Starred entries deals only with entry_ids. After downloading the starred entry ids, you'll want to follow up with a call to
GET /v2/entries.json?ids=4088,4089,4090,4091
To actually retrieve the entries that have been starred. Please note, that you can only request up to 100 entries at a time.
GET /v2/starred_entries.json
will return an array of entry_ids
curl --request GET \
--user "[email protected]:password" \
Status Codes
200 OK
will be returned
POST /v2/starred_entries.json
will star the specified entry_ids
curl --request POST \
--user "[email protected]:password" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
--data-ascii '{"starred_entries": [4089, 4090, 4091]}' \
The response will contain all of the entry_ids that were successfully starred. If any ids that were sent are not returned in the response it usually means the user no longer has access to the feed the entry belongs to.
Status Codes
200 OK
will be returned if the request is successful
Note There is a limit of 1,000 entry_ids per request
DELETE /v2/starred_entries.json
will remove unstar the specified entry_ids
curl --request DELETE \
--user "[email protected]:password" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
--data-ascii '{"starred_entries": [4089, 4090, 4091]}' \
Status Codes
200 OK
will be returned if the request is successful
Note There is a limit of 1,000 entry_ids per request
The response will contain all of the entry_ids that were successfully unstarred. If any ids that were sent are not returned in the response it usually means the user no longer has access to the feed the entry belongs to.
DELETE Alternative
Some clients like Android don't easily allow a body with a DELETE request. For these cases there is an alternate endpoint that can be used with POST:
POST /v2/starred_entries/delete.json