A simple repo to get the letter of your DNI (Identity Card used in Spain) by the numbers introduced. Free jokes included
There's a free open demo online hosted using GitHub Pages. Here
Mainly you can add more people directly in the script in the const persons
following the pattern:
name - surname - image - birthday in (DD/MM/YYYY)
Please use an stable website for the images (like Wikipedia, archive.org, etc.)
Feel free to sugest some issues directly in the section
Hacktoberfest is a promotion run by DigitalOcean that runs every October in order to encourage developers to contribute to open-source projects on GitHub. You can read more info in their official website
This repository has been accepted in order to accept Hacktoberfest issues.
Remember that only mergues made between 1 and 31 October will be valid. I'll try not merge nothing until then but I ask for don't do PR until then too. You can "reserve" some issues by requesting it and doing the PR in October
You can see all the issues here
Mention to Dimitry Miroliubov for the favicon