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AWS Multi-node

Welcome to the AWS Multi-node installer. This option deploys a default of 3 instances with data persisted via EBS volumes.

Currently, the infrastructure selects a single node with an elastic ip to receive requests, so it does have a single point of failure. We hope to introduce load balancing in the near future.


See the main AWS for prerequisites.

Resources deployed

This example creates the following resources in the provided AWS account:

  • 3 EC2 instances (default size: t2.medium)
    • Name: ${var.resource_name_prefix}-server
  • 1 Elastic IP address (associated with the first instance)
    • Name: ${var.resource_name_prefix}-eip
    • This is useful as it won't change with instance reboots and is a known value for constructing Hippo and Bindle URLs
  • 1 custom security group using the default VPC
    • Name: ${var.resource_name_prefix}-server-sg
    • Inbound connections allowed for ports 22, 80, 443 and optionally: 8081 (traefik), 4646 (nomad), and 8500 (consul)
      • see var.allowed_inbound_cidr_blocks for allowed origin IP addresses
    • All outbound connections allowed
  • 1 SSH keypair
    • Name: ${var.resource_name_prefix}_ssh_key_pair
    • see var.allowed_ssh_cidr_blocks for allowed origin IP addresses
  • 2 EBS volumes
    • Postgres: the database for hippo
      • Name: ${var.resource_name_prefix}-postgres-volume
      • Size: 20 GB
        • see var.postgres_disk_size to change the disk size
    • Bindle
      • Name: ${var.resource_name_prefix}-bindle-volume
      • Size: 20 GB
        • see var.bindle_disk_size to change the disk size

All resources are tagged with a common set of tags, in addition to any resource-specific tags that might be defined. This enables searching for resources based on tags and can be helpful if manual cleanup is necessary. To see these applied tags, run terraform output common_tags.

How to Deploy

First, initialize Terraform from this directory:

terraform init

Deploy with all defaults (http-based URLs):

terraform apply

Deploy with all defaults and use Let's Encrypt to provision certs for TLS/https:

terraform apply -var='enable_letsencrypt=true'

Deploy with a custom instance name, perhaps so multiple examples can co-exist in the same region:

terraform apply -var='resource_name_prefix=fermyonrocks'

Deploy with a custom domain name:

terraform apply -var=''

Quick disclaimer when Let's Encrypt is enabled: if the DNS record does not propagate in time, Let's Encrypt may incur a rate limit on your domain. Create the A record for * as soon as you can, making sure it points to the Elastic IP's public address. See for more details.

Environment setup

When Terraform finishes provisioning, it will supply URL and username/password values for Hippo and Bindle, which will be needed to deploy your first application.

Set your environment up in one go using the environment output:

$(terraform output -raw environment)

This will export values into your shell for the following environment variables:


Now you're ready to start building and deploying applications on Fermyon! Follow the Deploying to Fermyon guide for the next steps.

Cleaning up

When the provisioned resources in this example are no longer needed, they can be destroyed via:

terraform destroy


See the main AWS for approaches around troubleshooting as well as advanced configurations.