- Added waveform component to the player example
- Removed commercial license / BSD V2 license for all projects
- Reorganised repository:
- The module is now in a subdirectory: modules/foleys_gui_magic
- Integrated examples
- Added unit tests using catch2
- Validates using pluginval, see https://github.com/Tracktion/pluginval
- Replaced the develop branch with a fresh branch
- Added wheel parameter to XYDraggerComponent
- Fixed initially invisible resizer when toolbox is detached
- Updated updatePlayheadInformation for JUCE 7
- Added safety to RadioButtonManager
- Allow setStateInformation to occur on a background thread
- Add setting a property from a TextButton
- Changed name "value" to "property" on ToggleButton
- Allow setting of Tab-Bar height
- Add a property "tab-selected" to connect to a property in the state
- Avoid update feedback loop in RadioButtonManager
- Added update when something in the Stylesheet changes
- Fixed radio buttons not to double propagate
- Fixed missing compiler settings
- Added access to ParameterMappings
- Added accessibilities settings
- Added Radio group features - Avoid a loop when undo colours
- Fixed fill when no colour was set
- Fixed parsing of colours named "transparent"
- Fixed crash with class selection popup MultiListPropertyComponent
- Fixed gradient for glowing MagicPlot
- Allow Containers to scroll if over-full and configured accordingly
- Added drumpad component
- Added gradient option to curve Plots
- Add option for XY-Pad to jump to click point
- Save position of the toolbox
- Fixed AlertWindow::IconType to a backward compatible version
- Add ParameterAttachment for Label
- Added a fix when undo after a edit-drag operation
- Removed modal loops (needed for JUCE 6.0.9)
- Added PopupMenu background and colours in ComboBox for all shipped LookAndFeels
- Made Tooltip colours configurable
- Added tooltip to foleys widgets like Levelmeter, XY-dragger
- Added macro to automatically set the sources folder for save/load FOLEYS_SET_SOURCE_PATH
- Added AutoSave every 10 seconds, requires using FOLEYS_SET_SOURCE_PATH
- Changed LevelMeter from rolling average to ballistic, added max line
- Added callback to MagicProcessor to allow bespoke generic GUI trees
- Allow caption to be configured from CSS style class
- Added Filmstrip option for knobs
- Added aspect ratio to resize constrainer
- Added interval and suffix to Slider (not with parameter)
- Allow caption to be centered
- Removed
- Fixed default GUI creation
- New components respect current edit mode
- Fixed accidently draggable components
- Allow dragging of groups (instead of selecting the child)
- Don't need BinaryData config switch any longer
- Fixed creation of CSS classes and update when a property there changes
- Changed Analyser to use ballistics rather than rolling average
- Added options to specify position and size relative or absolute to the parent component
- Allow the selected component in a Contents to be draggable
- Add a switch to disable storing the tree in the plugin state
- Allow loading the gui from an external XML file without compilation
The GUI ValueTree is now in MagicGUIState
AudioProcessorValueTreeState is no longer needed and not supplied to the MagicProcessorState
Added MagicProcessor that takes care of the necessary boilerplate
addBackgroundProcessing() is no longer necessary
Set TextButton to toggle when a parameter is connected
Make it work without AudioProcessorValueTreeState
ApplicationSettings update now when the file changes / work cross multiple plugins
Fixed a crash with ListBox
- Implemented margin and padding with different values on each edge
- Averted an assert in DropShadow with Sliders (or Components in General) becoming only one pixel
- Added option to XY-Dragger for radius and sensitivity
- Added Midi-Learn component to be dragged on knobs/controls
- Fixed missing text property for ToggleButton
- Added editor for gradients, new gradients support stop positions
- Refactored gradient drawing
- Average over higher frequency bins instead of silently skipping
- Some documentations
- Reduced analyser painting in higher frequencies
- Fixed property dropdown
- Made Colour selector compatible with JUCE 6.0.1
- Implemented ColourPalette
- Add the possibility to get the AudioProcessor in GuiItem from builder, if there is one
- Add the possibility to get the AudioProcessor in GuiItem from builder, if there is one
- Objects such as PlotSources and LevelMeters are in a flat list, so their names have to be unique
- Any other kind of object can be stored and advertised to the GUI, eg. ListBoxModels
- addPlotSource() is now createAndAddObject(), MagicLevelSource works similar
- MagicGUIBuilder can be used in an JUCEApplication or any Component
- Slider can be connected to a juce::Value
- Bugfix: Fixed small offset of the analyser
- Add context menu option to XY-Dragger
- Allowed caption to appear centred-left or centred-right on the side of a widget
- Bugfix: Fixed uninitialized atomic in AtomicParameterAttachment
- Allow to create dynamic properties by editing the combobox
- Refactor of MagicPlotComponent to redraw only with defined FPS
- Let Tabbed View use the LookAndFeel
- Properties from parent's style class are no longer inherited by default. This can be changed back by checking the "recursive" flag in the style class
- Added conditional style classes, that react to dynamic properties
- Added minimum and maximum size for the editor
- Bugfix: Avoid assert when an item is dropped on itself
- Resizable can be switched on and off, together with default size
- Added class conditions to allow responsive layouts (media tag)
- Bugfix: Selected Tab will stay when changes are made via editor
- Added tabbed containers
- Bugfix: Fixed not showing XYDraggerComponent
- Added note of the dual licensing
- Label can display a dynamic text
- Added font-size and justification to Label
- Toolbox can be detached and set always on top (thanks Benedikt)
- Removed MagicGuiBuilder template: capture the app instead when registering the factory
- Bugfix: Fixed editor becomming unresponsive when a class was selected via the ComboBox
- Added option to delete style class
- Bugfix: Fixed wrong entries in plot source menu
- Added Properties to connect to ToggleButtons
- Added Visibility switch via Properties
- Added trigger option for Buttons
- Display parameters in groups for selection
- Added glow effect to Oscilloscope
- Bugfix: Keep current edits in state even after load XML
- Property editor displays many default values
- Bugfix: update property editor when deleting a property
- Added alpha value for background images
- Added key-width for MidiKeyboardComponent
- Bugfix: avoid infinite loop in Oscilloscope
- Bugfix: don't assert, if AudioProcessorValueTreeState has no ValueTree state set up
- Bugfix: fixed update of layout if a property changes
- Added swatches to colour picker
- Added persistency for colour swatches
- Allows typing colour names and copy paste colours
- Added style classes selector
- Added switch for OpenGL
- Bugfix: update layout if child order was changed
- Fixed warnings on windows VS 2019
- Store current edit in plugin state
- Added ColourSelector for editor
- Added LevelMeters
- Added MidiKeyboardComponent
- Added fill for Plots
- Improved accumulative error in analyser
- Optimised update of colours
- Added XY-Dragging component
- Added Analyser plot
- Added Oscilloscope
- Added new LookAndFeel with 3D Skeumorphic effects
- Initial version
- Layout via FlexBox
- Recreate Components from ValueTree
- Connect to AudioParameters