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REST Basics - HTTP status codes

{MUST} use official HTTP status codes

You must only use official HTTP status codes consistently with their intended semantics. Official HTTP status codes are defined via RFC standards and registered in the IANA Status Code Registry. Main RFC standards are {RFC-7231}#section-6[RFC7231 - HTTP/1.1: Semantics] (or {RFC-7235}#page-6[RFC7235 - HTTP/1.1: Authentication]) and {RFC-6585}[RFC 6585 - HTTP: Additional Status Codes] (and there are upcoming new ones, e.g. draft legally-restricted-status). An overview on the official error codes provides Wikipedia: HTTP status codes (which also lists some unofficial status codes, e.g. defined by popular web servers like Nginx, that we do not suggest to use).

{MUST} specify success and error responses

APIs should define the functional, business view and abstract from implementation aspects. Success and error responses are a vital part to define how an API is used correctly.

Therefore, you must define all success and service specific error responses in your API specification. Both are part of the interface definition and provide important information for service clients to handle standard as well as exceptional situations. Error code response descriptions should provide information about the specific conditions that lead to the error, especially if these conditions can be changed by how the endpoint is used by the clients.

API designers should also think about a troubleshooting board as part of the associated online API documentation. It provides information and handling guidance on application-specific errors and is referenced via links from the API specification. This can reduce service support tasks and contribute to service client and provider performance.

Exception: Standard client and server errors, e.g. {401} (unauthenticated), {403} (unauthorized), {404} (not found), {500} (internal server error), or {503} (service unavailable), where the semantic can be easily derived from the end endpoint specification need no individual definition. Instead these can be included by applying the default shown pattern below. However, error codes that provide endpoint specific indications for clients on how to avoid calling the endpoint in the wrong way, or be prepared to react on specific error situation must be specified explicitly.

    description: error occurred - see status code and problem object for more information.
          $ref: ''

{SHOULD} only use most common HTTP status codes

The most commonly used codes are best understood and listed below as subset of the official HTTP status codes and consistent with their semantics in the RFCs. We avoid less commonly used codes that easily create misconceptions due to less familiar semantics and API specific interpretations.

Important: As long as your HTTP status code usage is well covered by the semantic defined here, you should not describe it to avoid an overload with common sense information and the risk of inconsistent definitions. Only if the HTTP status code is not in the list below or its usage requires additional information aside the well defined semantic, the API specification must provide a clear description of the HTTP status code in the response.


A more specific version of the [conventions-used-in-these-guidelines].


A common, well understood status code that should be used where appropriate. Does NOT mean that every operation must be able to return this code.


We do not see a good use-case for returning this status code from a RESTful API. The status code might be applicable in other contexts, e.g. returned by reverse proxies, for web pages, etc. Implicitly also means {do-not-document}, as status codes that are not returned by the API should also not be documented.


If the status code can be returned by the API, it should be documented in the API specification.


The status code has a well-understood standard meaning to it, so only document it if there are operation specific details you want to add. See exception in rule 151.

Success codes

200 OK {rfc-status-200} {use} {document} {ALL}

This is the most general success response. It should be used if the more specific codes below are not applicable. In a robust resource creation via {POST}, {PUT}, and {PATCH} in conjunction with a {201} this indicates that the returned resource exists before.

201 Created {rfc-status-201} {use} {document} {POST} {PUT}

Returned on successful resource creation. {201} is returned with or without response payload (unlike {200} / {204}). We recommend additionally to return the created resource URL via the {Location} response header (see [133]).

202 Accepted {rfc-status-202} {use} {document} {POST} {PUT} {PATCH} {DELETE}

The request was successful and will be processed asynchronously. Only applicable to methods which change something, with the exception of {GET} methods indicating that a resources is still created asynchronously as described in [253].

204 No content {rfc-status-204} {use} {document} {PUT} {PATCH} {DELETE}

Returned instead of {200}, if no response payload is returned. Normally only applicable to methods which change something.

205 Reset Content {rfc-status-205} {do-not-use} {ALL}

This is meant for interactive use cases, e.g. to clear a form after submitting it. There is no reason to use it in a REST API.

206 Partial Content {rfc-status-206} {do-not-use} {ALL}

For responses to range requests, when only a part of the resource indicated by the byte range is returned. This is not for pagination, where a normal {200} should be used. This might be useful in rare cases (like media streaming or downloading large files), but most APIs don’t need this.

207 Multi-Status {rfc-status-207} {use} {document} {POST} ({DELETE})

The response body contains status information for multiple different parts of a batch/bulk request (see {MUST} use code 207 for batch or bulk requests for details). Normally used for {POST}, in some cases also for {DELETE}.

Redirection codes

301 Moved Permanently {rfc-status-301} {do-not-use} {ALL}

This and all future requests should be directed to the given URI. See also {SHOULD} not use redirection codes.

302 Found {rfc-status-302} {do-not-use} {ALL}

This is a temporary redirect where some clients {MAY} change the request method from {POST} to {GET}. Mainly used for dismissing and redirecting form submissions in browsers. See also {SHOULD} not use redirection codes.

303 See Other {rfc-status-303} {do-not-use} {POST} {PUT} {PATCH} {DELETE}

The response to the request can be found under another URI using a {GET} method. A disambiguated version of {302} for the case where the client {MUST} change the method to {GET}. See also {SHOULD} not use redirection codes.

304 Not Modified {rfc-status-304} {document} {GET} {HEAD}

Indicates that a conditional {GET} or {HEAD} request would have resulted in {200} response, if it were not for the fact that the condition evaluated to false, i.e. resource has not been modified since the date or version passed via request headers {If-Modified-Since} or {If-None-Match}. For {PUT}/{PATCH}/{DELETE} requests, use {412} instead.

307 Temporary Redirect {rfc-status-307} {do-not-use} {ALL}

The response to the request can be found under another URI. A disambiguated version of {302} where the client {MUST} keep the same method as the original request. See also {SHOULD} not use redirection codes.

308 Permanent Redirect {rfc-status-308} {do-not-use} {ALL}

Similar to {307}, but the client should persist the new URI. Applicable more to browsers. For APIs, the URI should be explicitly fixed at the source instead of being implicitly kept in some state based on a previous redirect. See also {SHOULD} not use redirection codes.

Client side error codes

400 Bad Request {rfc-status-400} {use} {document} {ALL}

Unspecific client error indicating that the server cannot process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g. malformed request syntax, invalid request). Should also be delivered in case of input payload fails business logic / semantic validation (instead of using {422}).

401 Unauthorized {rfc-status-401} {use} {do-not-document} {ALL}

Actually Unauthenticated. The credentials are missing or not valid for the target resource. For an API, this usually means that the provided token or cookie is not valid. As this can happen for almost every endpoint, APIs should normally not document this.

403 Forbidden {rfc-status-403} {do-not-document} {ALL}

The user is not authorized to use this resource. For an API, this can mean that the request’s token was valid, but was missing a scope for this endpoint. Or that some object-specific authorization failed. We recommend only documenting the second case.

404 Not found {rfc-status-404} {use} {do-not-document} {ALL}

The target resource was not found. This will be returned by most paths on most APIs (with out being documented), and for endpoints with parameters when those parameters cannot be map to an existing entity. For a {PUT} endpoint which only supports updating existing resources, this might be returned if the resource does not exist. Apart from these special cases, this does not need to be documented.

405 Method Not Allowed {rfc-status-405} {document} {ALL}

The request method is not supported for this resource. In theory, this can be returned for all resources for all the methods except the ones documented. Using this response code for an existing endpoint (usually with path parameters) only makes sense if it depends on some internal resource state whether a specific method is allowed, e.g. an order can only be canceled via {DELETE} until the shipment leaves the warehouse. Do not use it unless you have such a special use case, but then make sure to document it, making it clear why a resource might not support a method.

406 Not Acceptable {rfc-status-406} {use} {do-not-document} {ALL}

Resource only supports generating content with content-types that are not listed in the {Accept} header sent in the request.

408 Request timeout {rfc-status-408} {do-not-use} {ALL}

The server times out waiting for the request to arrive. For APIs, this should not be used.

409 Conflict {rfc-status-409} {document} {POST} {PUT} {PATCH} {DELETE}

The request cannot be completed due to conflict with the current state of the target resource. For example, you may get a {409} response when updating a resource that is older than the existing one on the server, resulting in a version control conflict. If this is used, it {MUST} be documented. For successful robust creation of resources ({PUT} or {POST}) you should always return {200} or {204} and not {409}, even if the resource exists already. If any If-* headers cause a conflict, you should use {412} and not {409}. Only applicable to methods which change something.

410 Gone {rfc-status-410} {do-not-document} {ALL}

The resource does not exist any longer. It did exist in the past, and will most likely not exist in the future. This can be used, e.g. when accessing a resource that has intentionally been deleted. This normally does not need to be documented, unless there is a specific need to distinguish this case from the normal {404}.

411 Length Required {rfc-status-411} {document} {POST} {PUT} {PATCH}

The server requires a {Content-Length} header for this request. This is normally only relevant for large media uploads. The corresponding header parameter should be marked as required. If used, it {MUST} to be documented (and explained).

412 Precondition Failed {rfc-status-412} {use} {do-not-document} {PUT} {PATCH} {DELETE}

Returned for conditional requests, e.g. {If-Match} if the condition failed. Used for optimistic locking. Normally only applicable to methods that change something. For {HEAD}/{GET} requests, use {304} instead.

415 Unsupported Media Type {rfc-status-415} {use} {do-not-document} {POST} {PUT} {PATCH}

The client did not provide a supported content-type for the request body. Only applicable to methods with a request body.

417 Expectation Failed {rfc-status-417} {do-not-use} {ALL}

Returned when the client used an {Expect} header which the server does not support. The only defined value for the {Expect} header is very technical and does not belong in an API.

418 I’m a teapot 🫖 (Unused) {rfc-status-418} {do-not-use} {ALL}

Only use if you are implementing an API for a teapot that does not support brewing coffee. Response defined for April’s Fools in RFC 2324.

422 Unprocessable Content {rfc-status-422} {do-not-use} {ALL}

The server understands the content type, but is unable to process the content. We do not recommend this code to be used as {400} already covers most use-cases and there does not seem to be a clear benefit to differentiating between them.

423 Locked {rfc-status-423} {document} {PUT} {PATCH} {DELETE}

Pessimistic locking, e.g. processing states. May be used to indicate an existing resource lock, however, we recommend using optimistic locking instead. If used, it must be documented to indicate pessimistic locking.

424 Failed Dependency {rfc-status-424} {do-not-use} {ALL}

The request failed due to failure of a previous request. This is not applicable to restful APIs.

428 Precondition Required {rfc-status-428} {use} {do-not-document} {ALL}

Server requires the request to be conditional, e.g. to make sure that the "lost update problem" is avoided (see [182]). Instead of documenting this response status, the required headers should be documented (and marked as required).

429 Too many requests {rfc-status-429} {use} {do-not-document} {ALL}

The client is not abiding by the rate limits in place and has sent too many requests (see {MUST} use code 429 with headers for rate limits).

431 Request Header Fields Too Large {rfc-status-431} {do-not-document} {ALL}

The server is not able to process the request because the request headers are too large. Usually used by gateways and proxies with memory limits.

Server side error codes

500 Internal Server Error {rfc-status-500} {use} {do-not-document} {ALL}

A generic error indication for an unexpected server execution problem. Clients should be careful with retrying on this response, since the nature of the problem is unknown and must be expected to continue.

501 Not Implemented {rfc-status-501} {document} {ALL}

Server cannot fulfill the request, since the endpoint is not implemented yet. Usually this implies future availability, but retrying now is not recommended. May be documented on endpoints that are planned to be implemented in the future to indicate that they are still not available.

502 Bad Gateway {rfc-status-502} {ALL}

[.indent]is meaningless The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from an inbound server attempting to fulfill the request. May be used by a server to indicate that an inbound service is creating an unexpected result instead of {500}. Clients should be careful with retrying on this response, since the nature of the problem is unknown and must be expected to continue.

503 Service Unavailable {rfc-status-503} {use} {do-not-document} {ALL}

Service is (temporarily) not available, e.g. if a required component or inbound service is not available. Client are encouraged to retry requests following an exponential back off pattern. If possible, the service should indicate how long the client should wait by setting the {Retry-After} header.

504 Gateway Timeout {rfc-status-504} {use} {ALL}

The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response. May be used by servers to indicate that an inbound service cannot process the request fast enough. Client may retry the request immediately exactly once, to check whether warming up the service solved the problem.

505 HTTP Version Not Supported {rfc-status-505} {do-not-use} {ALL}

The server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request. Technical response code that serves not use case in RESTful APIs.

507 Insufficient Storage {rfc-status-507} {do-not-document} {POST} {PUT} {PATCH}

The server is unable to store the resource as needed to complete the request. May be used to indicate that the server is out of disk space.

511 Network Authentication Required {rfc-status-511} {do-not-use} {ALL}

The client needs to authenticate to gain network access. Technical response code that serves no use case in RESTful APIs.

{MUST} use most specific HTTP status codes

You must use the most specific HTTP status code when returning information about your request processing status or error situations.

{MUST} use code 207 for batch or bulk requests

Some APIs are required to provide either batch or bulk requests using {POST} for performance reasons, i.e. for communication and processing efficiency. In this case services may be in need to signal multiple response codes for each part of a batch or bulk request. As HTTP does not provide proper guidance for handling batch/bulk requests and responses, we herewith define the following approach:

  • A batch or bulk request always responds with HTTP status code {207} unless a non-item-specific failure occurs.

  • A batch or bulk request may return {4xx}/{5xx} status codes, if the failure is non-item-specific and cannot be restricted to individual items of the batch or bulk request, e.g. in case of overload situations or general service failures.

  • A batch or bulk response with status code {207} always returns as payload a multi-status response containing item specific status and/or monitoring information for each part of the batch or bulk request.

Note: These rules apply even in the case that processing of all individual parts fail or each part is executed asynchronously!

The rules are intended to allow clients to act on batch and bulk responses in a consistent way by inspecting the individual results. We explicitly reject the option to apply {200} for a completely successful batch as proposed in Nakadi’s POST /event-types/{name}/events as short cut without inspecting the result, as we want to avoid risks and expect clients to handle partial batch failures anyway.

The bulk or batch response may look as follows:

  description: batch response object.
  type: object
      type: array
        type: object
            description: Identifier of batch or bulk request item.
            type: string
            description: >
              Response status value. A number or extensible enum describing
              the execution status of the batch or bulk request items.
            type: string
            x-extensible-enum: [...]
            description: >
              Human readable status description and containing additional
              context information about failures etc.
            type: string
        required: [id, status]

Note: while a batch defines a collection of requests triggering independent processes, a bulk defines a collection of independent resources created or updated together in one request. With respect to response processing this distinction normally does not matter.

{MUST} use code 429 with headers for rate limits

APIs that wish to manage the request rate of clients must use the {429} (Too Many Requests) response code, if the client exceeded the request rate (see {RFC-6585}[RFC 6585]). Such responses must also contain header information providing further details to the client. There are two approaches a service can take for header information:

  • Return a {Retry-After} header indicating how long the client ought to wait before making a follow-up request. The Retry-After header can contain a HTTP date value to retry after or the number of seconds to delay. Either is acceptable but APIs should prefer to use a delay in seconds.

  • Return a trio of X-RateLimit headers. These headers (described below) allow a server to express a service level in the form of a number of allowing requests within a given window of time and when the window is reset.

The X-RateLimit headers are:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit: The maximum number of requests that the client is allowed to make in this window.

  • X-RateLimit-Remaining: The number of requests allowed in the current window.

  • X-RateLimit-Reset: The relative time in seconds when the rate limit window will be reset. Beware that this is different to Github and Twitter’s usage of a header with the same name which is using UTC epoch seconds instead.

The reason to allow both approaches is that APIs can have different needs. Retry-After is often sufficient for general load handling and request throttling scenarios and notably, does not strictly require the concept of a calling entity such as a tenant or named account. In turn this allows resource owners to minimize the amount of state they have to carry with respect to client requests. The 'X-RateLimit' headers are suitable for scenarios where clients are associated with pre-existing account or tenancy structures. 'X-RateLimit' headers are generally returned on every request and not just on a 429, which implies the service implementing the API is carrying sufficient state to track the number of requests made within a given window for each named entity.

{MUST} support problem JSON

{RFC-9457}[RFC 9457] defines a Problem JSON object using the media type application/problem+json to provide an extensible human and machine readable failure information beyond the HTTP response status code to transports the failure kind (type / title) and the failure cause and location (instant / detail). To make best use of this additional failure information, every endpoints must be capable of returning a Problem JSON on client usage errors ({4xx} status codes) as well as server side processing errors ({5xx} status codes).

Note: Clients must be robust and not rely on a Problem JSON object being returned, since (a) failure responses may be created by infrastructure components not aware of this guideline or (b) service may be unable to comply with this guideline in certain error situations.

Hint: The media type application/problem+json is often not implemented as a subset of application/json by libraries and services! Thus clients need to include application/problem+json in the {Accept}-Header to trigger delivery of the extended failure information.

The OpenAPI schema definition of the Problem JSON object can be found on GitHub. You can reference it by using:

    description: Service Unavailable
          $ref: ''

You may define custom problem types as extensions of the Problem JSON object if your API needs to return specific, additional, and more detailed error information.

Note: Problem type and instance identifiers in our APIs are not meant to be resolved. {RFC-9457}[RFC 9457] encourages that problem types are URI references that point to human-readable documentation, but we deliberately decided against that, as all important parts of the API must be documented using OpenAPI anyway. In addition, URLs tend to be fragile and not very stable over longer periods because of organizational and documentation changes and descriptions might easily get out of sync.

In order to stay compatible with {RFC-9457}[RFC 9457] we proposed to use relative URI references usually defined by absolute-path [ '?' query ] [ '#' fragment ] as simplified identifiers in type and instance fields:

  • /problems/out-of-stock

  • /problems/insufficient-funds

  • /problems/user-deactivated

  • /problems/connection-error#read-timeout

Hint: The use of absolute URIs is not forbidden but strongly discouraged. If you use absolute URIs, please reference problem-1.0.0.yaml#/Problem instead.

{MUST} not expose stack traces

Stack traces contain implementation details that are not part of an API, and on which clients should never rely. Moreover, stack traces can leak sensitive information that partners and third parties are not allowed to receive and may disclose insights about vulnerabilities to attackers.

{SHOULD} not use redirection codes

We generally do not recommend using redirection codes for most API cases (except for {304}, which is not really a redirection code). Usually you would use the redirection to migrate clients to a new service location. However, this is better accomplished by one of the following.

  1. Changing the clients to use the new location in the first place, avoiding the need for redirection.

  2. Redirecting the traffic behind the API layer (e.g. in the reverse proxy or the app itself) without the client having to be involved.

  3. Deprecating the endpoint and removing it as described in [deprecation].

For idempotent {POST} cases, where you want to inform the client that a resource already exists at a certain location, you should instead use {200} with the {Location} header set. This is along the same lines as the creation case where {201} is used instead. See also [229].

For non-idempotent {POST} cases, where you want to inform the client that the resource has already been created and cannot be created again (e.g. payment), you should return {409} instead of redirecting to make the error case more explicit.