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Releases: feathersjs-ecosystem/feathers-objection

Updates to the error handler

01 Feb 14:45
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  • Changed error-handler to return only error message
  • Original errors are now available via a secure Symbol
  • Added README section on DB migrations with Knex Migration CLI
  • Added README section on using transactions

Updated the error-handler to support Objection v2.x errors

27 Dec 16:59
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- Updated the error-handler to support Objection v2.x errors

- Updated package.json's engines.node to `>= 8`

Added example of querying JSON field with dot

27 Dec 15:03
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Added example of querying JSON field with dot

Updated dependencies

27 Dec 14:39
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- Updated Dependencies

- Added objection v1.x as peer-dependency

Updated docs

06 Dec 23:51
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Fixed typo in docs

Added $mergeEager to merge an eager expression to `$eager`

06 Dec 23:34
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Added $mergeEager to merge an eager expression to `$eager`

Added $modifyEager query param

06 Dec 17:13
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Added $modifyEager query param to filter relation based on relation's field

Fixed syntax error on count with composite PK in MySQL

12 Nov 16:32
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Changed countDistinct to be used only with joinRelation operator. otherwise, count will be used.

11 Oct 19:40
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- Changed `countDistinct` to be used only with `joinRelation` operator

- Bumped version to 4.4.3

Fixed support and docs for JSON specific query operators

11 Oct 18:41
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- Fixed support and docs for JSON specific query operators

- Bumped version to 4.4.2