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See FASRC Docs

AlphaFold 3

We recommend running Alphafold3 in two steps to better use cluster resources

  • Step 1: Run the data pipeline on a CPU partition
  • Step 2: Run inference on a GPU partition

See slurm partitions for the specifics of each partition.

Model parameters

See FASRC docs.

Data pipeline

Below you will find a slurm script example that uses the input file alphafold3_input.json from Alphafold3 installation guide.

You will have to edit in the script:

  • SBATCH directives to suit your needs (e.g. time -t, number of cores -c, amount of memory --mem)
  • my_model_parms_dir: location where your model parameters are saved
  • my_input_dir: location of .json input file
  • my_output_dir: location where you would like your output to be saved


#SBATCH -J AF3_data_pipeline     # Job name
#SBATCH -p test,serial_requeue   # Partition(s) (separate with commas if using multiple)
#SBATCH -c 8                     # Number of cores
#SBATCH -t 00:30:00              # Time (D-HH:MM:SS)
#SBATCH --mem=12g                # Memory
#SBATCH -o AF3_dp_%j.out         # Both stdout and stderr files

# (don't change this) set database directory

# (change this) set model parameters directory

# (change this) set input directory -- must match location of json input file

# (change this) set output directory

# run alphafold3
singularity exec \
     --bind $data_dir:/data \
     /n/singularity_images/FAS/alphafold/alphafold_3.0.0.sif \
     python /app/alphafold/ \
     --json_path=${my_input_dir}/alphafold_input.json \
     --model_dir=$my_model_parms_dir \
     --db_dir=/data \
     --pdb_database_path=/data/mmcif_files \
     --input_dir=${my_input_dir}     \
     --output_dir=${my_output_dir}   \

Submit a batch job


The data pipeline will produce an output file called *_data.json in my_output_dir. In this example, the output file is called 2pv7_data.json.

Note 1: If you change the number of cores (-c), you will also need to add the argument jackhmmer_n_cpu and nhmmer_n_cpu. However, Alphafold3 recommends using 8 cores:

--jackhmmer_n_cpu: Number of CPUs to use for Jackhmmer. Default to min(cpu_count, 8). Going beyond 8 CPUs provides very little additional speedup.

--nhmmer_n_cpu: Number of CPUs to use for Nhmmer. Default to min(cpu_count, 8). Going beyond 8 CPUs provides very little additionalspeedup.

Note 2: Both output and error will go to the .out file.


In the inference step, you will need to use the _data.json file that was produced during the data pipeline step. Below you will find a slurm script example

You will have to edit in the script:

  • SBATCH directives to suit your needs (e.g. time -t, number of cores -c, amount of memory --mem)
  • my_model_parms_dir: location where your model parameters are saved
  • my_output_dir: location where you would like your output to be saved


#SBATCH -J AF3_inference         # Job name
#SBATCH -p gpu_test              # Partition(s) (separate with commas if using multiple)
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1             # Number of GPUs
#SBATCH -c 8                     # Number of cores
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00              # Time (HH:MM:SS)
#SBATCH --mem=8g                 # Memory
#SBATCH -o AF3_inf_%j.out        # Both stdout and stderr files

# (don't change this) set database directory

# (change this) set output directory

# (change this) set model parameters directory

# note that the json_path is now output with the .json file from the data pipeline
singularity exec \
     --nv \
     --bind $data_dir:/data \
     /n/singularity_images/FAS/alphafold/alphafold_3.0.0.sif \
     python /app/alphafold/ \
     --json_path=/n/holylabs/LABS/jharvard_lab/Lab/alphafold3/output_dir/2pv7/2pv7_data.json \
     --model_dir=$my_model_parms_dir \
     --output_dir=${my_output_dir}   \

Submit a batch job


Note: Both output and error will go to the .out file.

Job dependency option

To streamline job submission, you may submit the inference job with the slurm option --dependency=afterok:jobID, where jobID is the slurm job ID of the data pipeline step. This allows you to submit the inference job right after the data pipeline and you don't need to monitor for the data pipeline completion.

For example, file runs the data pipeline and submits the inference job with the --dependency flag:

#SBATCH -J AF3_data_pipeline     # Job name
#SBATCH -p test,serial_requeue   # Partition(s) (separate with commas if using multiple)
#SBATCH -c 8                     # Number of cores
#SBATCH -t 00:30:00              # Time (D-HH:MM:SS)
#SBATCH --mem=12g                # Memory
#SBATCH -o AF3_dp_%j.out         # Both stdout and stderr

# (don't change this) set database directory

# (change this) set model parameters directory

# (change this) set input directory -- must match location of json input file

# (change this) set output directory

# submit inference job that will only run after data pipeline job
sbatch --dependency=afterok:${SLURM_JOB_ID} <<END
#!/bin/bash -eu
#SBATCH -J AF3_inference
#SBATCH -p gpu_test
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH -c 8
#SBATCH --mem=8g
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00
#SBATCH -o AF3_inf_%j.out

singularity exec \
     --nv \
     --bind $data_dir:/data \
     /n/singularity_images/FAS/alphafold/alphafold_3.0.0.sif \
     python /app/alphafold/ \
     --json_path=${my_output_dir}/2pv7/2pv7_data.json \
     --model_dir=$my_model_parms_dir \
     --output_dir=${my_output_dir}   \

# run data pipeline
singularity exec \
     --bind $data_dir:/data \
     /n/singularity_images/FAS/alphafold/alphafold_3.0.0.sif \
     python /app/alphafold/ \
     --json_path=${my_input_dir}/alphafold_input.json \
     --model_dir=$my_model_parms_dir \
     --db_dir=/data \
     --pdb_database_path=/data/mmcif_files \
     --input_dir=${my_input_dir}     \
     --output_dir=${my_output_dir}   \

Submit the job


File structure

For the example above, the directory structure before running Alphafold3:

[jharvard@boslogin07 alphafold3]$ pwd
[jharvard@boslogin07 alphafold3]$ tree
├── input_dir
│   └── alphafold3_input.json
├── model_parameters
│   └── af3.bin
└── output_dir

After running the data pipeline -- note the file 2pv7_data.json in the output_dir:

[jharvard@boslogin07 alphafold3]$ tree
├── input_dir
│   └── alphafold3_input.json
├── model_parameters
│   └── af3.bin
└── output_dir
    └── 2pv7
        └── 2pv7_data.json

After running inference:

[jharvard@boslogin07 alphafold3]$ tree
├── input_dir
│   └── alphafold3_input.json
├── model_parameters
│   └── af3.bin
└── output_dir
    └── 2pv7
        ├── 2pv7_confidences.json
        ├── 2pv7_data.json
        ├── 2pv7_model.cif
        ├── 2pv7_summary_confidences.json
        ├── ranking_scores.csv
        ├── seed-1_sample-0
        │   ├── confidences.json
        │   ├── model.cif
        │   └── summary_confidences.json
        ├── seed-1_sample-1
        │   ├── confidences.json
        │   ├── model.cif
        │   └── summary_confidences.json
        ├── seed-1_sample-2
        │   ├── confidences.json
        │   ├── model.cif
        │   └── summary_confidences.json
        ├── seed-1_sample-3
        │   ├── confidences.json
        │   ├── model.cif
        │   └── summary_confidences.json
        ├── seed-1_sample-4
        │   ├── confidences.json
        │   ├── model.cif
        │   └── summary_confidences.json

AlphaFold 2

We recommend running AlphaFold2 on GPU partitions because it runs much faster than solely using CPUs -- due to AlphaFold's GPU optimization. See slurm partitions for the specifics of each partition.

Below you will find a slurm script example that uses the fasta file 5ZE6_1.fasta. This example assumes that and my_fasta are located in the same directory. If they are located in different directories, you will have to edit my_fasta_path.

You will have to edit in the script:

  • SBATCH directives to suit your needs (e.g. time -t, number of cores -c, amount of memory --mem)
  • --json_path: file generated on the data pipeline step

Note: AlphaFold2 screen output goes to the stderr file (.err) rather than the stdout file (.out).

Monomer batch job

This example takes about 1 hour to run on Cannon in the gpu partition with 8 cores (-c 8).

Slurm script

#SBATCH -J AF_monomer         # Job name
#SBATCH -p gpu                # Partition(s) (separate with commas if using multiple)
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1          # number of GPUs
#SBATCH -c 8                  # Number of cores
#SBATCH -t 03:00:00           # Time (D-HH:MM:SS)
#SBATCH --mem=60G             # Memory
#SBATCH -o AF_mono_%j.out   # Name of standard output file
#SBATCH -e AF_mono_%j.err   # Name of standard error file

# set fasta file name
# NOTE: assumes this is in the directory you are running this script in
# note that you can run multiple proteins _sequentially_ (with the same model type)
# the names need to be provided as "protein1.fasta,protein2.fasta"
# if running multimer, provide one multifasta file
# indicate oligomeric state by including extra copies of a sequence
# they still require different _names_ though

# create and set path of output directory
mkdir -p $my_output_dir

# set model type (monomer, multimer, monomer_casp14, monomer_ptm)
# see notes under fasta file if running multimer

# max pdb age
# use if you want to avoid recent templates
# format yyyy-mm-dd

# run AlphaFold monomer using Singularity
singularity run --nv --env TF_FORCE_UNIFIED_MEMORY=1,XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_MEM_FRACTION=4.0,OPENMM_CPU_THREADS=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK,LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/ --bind /n/holylfs04-ssd2/LABS/FAS/alphafold_database:/data /n/singularity_images/FAS/alphafold/alphafold_2.3.1.sif \
--data_dir=/data/ \
--bfd_database_path=/data/bfd/bfd_metaclust_clu_complete_id30_c90_final_seq.sorted_opt \
--db_preset=full_dbs \
--fasta_paths=$my_fasta \
--max_template_date=$my_max_date \
--mgnify_database_path=/data/mgnify/mgy_clusters_2022_05.fa \
--model_preset=$my_model_type \
--obsolete_pdbs_path=/data/pdb_mmcif/obsolete.dat \
--output_dir=$my_output_dir \
--pdb70_database_path=/data/pdb70/pdb70 \
--template_mmcif_dir=/data/pdb_mmcif/mmcif_files \
--uniref30_database_path=/data/uniref30/UniRef30_2021_03 \
--uniref90_database_path=/data/uniref90/uniref90.fasta \

Fasta file


Multimer batch job

This example takes about 1-2 hours to run on Cannon in the gpu partition with 8 cores (-c 8).

Slurm script

#SBATCH -J AF_multimer         # Job name
#SBATCH -p gpu                # Partition(s) (separate with commas if using multiple)
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1          # number of GPUs
#SBATCH -c 8                  # Number of cores
#SBATCH -t 03:00:00           # Time (D-HH:MM:SS)
#SBATCH --mem=60G             # Memory
#SBATCH -o AF_multi_%j.out   # Name of standard output file
#SBATCH -e AF_multi_%j.err   # Name of standard error file

# set fasta file name
# NOTE: assumes this is in the directory you are running this script in
# note that you can run multiple proteins _sequentially_ (with the same model type)
# the names need to be provided as "protein1.fasta,protein2.fasta"
# if running multimer, provide one multifasta file
# indicate oligomeric state by including extra copies of a sequence
# they still require different _names_ though

# set fasta-specific subfolder and filepath
# handling different possible .fasta suffixes
mkdir -p $fasta_name
cp $my_fasta $PWD/$fasta_name

# create and set path of output directory
mkdir -p $PWD/$fasta_name/$my_output_dir

# set model type (monomer, multimer, monomer_casp14, monomer_ptm)
# see notes under fasta file if running multimer

# max pdb age
# use if you want to avoid recent templates
# format yyyy-mm-dd

# run AlphaFold multimer using Singularity
singularity run --nv --env TF_FORCE_UNIFIED_MEMORY=1,XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_MEM_FRACTION=4.0,OPENMM_CPU_THREADS=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK,LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/ --bind /n/holylfs04-ssd2/LABS/FAS/alphafold_database:/data -B .:/etc --pwd /app/alphafold /n/singularity_images/FAS/alphafold/alphafold_2.3.1.sif \
--data_dir=/data/ \
--bfd_database_path=/data/bfd/bfd_metaclust_clu_complete_id30_c90_final_seq.sorted_opt \
--db_preset=full_dbs \
--fasta_paths=$my_fasta_path \
--max_template_date=$my_max_date \
--mgnify_database_path=/data/mgnify/mgy_clusters_2022_05.fa \
--model_preset=$my_model_type \
--obsolete_pdbs_path=/data/pdb_mmcif/obsolete.dat \
--output_dir=$my_output_dir_path \
--template_mmcif_dir=/data/pdb_mmcif/mmcif_files \
--uniref30_database_path=/data/uniref30/UniRef30_2021_03 \
--uniref90_database_path=/data/uniref90/uniref90.fasta \
--pdb_seqres_database_path=/data/pdb_seqres/pdb_seqres.txt \
--uniprot_database_path=/data/uniprot/uniprot.fasta \

Fasta file


Submitting a slurm batch job that runs AlphaFold

Log in to Cannon (see login instructions). Go to the directory where is located. Then submit a slurm batch job with the command:

# monomer job

# multimer job