)
- agent: fix activate selection mode (eaafeef)
- agent: fix handle responsive design (e49bf52)
- agent: fix height list (eed5d70)
- agent: fix imports to share components (35671ed)
- agent: fix send selected items by props (3495549)
- agent: go to main router (f732d01)
- agent: handle responsive design (2230c7b)
- agent: validate listView is created (2260e47)
- animations: fix enable/disable global animations (390bcf7)
- animations: fix multiple animations (88178dd)
- applications: fix reorder applications list (7e908d4)
- applications: force update toolbar layout (4691dc7)
- applications: handle errors in the upload (a119377)
- applications: show internal errors (7873081)
- applications: synchronize load of the new item list (54c2201)
- applications: validate the search range (c79895e)
- breadcrumb: send location by props using PureComponent (b656194)
- circle-ci: install transifex client and download files (31b34e7)
- cookies: fix show mixed content (0d6c7a1)
- dashboard: add deleted htaccess (3df09ec)
- dashboard: add PluginFlyvemdmdemoCaptcha to the item type list (5c342d0)
- dashboard: add PluginFlyvemdmdemoUser to the item type list (b834e18)
- dashboard: add PluginFlyvemdmFleet to the item type list (fbc0159)
- dashboard: add PluginFlyvemdmPolicy to the item type list (5c6521f)
- dashboard: add PluginFlyvemdmPolicyCategory to the item type list (bf7933a)
- dashboard: add PluginFlyvemdmTask to the item type list (b869c47)
- dashboard: add support for safari notification (f87125a)
- dashboard: add the base path to notifications icon (979cd3e)
- dashboard: allow connections https (7602f25)
- dashboard: base64 decode to profile images (832040e)
- dashboard: change 'Spain' to 'Spanish' (ce36d19)
- dashboard: change devices validation on the homepage (7500295)
- dashboard: change handling of images (97236d0)
- dashboard: change the validation of 'is authenticated' (d147e13)
- dashboard: correct links for the manifest icons (b383aa7)
- dashboard: create a filter for date ranges (cdde869)
- dashboard: create the public URL correctly (48711fa)
- dashboard: delete unnecessary meta tag (9833e73)
- dashboard: fix integration components (4891ff0)
- dashboard: handle image import errors in IconItemList (1a0bbe9)
- dashboard: hide iframe (e2cf611)
- dashboard: integration problems of git (f39cdef)
- dashboard: load local images (a413a60)
- dashboard: make only the necessary requests in the 'Select' (a735036)
- dashboard: no show horizontal scroll in the main menu (a8f2c0f)
- dashboard: provide a responsive design to SplitView (099a95b)
- dashboard: remove unnecessary iframe after set cookies (45ca814)
- dashboard: remove unnecessary requests (7606e26)
- dashboard: save base URL of glpi in the local storage (62f7af7)
- dashboard: set cookies of gpi correctly (256fcde)
- dashboard: show application icon in notifications (6fc4758)
- dashboard: show error notifications correctly (d48056b)
- dashboard: simplify !DOCTYPE (3e46955)
- dashboard: update the selected items in the multiple selection (cea77d2)
- dashboard: use 'blob()' in profile images (6657873)
- dashboard: use only https for the base url of glpi (30cc368)
- dashboard: validate the existence of the key of a list (a67f264)
- DatePicker: change the date correctly (697497f)
- DatePiker: receive 'value' from the props (56127ab)
- dependencies: allow install dependencies with npm (3e4b27e)
- devices: clean ActionList after send enroll invitation (bc21323)
- devices: clean locations when changing devices (bc53c67)
- devices: clear the markers of localizations to change device (d124038)
- devices: correct type of notification to the ping error (c6bc51c)
- devices: display loading component correctly (622fe77)
- devices: fix go to edit after update (44accf6)
- devices: fix send props (844f1ad)
- devices: fix show toast notification (5781952)
- devices: fix styles show edit button (0cdfd9b)
- devices: force update toolbar layout (d13439a)
- devices: just make the necessary requests (609d12a)
- devices: move confirmation messages out of the 'pivot' (4b1bcb5)
- devices: pass correctly the data to glpi (b05a0bf)
- devices: show device id (f83fb2f)
- devices: show the device ID correctly (171da44)
- devices: show the map of geolocation correctly (52531d0)
- devices: solve the warning of propTypes in low resolutions (54a4c32)
- devices: synchronize load of the new item list (3cc7347)
- devices: unselect application when using the back button (f5ef966)
- devices: validate correctly the selectedIndex in the pivot (bbd1e47)
- devices: validate data of date filter (f9e22b0)
- devices: validate the search range (c327ba6)
- DevicesEditOne: pass data to the glpi library as an object (96d373c)
- divices: load content screen in small resolution (d166966)
- emptyMessage: show empty message list (ab7700c)
- Enroll: pass data to the glpi library as an object (998e235)
- entity: remove duplicate header in 'ChangeDownloadURL' component (7a43fd8)
- entity: remove duplicate header in 'ChangeTokenLife' component (263be60)
- feedback: improve design and translations (648d67c)
- files: force update toolbar layout (08bb34c)
- files: handle errors in the upload (eeb017c)
- files: show internal errors (4342a52)
- files: synchronize load of the new item list (a9a524a)
- files: validate the search range (589b5b8)
- fleets: add unique key to list (d3d058a)
- fleets: fix go to main route (822332b)
- fleets: fix json data for test (62ae48c)
- fleets: fix load more data (3bf88fe)
- fleets: fix remove tasks (b50bd1a)
- fleets: fix select not managed fleets (63b3f2a)
- fleets: fix update task value on temp store (51027cc)
- fleets: fix update tasks (cb60e80)
- fleets: force update toolbar layout (5a512d4)
- fleets: get tasks to update (bd7437e)
- fleets: load list of fleets correctly (8f71fb4)
- fleets: pass function 'deletePolicy' to 'FleetsTaskItemList' (1b5ac67)
- fleets: replace property names (a66f237)
- fleets: search string match in any position (59c470b)
- fleets: show fleets list after save (08254f6)
- fleets: show fleets list after save tasks (5ba2a06)
- fleets: update value tasks dropdown type (31c8092)
- fleets: validate add policies remove app (178a11c)
- fleets: validate add policies remove app (144560d)
- fleets: validate existence of a new value for a fleets (7a8150a)
- fleets: validate fleets tasks not null (f3e4f29)
- fleets: validate item ID is number (1e6dd47)
- fleets: validate policies list not null (bf0e325)
- fleets: validate tasks deploy type (4cb6430)
- fleets: validate the content of the fleet (387ca0b)
- geolocation: show list of locations and mark them on the map (ffa1aa7)
- glpi: cast glpi class like object (eb82ce5)
- glpi: fix import to glpi library (2d2d6b8)
- header: fix navigation to back pages (7d33824)
- help-center: allow to load an empty list (e4de4ff)
- help-center: redirect to the correct route for the article (783803d)
- help-center: render correct article according to the route (eb13e3e)
- helpCenter: change font style under guidelines in feedback screen (5d7b9b7)
- HelpCenterArticle: change the expected type of itemSelected (f7867b0)
- home: validate correctly the pending invitations (2407002)
- home: validate data in devices cards (4d61908)
- home: validate number of devices (857cb2f)
- home: validate the existence of a valid session (d2d6df8)
- home: validate the existence of devices (0e81ab7)
- home: verify session validity (0a5cbf8)
- i18n: switch between languages (a537cd0)
- images: add '/' to the 'images' routes (b58481d)
- invitations: clear selection list (c8ceec6)
- invitations: fix create invitations (29fbec9)
- invitations: fix show enroll new device (99081b5)
- invitations: force update toolbar layout (210b2ee)
- invitations: synchronize load of the new item list (f389ed1)
- invitations: validate name of invitation (1af30d9)
- invitations: validate the search range (814b555)
- layout: hide ListWithNavLinks component in the 'small' resolution (ad4e22d)
- lists: clean action state when remove items (8189371)
- lists: fix bug when delete an item (e3eeeae)
- lists: validate data source is not undefined (2cfe1ad)
- loading: change sharpes by svg elements (5e5b084)
- login: change 'Sing in' to 'Sign in' (8ca5337)
- login: fix email regular expression (56e6ff3)
- login: get user email (cb47a75)
- login: save current user in reducer store (a493ff8)
- login: send request parameters like object (b36c1f4)
- login: strings in the login page (f9bb4d1)
- login: validate if user have email registered (88c315b)
- logout: fix show message confirmation (ba75e56)
- logout: remove route of logout and move it for redux (841dfb8)
- maps: fix load map (ba33b58)
- maps: request a secure image (a116ae6)
- menu: add the base link to the internal links (90a008d)
- navegation: clean selection action (d1c3add)
- new-devices: add some styles (0140422)
- new-settings: fix styles and warnings (2be0bbc)
- new-settings: fix styles and warnings (3e11d69)
- notifications: validate notifications correctly (3a75596)
- package: update autoprefixer to version 7.2.0 (7004492)
- package: update autoprefixer to version 7.2.1 (73566dc)
- package: update autoprefixer to version 7.2.2 (0fc443d)
- package: update autoprefixer to version 7.2.3 (c401e06)
- package: update autoprefixer to version 7.2.4 (d5559b6)
- package: update autoprefixer to version 7.2.5 (d1913f9)
- package: update autoprefixer to version 7.2.6 (e7569c0)
- package: update autoprefixer to version 8.0.0 (#311) (1c597a5)
- package: update autoprefixer to version 8.1.0 (fa2a686)
- package: update autoprefixer to version 8.2.0 (c68b775)
- package: update autoprefixer to version 8.3.0 (2729c25)
- package: update autoprefixer to version 8.4.1 (d86ab37)
- package: update babel-eslint to version 8.0.3 (30f1d50)
- package: update babel-eslint to version 8.1.0 (e050010)
- package: update babel-eslint to version 8.2.0 (c1af5b2)
- package: update babel-eslint to version 8.2.3 (9248ea1)
- package: update babel-jest to version 22.0.0 (2a96989)
- package: update babel-jest to version 22.0.1 (473e81a)
- package: update babel-jest to version 22.0.3 (78e00f4)
- package: update babel-jest to version 22.0.4 (cbe13e9)
- package: update babel-jest to version 22.0.6 (f91021b)
- package: update babel-jest to version 22.1.0 (03f27b5)
- package: update babel-jest to version 22.2.0 (5a1a110)
- package: update babel-jest to version 22.2.2 (f082df5)
- package: update babel-jest to version 22.4.0 (c351512)
- package: update babel-jest to version 22.4.1 (#361) (f867a17)
- package: update babel-jest to version 23.0.0-alpha.0 (dd9f2e8)
- package: update babel-loader to version 7.1.3 (ae7864c)
- package: update babel-loader to version 7.1.4 (ce1018d)
- package: update case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin to version 2.1.2 (903c7e3)
- package: update chalk to version 2.3.1 (fbea32c)
- package: update chalk to version 2.3.2 (db04e8b)
- package: update chalk to version 2.4.0 (3bb638e)
- package: update css-loader to version 0.28.10 (#358) (c1732e8)
- package: update css-loader to version 0.28.11 (fb462f4)
- package: update css-loader to version 0.28.8 (0a539dc)
- package: update css-loader to version 0.28.9 (1cf43cc)
- package: update dotenv to version 5.0.0 (7f3f34f)
- package: update dotenv to version 5.0.1 (0ccf224)
- package: update eslint to version 4.12.0 (f26f7ee)
- package: update eslint to version 4.12.1 (5b17a6d)
- package: update eslint to version 4.13.0 (77170e9)
- package: update eslint to version 4.13.1 (ea00ee3)
- package: update eslint to version 4.14.0 (b9c673c)
- package: update eslint to version 4.15.0 (318783c)
- package: update eslint to version 4.16.0 (c810aeb)
- package: update eslint to version 4.17.0 (131cb52)
- package: update eslint to version 4.18.0 (2ed171f)
- package: update eslint to version 4.18.1 (6e39d6e)
- package: update eslint to version 4.18.2 (eaceef1)
- package: update eslint to version 4.19.0 (8b950cc)
- package: update eslint to version 4.19.1 (53231a9)
- package: update eslint-loader to version 2.0.0 (4017723)
- package: update eslint-plugin-flowtype to version 2.40.0 (5022bb7)
- package: update eslint-plugin-flowtype to version 2.40.1 (1fcf2ca)
- package: update eslint-plugin-flowtype to version 2.41.0 (3fec973)
- package: update eslint-plugin-flowtype to version 2.41.1 (5013193)
- package: update eslint-plugin-flowtype to version 2.42.0 (6b5ce03)
- package: update eslint-plugin-flowtype to version 2.43.0 (4d8a923)
- package: update eslint-plugin-flowtype to version 2.44.0 (0126e3f)
- package: update eslint-plugin-flowtype to version 2.45.0 (c28ade3)
- package: update eslint-plugin-flowtype to version 2.46.0 (19b673b)
- package: update eslint-plugin-flowtype to version 2.46.1 (5021038)
- package: update eslint-plugin-flowtype to version 2.46.2 (94473e8)
- package: update eslint-plugin-flowtype to version 2.46.3 (aa1ff7f)
- package: update eslint-plugin-import to version 2.10.0 (c525279)
- package: update eslint-plugin-import to version 2.11.0 (864a6a3)
- package: update eslint-plugin-import to version 2.9.0 (eb0ca44)
- package: update eslint-plugin-react to version 7.5.0 (a428559)
- package: update eslint-plugin-react to version 7.6.0 (a2be868)
- package: update eslint-plugin-react to version 7.6.1 (ece3ade)
- package: update eslint-plugin-react to version 7.7.0 (20fbca3)
- package: update file-loader to version 1.1.10 (6608885)
- package: update file-loader to version 1.1.11 (46f3106)
- package: update file-loader to version 1.1.6 (7f1ee59)
- package: update file-loader to version 1.1.7 (96887d2)
- package: update file-loader to version 1.1.8 (870f11c)
- package: update file-loader to version 1.1.9 (2c1b42f)
- package: update fs-extra to version 4.0.3 (b21cc82)
- package: update fs-extra to version 5.0.0 (12b1fe6)
- package: update fs-extra to version 6.0.0 (5fe8ed8)
- package: update fs-extra to version 7.0.0 (2b4321c)
- package: update html-webpack-plugin to version 3.0.0 (96aa2d5)
- package: update html-webpack-plugin to version 3.0.5 (266a34a)
- package: update html-webpack-plugin to version 3.0.6 (a448e4a)
- package: update html-webpack-plugin to version 3.0.7 (efb5429)
- package: update html-webpack-plugin to version 3.0.8 (55da3bf)
- package: update html-webpack-plugin to version 3.2.0 (3b0613c)
- package: update jest to version 22.0.0 (370c61c)
- package: update jest to version 22.0.1 (d3b1fab)
- package: update jest to version 22.0.2 (64f0f0a), closes #133
- package: update jest to version 22.0.3 (901f007)
- package: update jest to version 22.0.4 (7c4d0a6)
- package: update jest to version 22.0.5 (44aba70)
- package: update jest to version 22.1.0 (f2a1baa)
- package: update jest to version 22.1.2 (afbd581)
- package: update jest to version 22.1.3 (76c2bbf)
- package: update jest to version 22.1.4 (1d08471)
- package: update link of react-winjs (40ab744)
- package: update postcss-flexbugs-fixes to version 3.3.0 (04291cc)
- package: update postcss-flexbugs-fixes to version 3.3.1 (22acd56)
- package: update postcss-loader to version 2.0.10 (2deff7f)
- package: update postcss-loader to version 2.0.9 (5981b2c)
- package: update postcss-loader to version 2.1.0 (903fb68)
- package: update postcss-loader to version 2.1.1 (9645e43)
- package: update postcss-loader to version 2.1.2 (5179c75)
- package: update postcss-loader to version 2.1.3 (37fe93e)
- package: update postcss-loader to version 2.1.4 (305f5c5)
- package: update react-content-loader to version 2.0.0 (c077056)
- package: update react-content-loader to version 3.0.0 (fa7a4d3)
- package: update react-dev-utils to version 5.0.0 (0810f83)
- package: update react-leaflet to version 2.0.0 (62194f0)
- package: update react-markdown to version 3.0.0 (c5b6ee5)
- package: update style-loader to version 0.19.1 (9c8b30d)
- package: update style-loader to version 0.20.0 (737a792)
- package: update style-loader to version 0.20.1 (6164e29)
- package: update style-loader to version 0.20.2 (d5a4855)
- package: update style-loader to version 0.20.3 (764a757)
- package: update style-loader to version 0.21.0 (b648706)
- package: update sw-precache-webpack-plugin to version 0.11.5 (1ca8318)
- package: update url-loader to version 1.0.0 (06498df)
- package: update victory to version 0.25.0 (a2e5d7b)
- package: update victory to version 0.26.0 (d661739)
- package: update victory to version 0.27.0 (41ed147)
- package: update victory to version 30.0.0-alpha.3 (4e77880)
- package: update webpack to version 3.10.0 (0d618a8)
- package: update webpack to version 3.11.0 (5d33562)
- package: update webpack to version 3.9.0 (3dbc6a9)
- package: update webpack-dev-server to version 2.10.0 (8e752eb)
- package: update webpack-dev-server to version 2.10.1 (f98c1dc)
- package: update webpack-dev-server to version 2.11.0 (373ab69)
- package: update webpack-dev-server to version 2.11.1 (8c1e746)
- package: update webpack-dev-server to version 2.9.5 (0350bc3)
- package: update webpack-dev-server to version 2.9.6 (301f6e0)
- package: update webpack-dev-server to version 2.9.7 (6b82a7c)
- package: update webpack-dev-server to version 3.0.0 (d6316ae)
- package: update webpack-dev-server to version 3.1.1 (cbaa230)
- package: update webpack-dev-server to version 3.1.2 (951cf7c)
- package: update webpack-dev-server to version 3.1.4 (d556c44)
- package: update webpack-manifest-plugin to version 2.0.0 (89ce6fe)
- package: update webpack-manifest-plugin to version 2.0.0-rc.2 (c3bf361)
- package: update webpack-manifest-plugin to version 2.0.1 (e586cea)
- package: update webpack-manifest-plugin to version 2.0.2 (b520361)
- PeoplePage: add missing protoTypes (00639d4)
- policies: fix set value policy (19704b0)
- policies: fix update device policies (3c93d9a)
- profile: pass the correct parameters for the request (77caf5e)
- profiles: handle errors correctly (c4b9402)
- profiles: pass an object to glpi library (03f0ef4)
- react-architecture: add responsivity to home section (a9abb65)
- react-architecture: remove buggy import (da04299)
- register: remove horizontal scroll from inputs (9ca2b9c)
- reset-password: make password change correctly (fe24321)
- routes: fix go to base path (5050de6)
- routes: get pathname from PUBLIC_URL (d5dabbf)
- search: fix request search with criteria (efc5a83)
- searchEngine: validate get data from itemType (6ac905d)
- settings: change download URL correctly (bc3f0d5)
- settings: change password correctly (cf5dcdb)
- settings: change token life correctly (7eadbe8)
- settings: get entity id correctly (dbdd3ac)
- settings: move confirmation messages out of the 'ContentPane' (44f5e64)
- settings: remove warnings of entity page (128ad88)
- settings: remove warnings of supervision page (f7437cc)
- settings: show change password form on the security page (9e1f19a)
- sign-in: improve handling of the 'unregistered user name' error (0ed33eb)
- sign-in: receive the previous state of the component correctly (59a36a8)
- sign-up: show correct title (6bb4afb)
- sign-up: validate captcha img (dd8238a)
- SignIn: validate correctly the lowercase characters (3823f9a)
- style: add a background to selections (9502f9b)
- style: delete the red shadow of inputs in Firefox (d8d6d63)
- style: remove the unnecessary horizontal scroll (65ca127)
- styles: fix styles buttons enroll (693556d)
- styles: fix styles conflict (064cd6b)
- syles: change color of win-backbutton (e9ccefd)
- title: singular title in main content (100c1f6)
- user-forms: correctly display the email list (cffdeda)
- users: break line for profile informations (4ed5953)
- users: fix edit email value (6a809e8)
- users: fix handle responsive design (b9d1c7f)
- users: fix router users (6b91df9)
- users: force update toolbar layout (68c6c1c)
- users: solve the warnings of propTypes (b7c8a17)
- users: validate contact information (c895c2a)
- users: validate multiple deletions of users (837f8e9)
- users: validate profile name (c43af87)
- users: validate the search range (5f66a76)
- users: validate user deletion before reloading the list (e26a991)
- usersScheme: pass special function for the selects (3fd8110)
- captcha: show captcha on register form (f877c3d)
- create react app (b3eb070)
- about: add animation to content pages (d477f9d)
- about: add CHANGELOG for release notes (e6694f1)
- about: add contact page to i18n (06e2dc8)
- about: add error messages in the help center (88a84a3)
- about: add help center page to i18n (5f637e3)
- about: create a functional Help center (9f31e69)
- about: create a functional Help center (56c67fc)
- about: create component of 'Contact' (7158fa4)
- about: create component of 'Overview' (04bafcf)
- about: create component of 'System Information' (d5de7b8)
- about: create component of 'terms of use' (4ffaf0b)
- about: get license info from the Github server (10c89c4)
- about: get release info from the Github server (bd3db16)
- about: handle request errors of system information data (b56994f)
- about: load CHANGELOG content in release notes (33c437b)
- about: read (9cdbb6b)
- about: show System information data of glpi (bcef3bb)
- abuot: create component of 'About List' (aab978b)
- actions: allow select one list action (9b16f9f)
- actions: allow select one list action (26362cf)
- agent: add route to edit one device (1882c6e)
- agent: add route to enroll device (4366826)
- agent: add route to selected item (a3621a9)
- agent: build data source for the lists (2150e7e)
- agent: create router for init state (248dc51)
- agent: create scheme form (160fa71)
- agent: delete multiple items (2ee1b06)
- agent: get installed applications (8a1f979)
- agent: go to enroll device (2614869)
- agent: load components from routers (affc039)
- agent: request delete one item (4ce40c8)
- agent: request endpoint search items (651a09d)
- agent: request get an item for edit (bccb317)
- agent: request to update one item (c42035a)
- agent: send request to update multiple agents (6b21403)
- agent: show icon device type (aaa07c2)
- agent: show loading indicator (4c2c27d)
- agent: update list after delete one item (271d43f)
- agent: update list after edit item (89df723)
- agent: update list after edit one item (fcd1770)
- animations: add animations to content pages (9e47782)
- animations: add transitions to about section (3d6354a)
- animations: add transitions to dashboard section (d3d48a6)
- animations: add transitions to settings section (4846f2e)
- animations: animate the home screen (ca63a60)
- animations: change animation of 'ContentPane' (fa4a89a)
- animations: change animation of 'ListWithNavLinks' (8fb6cb9)
- animations: create 'slideTop' animation (66a9626)
- animations: create toggle animation list from redux store (e3a40e0)
- animations: disable animations by configuration (8a666a6)
- animations: get animations value from redux store (f7557df)
- animations: save animations in local store (9d15e95)
- api: create endpoint of feedback (ea71e05)
- api: create endpoint to login (9cd910e)
- api: create function to request the password configuration (797c46b)
- api: create functions to login and recover password (cf3c41d)
- api: request agents fake json (b2328b7)
- api: request api fake (0e3d858)
- applications: add ApplicationsAdd component to i18n (44dbc48)
- applications: add ApplicationsContent component to i18n (c8b5a77)
- applications: add ApplicationsEdit component to i18n (0faf018)
- applications: add ApplicationsEditItemList component to i18n (07c057f)
- applications: add ApplicationsList component to i18n (b2af57a)
- applications: add load more data (cff6cce)
- applications: add notification to delete applications (ff304d2)
- applications: add notification to edited applications (79b82b7)
- applications: add notification to saved application (4ed81bb)
- applications: add progressive loading to listview (88d0b6d)
- applications: add routes to i18n (8e18d34)
- applications: allow edit one application (f887b44)
- applications: confirm delete item (9f9f24a)
- applications: create applications page list (d86543e)
- applications: create component ApplicationsPage (3acf9e8)
- applications: create new application (c6ca29c)
- applications: create new item using glpi library (7542153)
- applications: create router for applications (6cff5e2)
- applications: delete a single item (b6f1e14)
- applications: edit items using glpi library (9999abd)
- applications: edit several applications simultaneously (c5e463b)
- applications: get detail current application (c50506b)
- applications: request apps using glpi library (30c2add)
- captcha: create new captcha (7742c95)
- captcha: get new captcha (a9e4ed7)
- captcha: init session with user token from plugin demo (a3e6482)
- config: create a variable to enabling the self-registration (614a44a)
- config: request to glpi configuration (984d1dc)
- DangerZone: add confirmation modal (03857f7)
- dashboad: clean selection when change page (b038756)
- dashboard: add 'No Selection' message to i18n (328c918)
- dashboard: add 'theme-color' meta tag (f30e966)
- dashboard: add animation on the login screen (17139a8)
- dashboard: add animation to navlinks (252b672)
- dashboard: add animation to the home page (11eeacf)
- dashboard: add apache web error pages redirection (d196819)
- dashboard: add authtype function to i18n (139f34a)
- dashboard: add Confirmation component to i18n (37b5d79)
- dashboard: add EditMultiple component to i18n (9424def)
- dashboard: add EmptyMessage component to i18n (84078dd)
- dashboard: add ErrorValidation component to i18n (c3f0d34)
- dashboard: add FilesUpload component to i18n (34671d3)
- dashboard: add form schemas to i18n (4e0df87)
- dashboard: add HeaderBreadcrumb component to i18n (501cd07)
- dashboard: add icon by default to applications (b6b1d1b)
- dashboard: add images assets (f9320eb)
- dashboard: add Input component to i18n (cc51380)
- dashboard: add InputEmail component to i18n (3af48fb)
- dashboard: add license page to i18n (e22a964)
- dashboard: add loading messages to i18n (ea8dc0f)
- dashboard: add meta tag of the project license (d7bee0a)
- dashboard: add meta tags properties (dd8a2cb)
- dashboard: add notifications to i18n (5ca5799)
- dashboard: add overview page to i18n (b0eb067)
- dashboard: add release notes page to i18n (6f96ebf)
- dashboard: add routes to i18n (62a2c02)
- dashboard: add Safari pinned tab icon (16d68e5)
- dashboard: add service worker (82642d7)
- dashboard: add SplitView component to i18n (616b528)
- dashboard: add style sheets (cfac253)
- dashboard: add system information page to i18n (263d0d7)
- dashboard: add tag link to authors (515cef0)
- dashboard: add term of use page to i18n (4e1a7b9)
- dashboard: add the path to create user (a7d330d)
- dashboard: add unique key to chart component (4e49360)
- dashboard: add ValidateAccount component to i18n (590cde0)
- dashboard: add withAuthenticationLayout hoc to i18n (68a8252)
- dashboard: centrally manage language selections (a912dc8)
- dashboard: create a function to set dates of the inputs (e9af168)
- dashboard: create a path to password configuration (f163c8d)
- dashboard: create basic component of login (7a495b4)
- dashboard: create current devices chart (b113bc5)
- dashboard: create fuction to convert bytes to size (86e4fed)
- dashboard: create function to send feedback (bd30234)
- dashboard: create generic errors component (4ede944)
- dashboard: create pending invitations chart (935a889)
- dashboard: create renders item list and content (5cc383d)
- dashboard: create settings list (1e69bc5)
- dashboard: create structure of the main menu (5132a13)
- dashboard: create users detail content (c50df07)
- dashboard: disable animations of the lists (feb8696)
- dashboard: disable notification (b8d2fee)
- dashboard: force IE 8/9/10 to use its latest rendering engine (9821515)
- dashboard: get profile pictures of glpi (fa5426b)
- dashboard: get the count of applications (d6351ed)
- dashboard: get the count of devices (5e90b99)
- dashboard: get the count of devices by platform (d83ca76)
- dashboard: get the count of files (edf186c)
- dashboard: get the count of fleets (aca5676)
- dashboard: get the count of invitations (5d890b4)
- dashboard: get the count of pending invitations (4917196)
- dashboard: get the count of users (0c6d2e7)
- dashboard: get the queryString of the history (e685e06)
- dashboard: go to content pages from home (e650ee5)
- dashboard: handle the errors of the requests (a5ee68f)
- dashboard: identify the software used to build the page (cb2c275)
- dashboard: include sort button to toolbar (aac1d49)
- dashboard: load user list (1a8f9be)
- dashboard: logout automatically when session token is invalid (b32e55f)
- dashboard: pass history to HeaderAdminDashboard (478e2a7)
- dashboard: read user json data (c8bdab2)
- dashboard: receive an array of options in 'EditMultiple' (aa31410)
- dashboard: request miniature images in the user list (81d75c1)
- dashboard: send feedback (9cb94e3)
- dashboard: separate data for each list component (fd96d2e)
- dashboard: set session cookie of glpi (263fbf5)
- dashboard: show count items on home screen (56f1e43)
- dashboard: show current page on header (14b143e)
- dashboard: show error messages (dabe984)
- dashboard: show native notifications (aab5ce9)
- dashboard: show/hide indicators on dashboard (a09a5d2)
- dashboard: tells Google not to provide a translation (e1808a9)
- data: add json of files, applications and fleets (fa10e0f)
- data: create data for test (d8a0b08)
- deashboard: show/hide charts on dashboard (0504bb2)
- dependencies: install glpi library (693db1a)
- devices: add aplications content (d9759d8)
- devices: add Applications section to i18n (7781f8f)
- devices: add button to request inventory (077633e)
- devices: add button to request location (fa97621)
- devices: add danger zone content (d5ec244)
- devices: add DangerZone section to i18n (6fb93b4)
- devices: add DevicesContent component to i18n (072b194)
- devices: add DevicesEdit component to i18n (c0e100e)
- devices: add DevicesEditOne component to i18n (56ab1d2)
- devices: add DevicesList component to i18n (004d2b6)
- devices: add Enroll component to i18n (1595f21)
- devices: add Geolocation section to i18n (9785f2d)
- devices: add geolocation to i18n (a507a15)
- devices: add loading component when pinging (0117bef)
- devices: add Main section to i18n (90f3863)
- devices: add message of 'No locations available' (e8b6b2e)
- devices: add notification to delete device (e55b9df)
- devices: add notification to delete multiple devices (3186635)
- devices: add notification to enroll (c76bca1)
- devices: add notification to unenrollment device (19584e2)
- devices: add notification to wipe device (a7c619e)
- devices: add pagination (fafd50b)
- devices: add progressive loading to listview (ca67dd1)
- devices: add routes to i18n (305772e)
- devices: add small loading component to request inventory (96f53bd)
- devices: add success notification to request inventory (df361ec)
- devices: add SystemReport section to i18n (da8f4b6)
- devices: allow edit one device (b962624)
- devices: check all inputs of the placed marks (904683a)
- devices: confirm delete item (146a0eb)
- devices: create a component to applications details (18bcccd)
- devices: create a component to filter dates with a range (712c5e2)
- devices: create a function to request inventory (4e63d0a)
- devices: create a screen to enroll (ec97df0)
- devices: create Applications component (d769438)
- devices: create button to hide the date filter (64b0cfe)
- devices: create component DevicesPage (b4e5d8e)
- devices: create device component (c5ea394)
- devices: create devices detail content (a620e79)
- devices: create page to show devices detail (ff3aa2c)
- devices: create SystemReport component (d60de0f)
- devices: delete a single item (7b461fa)
- devices: delete device (cbfbf18)
- devices: edit several devices simultaneously (3a2a7fb)
- devices: get software data (d0622b7)
- devices: get the array of locations (1e09a25)
- devices: hide the filter menu by default (5373b2b)
- devices: load the list of pending invitations (e960a9d)
- devices: ping to devices (91350cb)
- devices: reload list when doing unenroll (0158629)
- devices: show date_creation and date_mod application detail (8bb91a0)
- devices: show list of locations (4d33e9e)
- devices: show message when there are problems loading data (0071dbd)
- devices: show name and location in application detail (3fc4886)
- devices: show policies per categories (a85d188)
- devices: slide top the 'DangerZone' component (8ba0a0a)
- devices: wipe device (aac343c)
- DevicesEditOne: add notification of change successfully (4aa7fdd)
- display: add 'pendingInvitations' to the configuration (2aa1790)
- display: add a message of 'No data' when it's necessary (3dead5b)
- display: add the card to devices by users (54ed19b)
- display: change the localStorage correctly (ed6bca1)
- display: configure 'display' when opening the application (1192d49)
- display: get the display config in the home dashboard (dd1fde1)
- display: load data in local storage (776df5b)
- display: show only configured parameters (9c36503)
- divices: add logic of actionList (d460fde)
- divices: unenroll device (46046ba)
- duck_login: add actions to login and recover password (a345874)
- duck_login: create an action to request data from APIs (7051b80)
- edit: create file to EditMultiple component (0522eaa)
- edit: load information and prepare request (44726a5)
- edit: save new data in glpi (5d6e7c3)
- edit: validate required props (c42c102)
- entity: get the download URL from glpi (e8f5c3c)
- entity: get the token life from glpi (b6a5aa6)
- entity: save new download URL in glpi (071c568)
- entity: save new life token in glpi (43d6866)
- ErrorValidation: pass the validation to a static function (ec2b373)
- ErrorValidation: show all errors (c2b3854)
- ErrorValidation: validate data as required (ccd00a2)
- feedback: add subject (a5c0d97)
- feedback: add thank-you message after sending feedback (3c3322c)
- feedback: create deedlink to send email (3fcbcc2)
- files: add FilesAdd component to i18n (bc3fe28)
- files: add FilesContent component to i18n (86f0a6e)
- files: add FilesEdit component to i18n (d9fdf5b)
- files: add FilesEditItemList component to i18n (7898670)
- files: add FilesList component to i18n (0bf442a)
- files: add new file (f84e1c2)
- files: add notification to delete files (ce60f83)
- files: add notification to edited files (25b7144)
- files: add notification to saved file (6da0954)
- files: add progressive loading to listview (fa5876b)
- files: add route edit one file (ce6a238)
- files: add route select one item (e516d9a)
- files: add route to create new file (da0bfa3)
- files: add route to edit multiple files (515becb)
- files: add route to get list files (9503386)
- files: add routes to i18n (a84833b)
- files: allow edit one file (aff6abd)
- files: confirm delete item (6066805)
- files: create component file upload (d756cc9)
- files: create FileAdd component (c89338c)
- files: create files page list (fb8d071)
- files: create router for files (dbd8c73)
- files: create router main screen (02741f1)
- files: delete a single item (bf8c7ef)
- files: delete files using glpi library (d679412)
- files: edit files using glpi library (f03dc70)
- files: edit several files simultaneously (54d47ed)
- files: get file size in bytes (3758f25)
- files: get files using glpi library (d6a13d1)
- files: handle responsive design (049adb9)
- files: request to delete multiple files (1af3ca8)
- files: send request upload file (9ed3e89)
- fleet: edit one or multiple fleet name (c9885a0)
- fleets: add button duplicate fleeet (4e1929c)
- fleets: add edit fleet route & component (0e3e4c0)
- fleets: add FleetsContent component to i18n (10ec636)
- fleets: add FleetsList component to i18n (c8c838f)
- fleets: add FleetsTaskItemList component to i18n (a77ab48)
- fleets: add main content to create fleet (05e564f)
- fleets: add notification to add new fleets (d7bbe04)
- fleets: add notification to delete fleets (61fda3a)
- fleets: add notification to modified fleets (5bfad92)
- fleets: add notification to save policies (7388ac7)
- fleets: add policies deploy app type (4be7267)
- fleets: add policies remove app type (ce033ba)
- fleets: add progressive loading to listview (8fdcf21)
- fleets: add route to create new fleet (2e23019)
- fleets: add routes (de74474)
- fleets: add routes to i18n (c34d63c)
- fleets: add selected policy to temp store (fe6d05e)
- fleets: add tasks int type to temp store (912fdba)
- fleets: allow upload multiple files (b00be24)
- fleets: change value selected policy on temp store (34e5e68)
- fleets: confirm delete item (7eb7d8a)
- fleets: create a component for the list of devices (d3429ae)
- fleets: create a list of associated devices (621c48f)
- fleets: create component FleetsAdd (a3b43dd)
- fleets: create component FleetsList (ea07c6b)
- fleets: create component to show fleets content (704af8f)
- fleets: create content page component FleetsPage (4aed033)
- fleets: create multiple fleets simultaneously (d56fb8a)
- fleets: create new fleet (bec690e)
- fleets: create render component files deploy (d954b73)
- fleets: create render component remove files (1c3d5da)
- fleets: create render list item for bool type (fd9215d)
- fleets: create render list item for deployapp type (bff980c)
- fleets: create render list item for deployfile type (44d78e2)
- fleets: create render list item for int type (ef688e1)
- fleets: create tasks list and add new policies (822ad53)
- fleets: delete a single item (8243e57)
- fleets: delete policies (ad5b9f2)
- fleets: delete selected fleet (919a9b8)
- fleets: duplicate current fleet (8f36fc6)
- fleets: edit multiple fleets (da07ddc)
- fleets: edit name of fleet & save in the server (c30eb53)
- fleets: filter policies per category (6496bbe)
- fleets: generate random number for fleet id (93f1a02)
- fleets: get applications and files (dd5d830)
- fleets: get new policy selected (ebfe05c)
- fleets: get the list of devices associated (f28fc10)
- fleets: get values of tasks (5c54aff)
- fleets: handle responsive design (3dbfbca)
- fleets: load dropdown using type data (bc2089f)
- fleets: redirect to the device (3dc5972)
- fleets: remove policies deploy app type (9115f37)
- fleets: remove policies remove app type (0e8b9cc)
- fleets: remove selected policy on temp store (fbad5cc)
- fleets: render remove app & remove file policies (b092e64)
- fleets: render tasks by category (5cf80a6)
- fleets: save changes in the checkboxes (0f3acde)
- fleets: save changes in the inputs (0f78793)
- fleets: save changes in the selects (9d1f831)
- fleets: show current fleet after create (61cacf9)
- fleets: show policies to add new task (ddcfe06)
- fleets: show quantity of devices associated with the fleet (b78bf27)
- fleets: show recommended value when check (4169a56)
- fleets: show tasks of remove app type (5ddf5fa)
- fleets: stay in the selected device when reloading the list (c0e0339)
- fleets: update fleet name (7f0d59d)
- fleets: update tasks from selected fleet (a717bbd)
- fleets: update tasks when change selected fleet (edcfc9e)
- fleets: upload files (15e0e8c)
- fleets: validate tasks to create (c9eb366)
- fleets: validate tasks to delete (624a4d6)
- fleets: validate tasks to update (80e39b6)
- forgot-password: add to i18n (1cdb556)
- ForgotPassword: add 'Go home' button (960ddef)
- ForgotPassword: add loading and load success message (69aeda7)
- ForgotPassword: add message and form to the screen (e2f97ba)
- ForgotPassword: create a screen with a successful message (a27eac8)
- form: add get all items case (6b7c38d)
- forms: add title to form sections (24bf71f)
- forms: consult all the items in the 'searchItems' (4d52a5e)
- forms: receive an array of objects in the selects (425d44b)
- Forms: create a scheme for user forms (58ab923)
- geolocation: create geolocation device page (c3c450d)
- glpi: send glpi function to components (7d6771d)
- glpi-hoc: create hoc for share glpi client (314ff93)
- header: add full route and navigation (a1c5efd)
- HeaderAdminDashboard: add a confirmation message to close session (02445db)
- HeaderAdminDashboard: add a section of logout and current user (35caa4f)
- HeaderAdminDashboard: create a function to close the session (dd0da40)
- helpCenter: add an AutoSuggestBox of articles (cd0350c)
- helpCenter: create a function to filter articles by name (5083c09)
- helpCenter: create component HelpCenterList (b0e701c)
- helpCenter: create component HelpCenterList (2936959)
- helpCenter: create send feedback section (80aca26)
- helpCenter: filter articles with the search button (7a2b3d7)
- helpCenter: place the auto suggest box on the top (2b30cd3)
- home: add HomeDashboard to i18n (0da8e0e)
- i18n: add empty list message (2cee7da)
- i18n: add english strings (423a265)
- i18n: add i18n to about, dashboard pages (169454b)
- i18n: add strings to create account page (d5dce75)
- i18n: add translation hoc to dashboard page (9d98ba1)
- i18n: added strings for about section (fe0cb1c)
- i18n: create test of login (c9af5da)
- i18n: improve names of the variables (9fa0e64)
- i18n: improve unit test (2a8c8fe)
- iconItemList: add an onClick function to the image (dc0ed80)
- images: add image of logout (a3d6916)
- Input: add 'required' parameter (ddf06a8)
- Input: create button to delete (247e82e)
- Input: force validation when necessary (eb28195)
- Input: integrate error messages (4d82cc4)
- Input: validate the data in input onBlur or when there is an error (f0aa0ef)
- invitations: add button resend invitation (2ecdd18)
- invitations: add InvitationsList component to i18n (884af37)
- invitations: add InvitationsPendingPage component to i18n (ba967ab)
- invitations: add message of 'No Logs Available' (7d270a8)
- invitations: add notification to delete multiple invitations (d411b46)
- invitations: add notification to resend invitation (19bfa64)
- invitations: add pagination (e303f7d)
- invitations: add progressive loading to listview (412f3d9)
- invitations: add routes to i18n (3345397)
- invitations: create a detail screen for the invitations logs (1ba7d05)
- invitations: create invitation to enroll device (905954e)
- invitations: create pending invitations component (9efcec7)
- invitations: create router for invitations (0467714)
- invitations: delete item using glpi library (dbcb79f)
- invitations: get invitations logs (b711bf9)
- invitations: get invitations using glpi library (1fabb44)
- invitations: organize the list of items (85af678)
- invitations: remove items of the list (9294266)
- invitations: request order using glpi library (3ba47bd)
- invitations: resend invitations (7b40dac)
- invitations: select items of the list (889738a)
- invitations: send invitation enroll new device (4a53e11)
- invitations: show grouped elements on list (e9c358e)
- itcss: add css architecture (263555e)
- l18n: Circle CI & Transifex Integration (#301) (7768ad4)
- list: change list dynamically with location (492cc08)
- lists: add lists base for all pages (aca36b4)
- loading: create loading indicator for content (7788077)
- loading: create small loading component (2a1384f)
- login: add link to '/signIn' on 'Create one!' (1373984)
- login: add toast notifications to login user (5bb38f6)
- login: create 'ForgotPassword' component (d8ed739)
- login: create 'LoginContainer' component (b5347c0)
- login: create 'SignIn' component (7bf7fc0)
- login: create a route for 'ForgotPassword' in '/forgotPassword' (f5aa181)
- login: create request to login endponint (b15fff8)
- login: get full session data (dd5153c)
- login: init user session with basic authentication (1801dfb)
- login: set focus inputs for login (2c15366)
- login: show dashboard when user is authenticated (7f617a4)
- login: show loading indicator (f9c2d69)
- logout: kill session after logout (9089220)
- logout: remove local store after logout (c2efb0e)
- logout: remove session token from local store (dea2944)
- Map: move to selected localization (170495a)
- maps: add all markers in a group (153e853)
- maps: add markers to the map (0853e0b)
- maps: center map and zoom (f536252)
- maps: clean the old markers (0709644)
- maps: create a component of maps (66d36fb)
- menu: make a way to logout (dc366a8)
- menu: make the necessary redirection in all texts (9e026bc)
- menu: wipe local storage in the reducer (471b896)
- new-settings: add routes to the container (b3706a5)
- new-settings: add routes to the container (21e268c)
- new-settings: add routes to the container (#403) (020003c)
- notFound: create 'NotFound' component (656b00b)
- notFound: show 'NotFound' component (b52b268)
- notifications: add notifications message (5f188b5)
- notifications: create a function to create natives notifications (44db2f2)
- notifications: create function to show notifications (205ddb0)
- notifications: create the component of toast notifications (a82785b)
- notifications: handle notifications from redux (30a63b3)
- notifications: receive messages as strings (4f85e6a)
- notifications: request permission to use native notifications (4f0f0a7)
- notifications: save notifications settings in the local storage (a6e1936)
- notifications: show and hide notifications (687e0cb)
- notifications: show the type of notifications configured (ef51b7d)
- pages: add refresh action to toolbar list (2f062da)
- pages: create dynamic components for menu section (5f17ef2)
- password: request recovery password (b78d221)
- polices: clean the input of the AutoSuggestBox (cc78570)
- polices: load the selected policies with a click (22140cd)
- polices: validate that a policy is not added more than once (7af6f10)
- polices: validate the existence of the policy (3b27ae4)
- policies: add an auto-suggest box (60147c0)
- policies: create render min and max os version (37baeee)
- policies: show min and max os version (8698498)
- profiles: add 'more information' section (89d982e)
- profiles: add a section of valid dates (6e29697)
- profiles: add confirmation message to delete emails (9902885)
- profiles: add the section of the profile image (1bc24a4)
- profiles: async loading and get real user data (136349e)
- profiles: change password (4377bdd)
- profiles: create a component to textarea (3464174)
- profiles: create a component to the date pickers (9c3534f)
- profiles: load category information (f5e2a28)
- profiles: load defaultEntity information (a2a7a4b)
- profiles: load defaultProfile information (d343123)
- profiles: load location information (53bef6d)
- profiles: load title information (590da98)
- profiles: request passwords configuration of glpi (56e61b7)
- profiles: show basic user information (c233df2)
- profiles: update basic user information (0a459a1)
- profiles: update emails (bdd9c1a)
- profiles: validate password (b6f81d0)
- Profiles: add selectors of title, location and default profile (1b94bf6)
- Profiles: create a component for the different inputs (18ef74b)
- Profiles: create a component for the different selects (5a5e0ff)
- Profiles: create a component to iterate data of inputs and selects (90cea19)
- Profiles: create a function to add emails (c54fc06)
- Profiles: create a function to delete an email (ead2af1)
- Profiles: create a function to edit the emails (fb6f1ec)
- Profiles: create the section of emails (a5b1d56)
- react-architecture: add actions pattern to sign in/up (10473bb)
- react-architecture: add fade animation to auth components (a7275cf)
- react-architecture: add hoc for manage notification toast with redux (8b8ce5b)
- react-architecture: add list & routes to settings & about (df14c68)
- react-architecture: add logout icon to splitview (14a4aff)
- react-architecture: add ui redux context and async component (09b5215)
- react-architecture: create admin dashboard home route (f7341c9)
- react-architecture: create hoc for the dashboard layout (518b0ae)
- react-architecture: create splitview component without winjs (9725d83)
- react-architecture: separate reducers in different folders (8a6fdbc)
- reat-architecture: add splitview components without winjs (434b906)
- register: add email address to register (eb4d7e5)
- register: add link go to login (9b14e63)
- register: add validation to captcha field (26d8046)
- register: create new user using glpi library (2e4ae77)
- register: create request to register (ea226a0)
- register: create validate account page (7fb5d42)
- register: go to validate account after register (f684c8b)
- register: kill session after register user (6eb1e4f)
- register: request create new user (80c1fc7)
- register: send parameters like object (ca4ed7c)
- register: validate email valid (4c1888e)
- resetPassword: create component to reset password (e3871ce)
- resetPassword: handle actions to reset password (001b3dd)
- resetPassword: request to reset password (c6e51b8)
- routers: create routers for each page (510f0a5)
- routes: add route to reset password (d24ebf3)
- search: add route to search engine (3b9a680)
- search: create actions for search query builder component (fd4817f)
- search: create content pane to show query data (7a38625)
- search: create search query builder component (2fc9e1b)
- search: request item type (d526199)
- search-engine: add to i18n (be8f71e)
- search-engine: create components (#278) (bfa2733)
- settings: add animation to content pages (1dffcb2)
- settings: add confirmation message to delete the user (80d01ce)
- settings: add confirmation message to kill the session (8cec3c7)
- settings: add display page to i18n (d8ef2c9)
- settings: add Entity page to i18n (e09306b)
- settings: add notification to delete browser data (d325582)
- settings: add notification to download URL changed (e778d9a)
- settings: add notification to Helpdesk configuration saved (2656ace)
- settings: add notification to new password saved (d401bbd)
- settings: add notification to saved profile (5c42026)
- settings: add notification to token life changed (41fe8e5)
- settings: add Notifications page to i18n (269ffcb)
- settings: add Profiles page to i18n (203b8a8)
- settings: add routes to i18n (b19c610)
- settings: add Security page to i18n (4e9cf58)
- settings: add Supervision page to i18n (e1f5064)
- settings: add supervision to settings list (838f136)
- settings: close session in the security page (c613ffa)
- settings: create a component of the 'Display' screen (4047f9b)
- settings: create a component of the 'Notifications' screen (a2094de)
- settings: create a component of the 'Security' screen (da16f70)
- settings: create entity screen (4785368)
- settings: create screen for 'change download URL' (76d3600)
- settings: create screen for 'change Token life' (a4f51b1)
- settings: create section to change the password (a76d551)
- settings: delete browser data in the security page (7c720d9)
- settings: delete current user on the security page (9a9f3d5)
- settings: get applications uploaded from glpi (8fe6ecd)
- settings: get devices currently managed from glpi (1821c68)
- settings: get files uploaded from glpi (458703a)
- settings: get fleets currently managed from glpi (54a1be9)
- settings: get invitations sent from glpi (1f36d46)
- settings: get number categories for policies from glpi (3c89f64)
- settings: get number users from glpi (389cbb8)
- settings: get supervision data from glpi (bd45150)
- settings: get types policies from glpi (923fceb)
- settings: load data on the profiles screen (ea79f07)
- settings: remove maximun managed devices (22481d3)
- settings: save changes of supervision data in glpi (8d929a3)
- settings: save new password on the security page (fee3d48)
- settings: self delete account only available for demo mode (32faf19)
- settings: show indications when do not found data (8219098)
- settings: show supervision data of glpi (64384e2)
- settings: validate the new password according to the configuration (0e5b79d)
- sign-in: add support to credential management API (59ea76c)
- sign-in: add to i18n (e23744a)
- sign-up: add to i18n (335f9b3)
- SignIn: add toast notifications (ecf0f11)
- SignIn: create form of create user (5608018)
- SignIn: load the cargo component when necessary (dc98413)
- SignIn: pass parameter to force validation (0589d8c)
- SignIn: redirect when all data is valid (e6ef7f5)
- SignIn: request the password settings when loading the screen (ec2cca3)
- SignIn: request validation of input data (70c9458)
- SignIn: validate password according to specifications (9f1f829)
- SignUp: add toast notifications (4aff510)
- SingUp: link 'Forgot my password' to '/forgotPassword' (e9c8589)
- style: add files icon (b68264c)
- style: change font according to font-weight (5076270)
- styles: add 'addIcon' (72c11d8)
- styles: add 'cancelIcon' (0a988aa)
- styles: add 'clearIcon' (341aad4)
- styles: add 'detailsIcon' (75b5c58)
- styles: add 'monthIcon' (c4721a9)
- styles: add 'permissionsIcon' (47607fe)
- styles: add 'searchIcon' (1c92138)
- styles: add 'viewIcon' (71432c2)
- styles: add class 'editIcon' (c14b3b8)
- styles: add save icon (5238f05)
- styles: add styles for chart box (01cf682)
- styles: add styles for maps (d20adbf)
- styles: create styles for error messages (948b1fe)
- styles: create styles for file upload component (52afe56)
- supervision: create fake info about supervisor (1c48d74)
- supervision: create schema for supervisor form (5a3ee0e)
- supervision: create supervision form (53b7216)
- systemReport: create component for show inventory (567e614)
- systemReport: get agent system information (67e4706)
- systemReport: get device main information (16f05a7)
- systemReport: request feet information (4c268ff)
- systemReport: send request with parameters (72b1f01)
- systemReport: show loading indicator (86691f7)
- SystemReport: create the list of system reports (8db9d32)
- tooltip: show tooltip when select icon menu (a7a29c1)
- user: add information to hyperlinks (687a014)
- user: get current user (8138696)
- users: add 'DatePicker' to the corresponding fields (58434c1)
- users: add 'Selects' to the corresponding fields (282611d)
- users: add 'TextArea' to the corresponding fields (5ae1704)
- users: add DevicesEdit component to i18n (7294fc1)
- users: add function to change 'field' (26c7f4f)
- users: add notification to delete users (de54cc3)
- users: add notification to edited users (a59bf5e)
- users: add progressive loading to listview (9cad1a3)
- users: add routes to i18n (561ca35)
- users: add text inputs to the corresponding fields (8ed6cac)
- users: add UsersContent component to i18n (9bc1be2)
- users: add UsersEditOne component to i18n (e5e7a56)
- users: add UsersList component to i18n (a0dee20)
- users: allow edit multiple users (89cdb2b)
- users: asynchronously load the password settings (0e8ed69)
- users: confirm delete item (7cde74a)
- users: create a screen for edit configuration (99a35b4)
- users: create a structure for the component (1e620f7)
- users: create router for users (ade3d52)
- users: delete a single item (0781546)
- users: get user to edit information (309e17f)
- users: request validate account (0daf99c)
- users: save the new value in glpi (3870520)
- users: show user profile image (cded9ab)
- users: use the custom select and add a list of options (0953476)
- users: validate new passwords (19d3f3e)
- util: create ErrorValidation component (99bdbee)
- utils: create 'EmptyList' component (cfa5323)
- utils: create 'Loading' component (53ccc7c)
- utils: create a confirmation message component (8ec108d)
- utils: create a function to validate the data displayed (8ab21cb)
- utils: create authtype formatter (842b683)
- utils: create custom DatePicker (d0fe230)
- validateData: convert all validated data to string (ecebe52)