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Development Guidelines

Getting the Source

  1. Fork the agents-aea repository.

  2. Clone your fork of the agents-aea repository:

    git clone [email protected]:<github username>/agents-aea.git
  3. Define an upstream remote pointing back to the main agents-aea repository:

    git remote add upstream

Setting up a New Development Environment

  1. Ensure you have Python (version 3.8, 3.9 or 3.10) and poetry.

  2. make new-env

    This will create a new virtual environment using poetry with the project and all the development dependencies installed.

    We use poetry to manage dependencies. All python specific dependencies are specified in pyproject.toml and installed with the framework.

    You can have more control on the installed dependencies by leveraging poetry's features.

  3. poetry shell

    To enter the virtual environment.

Depending on what you want to do, you might need extra tools on your system:

  • The project uses Google Protocol Buffers compiler for message serialization. The compiler's version must match the protobuf library installed with the project (see pyproject.toml).
  • The fetchai/p2p_libp2p package is partially developed in Go. To make changes, install Golang.
  • To update fingerprint hashes of packages, you will need the IPFS daemon.


General code quality checks

To run general code quality checkers, formatters and linters:

  •  make lint

    Automatically formats your code and sorts your imports, checks your code's quality and scans for any unused code.

  •  make mypy

    Statically checks the correctness of the types.

  •  make pylint

    Analyses the quality of your code.

  •  make security

    Checks the code for known vulnerabilities and common security issues.

  •  make clean

    Cleans your development environment and deletes temporary files and directories.

  • For the Go parts, we use golines and golangci-lint for linting.

Updating documentation

We use mkdocs and material-for-mkdocs for static documentation pages. To make changes to the documentation:

  •  make docs-live

    This starts a live-reloading docs server on localhost which you can access by going to in your browser. Making changes to the documentation automatically reloads this page, showing you the latest changes.

    To create a new documentation page, add a markdown file under /docs/ and add a reference to this page in mkdocs.yml under nav.

Updating API documentation

If you've made changes to the core aea package that affects the public API:

  •  make generate-api-docs

    This regenerates the API docs. If pages are added/deleted, or there are changes in their structure, these need to be reflected manually in the nav section of mkdocs.yaml.

Updating dependencies

We use poetry and pyproject.toml to manage the project's dependencies.

If you've made any changes to the dependencies (e.g. added/removed dependencies, or updated package version requirements):

  •  poetry lock

    This re-locks the dependencies. Ensure that the poetry.lock file is pushed into the repository (by default it is).

  •  make liccheck

    Checks that the licence for the framework is correct, taking into account the licences for all dependencies, their dependencies and so forth.

Updating packages

If you've made changes to the packages included in the repository (e.g. skills, protocols, connections, contracts):

  •  make update-package-hashes

    Updates the fingerprint hashes of every package in the repository.

  •  make package-checks

    Checks, a. that the package hashes are correct, b. the documentation correctly references the latest packages, and c) runs other correctness checks on packages.


To test the Python part of the project, we use pytest. To run the tests:

  •  make test

    Runs all the tests.

  •  make test-plugins 

    Runs all plugin tests.

  •  make dir={SUBMODULE} tdir={TESTMODULE} test-sub

    Runs the tests for aea.{SUBMODULE}. For example, to run the tests for the CLI: make dir=cli tdir=cli test-sub

To test the Go parts of the project:

  •  go test -p 1 -timeout 0 -count 1 -v ./...

    from the root directory of a Go package (e.g. fetchai/p2p_libp2p) to run the Golang tests. If you experience installation or build issues, run go clean -modcache.

Miscellaneous checks

  •  copyright-check

    Checks that all files have the correct copyright header (where applicable).

  •  check-doc-links

    Checks that the links in the documentations are valid and alive.

  •  make libp2p-diffs

    Checks the libp2p code under libs and in the connection packages aren't different.

  •  make plugin-diffs

    Checks the plugin licenses and the codes under cosmos and fetchai ledger plugins aren't different.


For instructions on how to contribute to the project (e.g. creating Pull Requests, commit message convention, etc), see the contributing guide.

Making Releases

For instructions on how to make a release, see the release process guide.