# Project Name
### Less than 240 Characters describing what we're building. Include external links here if desired
* Teammates:
- Teammate Name (@discordUserProfileName)
- Teammate Name (@discordUserProfileName)
- Teammate Name (@discordUserProfileName)
* Seeking Teammates: Yes/No
* [Project URL](https://github.com/your-profile/your-project-name)
* Project Name (ok to say tbd and update later)
### Project Q&A:
1. What are you going to build?
// your answer here
2. Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
// your answer here
3. What is your plan to execute this idea?
// your answer here
Copy the above code snippet in its entirety and add it to the BOTTOM of this document. Then edit with your information. Don't forget the ***
three stars, and don't forget to git pull origin master
and git rebase master
into your feature branch before you push to origin!
This project exists solely to show you how to edit this document. Fork this repo and make a PR to add your team at the BOTTOM of this list -- below the last 3 stars! Don't forget to include the 3 stars in your entry. Don't forget to git pull origin master
and git rebase master
into your feature branch before you push to origin!
- Teammates:
- Benjamin Dunphy (@benghamine)
- Quincy Larson (@QuincyLarson)
- Matt Biilmann (@biilmann)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- GitHub URL
- What are you going to build?
// your answer here - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
// your answer here - What is your plan to execute this idea?
// your answer here
- Teammates:
- Ian Wilson (@iwilsonq#4979)
- Roman Morozov (@sublimeye#6781)
- Simon Baev (@simon#3299)
- Vadim Dermanovskiy (@noodly#7880)
- Dennis Xing (@dennis#1656)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
What are you going to build?
An app that discovers your artistic preference and shows you local galleries catered to your taste. After swiping on art pieces, you are presented with a navigator to find different galleries in your area. -
Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
The Fauna API for data storage, Formspree for feedback, Clarifai for recommendation and discovery. -
What is your plan to execute this idea?
We will build a React app using the APIs mentioned. Our designer will prototype the flow and rest of the team will build out the infrastructure.
- Teammates:
- Fay Yang (@CodeFay)
- Colin King-Bailey (@ckingbailey)
- Neil Ricci (@iccir919)
- Seeking Teammates: Yes
- SmarTea Pants repo on Github
- Teammates:
- Jun Sub Choi (@Stard)
- Andrew Ngo (@AndyNoAwkward)
- David Mai (@2BiK)
- Alan Fu (@BrandHeart)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Project Name tbd
- Teammates:
- Abhijeet Saxena (@rockyy)
- Arjun Porwal (@Arjun)
- Paras Arora (@paras594)
- Vishang Soni (@TrekLatte)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project Repo
- Check Out Ingredea
we are building a web app using AirVisualAPI and on PWA with push notifications
- Teammates:
- Teammate Name (@irfanSyed17#9502)
- Teammate Name (@Jiggly Poof#8959)
- Teammate Name (@sammieee#0836)
- Teammate Name (@km.#3850)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Teammates:
- Shrey Dabhi (@sdabhi23)
- Sohel Shaikh (@thesohelshaikh)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Count'em All
Me and our team building(on the process) a user-friendly job portal with the live video interviewing.
- Teammates:
- Brian Kilrain (@BK)
- Warren Schrader (@ShadowBoxerGuy)
- Tia Esguerra (@Tia)
- Murrium Zaheer (@murrium123)
- Perry Chow (@perry)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project Repo
- Project Name: Find My Getaway
- What are you going to build?
A webapp allowing users to find vacation options based on their own submitted photos - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
- Fauna for DB layer
- Clarafai for image classification
- Formspree for forms
- What is your plan to execute this idea?
Project managament through Trello MVP - display all possible vacations and iterate to incorporate Clarafai and Formspree backed features
- Teammates:
- Dinesh (@1532j0004kg)
- Thinnappan (@thinnappan)
- Anush (@Anushkumar06)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project Repo
- Interactive portal
- Teammates:
- Austin (@austintackaberry)
- Reuben (@radotreyes)
- Gin (@wongco)
- Brandon (@brandonstinson)
- Vincent (@vtam2012)
- Seeking Teammates: Sure!
- https://github.com/radotreyes/SICC-PICCS
- Teammates:
- Dhron Joshi (@dhron)
- Mattias Eyram (@mattias)
- Yusuf Khaled (@freeman-cortez)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Teammates:
- Roger (@Rawgher)
- Enea (@eneaantonicelli)
- Prash (@prashanthr)
- Seeking Teammates: Yes
- Project URL
- Codelaboration
- What are you going to build?
An application that will allow coders to share their projects and look for developers to help them out. - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
We currently plan on using Fauna, Formspree and Netlify. We may incorporate more as the project progresses. - What is your plan to execute this idea?
Scope out the tasks, make mocks of the project, then split up components and code.
- Teammates:
- Mike Preis (@mikepreis)
- Anwana Ntofon (@antofon)
- Arvin Lin (@chogio)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project repo
Business card app to store user information in a central database and make it accessible using image recognition.
- Teammates:
- Faith (@gottaHaveFaith#8156)
- Stephanie (@Zephany#3690)
- Edwin (@ecloud#6259)
- Johnathan (@jachen3#4296)
- Tashara (@tahshara#3310)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project Repo
- networq
- Teammates:
- Samantha Maclaren (@Samantha M)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project Repo
- Check Out Cartogram
"Where was that photo taken?" a real world trivia web app identifying the location of photos in real time
- Teammates:
- Jeff Appareti (@Jeff Appareti#4361)
- Tadas Antanavicius (@Tadas Antanavicius#9028)
- Tyler Vick (@TJ Vick#4151)
- Gabe Greenfield (@gabe#4067)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Project Name (Where in the World)
- What are you going to build?
We’re building a live social game: Where in the World. Players go to the website on their mobile phones and join the “lobby”. We periodically “start a game”, whereupon all the players are presented with an image we have queued up. The image is of something somewhat recognizable. Players drop a pin on the provided map, indicating where they think the picture was taken. The game is over in 30 seconds, and the winners (by smallest distance from the actual location) are displayed on the next screen. - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
Hasura, Netlify, Google Maps (stretch goal), Clarifai (far stretch goal), Formspree - What is your plan to execute this idea?
Design data/domain model all together --> Pair 1 works on setting up Create React App w/ Apollo, Netlify deploy --> Pair 2 works on getting model into Hasura, preparing endpoint --> Design screens, mocks all together --> Divvy out the front end development tasks to get to functional MVP --> Time permitting, integrate Maps API for answer. Otherwise, implement multiple choice system --> Final preparation for demo (set up actual data) --> Time permitting, create Clarifai AI
A forum that allows for posting of images that can be configured for rejecting NSFW images. Also supports image tagging.
- Teammates:
- Alex Pitzer (@hoop)
- Mandy Trinh (@mandytrinh)
- Billy Le (@billyle)
- Jason Serafica (@teknoformula)
- Seeking Teammates: Yes
- Project URL
- Project Name (Cocoon)
- Teammates:
- Ron (@vokoshyv)
- Kevin (@jamalthejanitor#1701)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL (Subject to change...)
- Project Name - tbd
- Teammate:
- Joey Chung (@jchung05)
- Jose Ramon Aleman (@jraleman)
- Megan Okerlund (@mokerlund)
- Giovani Aguirre (@its-gio)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URl ###Project Q&A:
- What are you going to build?
An application that takes cafeteria data and visualizes customer data trends. - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
We currently plan on using Netlify and Hasura. Specifically for our use-case, we need our school's internal API and will need one additional data visualizer API. - What is your plan to execute this idea?
We are builing a web app where users (from the tech industry) can post about their imposter syndrome and receive community support.
- Teammates:
- Vikram Raja (@Vik1395)
- Matt Rodigheri (@maaatt)
- Abel Regalado (@abel)
- Martin Vargas Vega (@dev_latino)
- Shane Tajima (@shane)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL (Subject to change)
- Imposterly (probably rename later)
- What are you going to build?
A web app where users (from the tech industry) can post about their imposter syndrome and receive community support. - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
Formspree, Hasura (maybe), Github (maybe) - What is your plan to execute this idea?
// your answer here
The project is about an app that displays a random gif. A user can submit a caption to the gif. A user can also upvote the favorite captioned gifs that will be displayed on the sidebar.
- Teammates:
- Vijay Lama (@absurdist)
- Sumit Bagga (@daggerdrone)
- David Carter (@dajocarter)
- Seeking Teammates: No || 1 mate welcome. :)
- Project Repo
- CaptionThis!
Jamhouse is a tool built on top of Google Lighthouse, used to measure your website's performance over time.
- Teammates:
- Cam (@cambodia87)
- Andres (@Andres)
- Diego (@diegolamanno)
- Henry (@mmonkey)
- Danny (@talonz)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Jamhouse
- What are you going to build?
Jamhouse is a tool built on top of Google Lighthouse, used to measure your website's performance over time. - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
We plan to use FaunaDB and Formspree - What is your plan to execute this idea?
- We will build a site homepage, where the user can enter their website url, or request a webhook url that they can add to their netlify site.
- Once the user submits, it will trigger a lambda function, which will run the lighthouse CLI tool, and commit the lighthouse results to a FaunaDB.
- When the faunaDB successfully receives a new entry, it will trigger our website to build a page with their ongoing results over time compared against the user's current build.
- Teammates:
- Justin Kaseman (@Jk)
- Frank Faustino (@frankfaustino)
- Niki Esfandiari (@NEsfendiari37)
- Sumayyah Asgar (@Sumi)
- Hunter Casbeer (@spacexengineer)
- Kohei Arai (@kohei2301)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Project Name: FiveFeed (TBD)
- What are you going to build?
The solution to newsletter information overload. A curated newsfeed of only 5 of the best links, articles, and events - all in one place. - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
Tech Stack: Gatsby harnessing React and GraphQL, Fauna, Formspring - What is your plan to execute this idea?
Split into groups of 3 Front-end developers and 3 Back-end developers.
- Teammates:
- Scott Iwako (@iwakoscott)
- Miguel Ruiz (@migzruiz)
- Gerardo Fernandez (@gerardofer)
- Lena Ryoo (@lena)
- Sarmishta Burujupalli (@Sarmishta)
- Evghenii Ghimazitdinov(@evgimov)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Project Name: Hackaform
- What are you going to build?
We are going to build a web application to help developers attending hackathons find their dream team. - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
Formspree, Fauna DB, Netlify - What is your plan to execute this idea? Divide and conquer! We have one person overseeing the repository, two people working on the back end (FaunaDB), one person setting up the Netlify Identity widget, and two others designing the UI.
- Teammates:
- Jamarr Edwards (@jamarr#8205)
- Yutam Hacohen (@YotamHa#7378)
- Claudio Bardales (@Chit0)
- Jacqulline Beltran (@jackie#7264)
- Joshua Aguilar (@mrsnuz#6367)
- Seeking Teammates: NO
- Project Repo
- Quilt
- Teammates:
- Yvette Tran (@trantastic)
- Teammate Jeff (@jcohen120)
- Teammate Du (Dawn) Tram (@du-dawn)
- Andrew Yang (@yzy)
- Anna Khardina-Vaisman (@AnutaK)
- Mariya Mego Vela (@mash-a)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Project Name: POWPAL
- What are you going to build?
A web app that empowers voters with information to make informed decisions. - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
Formspree, Fuana, Clarifai, Hasura, Pilon, ProPublica, Civic Information API - What is your plan to execute this idea?
Create user story, research APIs, divide roles, and have fun! :) (except for Andrew)
- Teammates:
- Kevin(@kvrmd)
- Joshua(@jsadsad)
- Jimmy(@jimmy-guzman)
- Nestor(@nesanime)
- Lele(@lelelew)
- Ian(@ianserlin)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
What are you going to build?
A trusted political action platform. -
Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
- Formspree
- Clarifai
- FaunaDB
- Possibly IPStack for geolocation information
- What is your plan to execute this idea?
Using Formspree to send emails to representatives. Using Fauna DB for database interaction and database modeling when users are participating in political discussions. We will use Clarifai's Custom Face Recognition to authenticate users (vs. Troll Bots) so that discussions are real and unaffected.
- Project Name - TBD
Image Recongition Assistant is a React component that can be used anywhere. The component itself is a widget that takes in an image as an input and computes data related to the image, such as tags for the image.
- Teammates:
- Maximo Macchi (@max.1096)
- Jordan Henderson (@Jman219)
- Nathan Chica (@ch1cachu)
- Shajia Abidi (@abidishaija)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- [Project URL] (https://github.com/maximomacchi/image-recognition-assistant)
- What are you going to build?
Widget that will take image as input and return tags related to that image along with other data. We will also be building an app that uses our created widget to show it in action. - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
Clarifai. - What is your plan to execute this idea?
Using pure React. Based off of create-react-app-lambda. Will be hosted on Netlify. Components will be written in parallel by team members. Components that will be used so far are:
- Main App - stores state of entire app; handles views
- API handler - handles calls to API and receiving data
- View components that render data in various forms
We are building a website tool dedicated to assisting teaching professionals translating a numerical equation into a word equation.
- Teammates:
- Veronica
- Lydia
- Amy
- Rich
- Blake
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- What are you going to build?
// A website tool dedicated to assisting teaching professionals translating a numerical equation into a word equation. - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
// Netlify, Fauna DB, React - What is your plan to execute this idea?
// TBD
- Teammates:
- Sean Nguyen (@Sea)
- Ilan Kaim (iknowmagic)
- Sarah Kaplan (skaplan)
- Juan Areces (@juanA)
- Zubin Pratap (@Zubin)
- Dave Lau (@doubleUTF)
- Seeking Teammates: Yes/No
- Project URL
- Project Name (ok to say tbd and update later)
- What are you going to build?
A survey form that visualizes data about the participants of the 2018 Jamstack Hackathon and helps users find compatible group members for future hackathons. - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
Formspree, Fauna, Highcharts, React - What is your plan to execute this idea?
Determine the requirements to make the application run, develop a prototype, decide what tools and libraries we are going to use, create a wireframe of what the actual page will look like, delegate tasks and start building the application, finally test it to make sure it works as intended. If we have additional time, we might want to implement more features.
Learn a new language from your social media with the power of machine learning and your friends' selfies.
- Teammates:
- Manuel Moya (@manuelmoya#2014)
- Kyle Smith (@kyle#6166)
- Robert Wolf (@Robert Wolf#6955)
- Ryan Wiemer (@ryanwiemer#1547)
- Anil Kumar Nandamuri (@nandu#6388)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- [Project URL] (https://github.com/ryanwiemer/FCC-Hackathon-2018)
- What are you going to build?
An app which helps people learn new languages based on photos in their Instagram feed - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
Clarifai and Instagram - What is your plan to execute this idea?
Using pure React. Based off of create-react-app-lambda. Will be hosted on Netlify. Components will be written in parallel by team members. Components that will be used so far are:
- Research APIs
- Divided into two groups:
- API Integration
- Front End / Design
- Whiteboard the user experience flow and identify potential bottlenecks or technical challenges
- Agree on application and data structure
- Front End / Design team to start creating the “dumb” components
- API team to work on authentication and data management Work together to combine and wire up an MVP
- Polish and look for opportunities to improve visually or otherwise
- Teammates:
- Kalsang Bhutia (@Avosammy)
- Hannah Lee (@hannah)
- Vy Nguyen (@vynguyen)
- Shoua Chang (@Shoua Chang)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project URL
- Project Name: Rental Scope
- What are you going to build? Our team is building an application to allow tenants to review rental properties.
- Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.) The APIs that we are using will be: formspree and Fauna
- What is your plan to execute this idea? Our plan to execute this idea is research content, design layout and implement a first iteration of the application.
- Teammates:
- Nyapal (@fatbellynya)
- Jasmin (@jazzi)
- KJ (@sadboykj)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- Project Repo
- Netlify, YouTube
- Project Name - tbd
- Teammates:
- Ashwin (@ashwin47#1900)
- Seeking Teammates: No
- GitHub URL
- What are you going to build?
A webapp to create travel albums. - Which APIs do you plan to use? (You can use any APIs, not just Hackathon sponsor APIs.)
The APIs that I will be using are: Fauna and Hasura GraphQL. - What is your plan to execute this idea?
My plan is to design Data flow diagram, Develop and Deploy.