Releases: feathersjs-ecosystem/feathers-objection
Releases · feathersjs-ecosystem/feathers-objection
Updates to the error handler
- Changed error-handler to return only error message
- Original errors are now available via a secure Symbol
- Added README section on DB migrations with Knex Migration CLI
- Added README section on using transactions
Updated the error-handler to support Objection v2.x errors
- Updated the error-handler to support Objection v2.x errors - Updated package.json's engines.node to `>= 8`
Added example of querying JSON field with dot
v4.6.5 Added example of querying JSON field with dot
Updated dependencies
- Updated Dependencies - Added objection v1.x as peer-dependency
Updated docs
v4.6.3 Fixed typo in docs
Added $mergeEager to merge an eager expression to `$eager`
v4.6.2 Added $mergeEager to merge an eager expression to `$eager`
Added $modifyEager query param
Added $modifyEager query param to filter relation based on relation's field
Fixed syntax error on count with composite PK in MySQL
v4.5.1 Bumped version to 4.5.1
Changed countDistinct to be used only with joinRelation operator. otherwise, count will be used.
- Changed `countDistinct` to be used only with `joinRelation` operator - Bumped version to 4.4.3
Fixed support and docs for JSON specific query operators
- Fixed support and docs for JSON specific query operators - Bumped version to 4.4.2