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File metadata and controls

172 lines (128 loc) · 5.98 KB

MAClient Plugin Document


MAClient has plugin support since version 1.50. plugin system is enabled when enable_plugins is set to 1. You can also enable/disable single plugin using the disabled config; to disable multiple plugins, use | to seperate their names.

Plugins are some Python scripts or native extensions under the plugins folder. All plugins are dynamically imported when maclient_plugin initialize. Plugins with name starts with _ or under sub folders are NOT going to be imported. When having the same name, plugins have the priority following pyd>py>pyc=pyo.

There're two types of plugins. One appends actions before and after specified events(AKA hook plugin); the other one adds extra commands to the CLI ui(AKA extra_cmd plugin). The two types exist inside single file.

##Hook Plugin


example_hook bgm


Let's start with example_hook plugin as an example. In this example, we set up three hooks: before attacking fairy, after attacking fairy, before exploring; when these events occur, we print some stuff on the screen.

You should always import plugin_prototype super class from _prototype module. At the first of your plugin(we call it metadata), name your plugin, your name, the version. Any meta besides __plugin_name__ is only optional:

from _prototype import plugin_prototype
__plugin_name__ = 'sample plugin'
__author = 'fffonion'
__version__ = 0.1
require_version = 1.71 #require MAClient version no less then given version number
require_feature_nologin = True #commands that can be excuted before a player logined (used in extra_cmd plugin)

Set up event hook. It's ENTER/EXIT+_+EVENT_NAME:

hooks = {'ENTER__fairy_battle':1,'EXIT__fairy_battle':1,'ENTER_explore':1}

###Event Name

  • tasker task scheduler
  • auto_check check if card pack and friendship point is full
  • check_strict_bc check if strict bc is triggered
  • set_card
  • red_tea use red potion
  • green_tea use green potion
  • _use_item use item(including potion) >=v1.68
  • explore explore: select area
  • _explore_floor explore: explore in a floor
  • gacha
  • select_card_sell auto sell <1.72
  • _select_card_exchange >=1.72及以上版本
  • sell_card >=1.72
  • buildup_card >=1.72
  • fairy_battle_loop
  • fairy_select
  • _fairy_battle
  • like greet
  • friends friend menu
  • reward_box get reward box
  • point_setting
  • factor_battle
  • invoke_autoset auto set card deck
  • _exit MAClient exit >= v1.67
  • sleeper sleeping scheduler >=v1.68

The decimal after event name means the priority when hook is invoked. Bigger number means higher priority. When several plugins have a same priority, they are invoked in a random order.

In the example, all hooks are set to priority 1 (lowest).

Make this empty if not using extra_cmd mode

extra_cmd = {}

The plugin class

class plugin(plugin_prototype):
  def __init__(self):

  def ENTER_explore(self,*args, kwargs):
    print 'explore!'
    print args
    return args,kwargs

  def EXIT__fairy_battle(self,*args, kwargs):
    print 'fairy_battle done!'

  def ENTER__fairy_battle(self,*args, kwargs):
    print 'fairy_battle!'
    return args,kwargs

Class name must be plugin and inherit from plugin_prototype super class.

For every hook, there must be a method with the name same with hooked event. *args and kwargs are arguments being tranfered to the event. Return args and kwargs in a before hook will modify the arguments really transfered to the hooked event.

You can use self.tuple_assign (inherited from super class) to modify items in a tuple.

If there's no return statement of a return without value, then the arguments will not be modified.

plugin class will be instantiated so you can save some state infomation

You can refer to for dig out each event has what arguments.



##extra_cmd plugin


web_helper query_tool


metadata is same as that in hook plugin, the difference is now you should fill the extra_cmd dict

key means the command name, value is function name to be called


Use functional structure. Inner function is not necessary to be named as do.

def start_webproxy(plugin_vals):
  def do(*args):
  return do

plugin_vals are some class variables of maclient. In fact it's self.__dict__

###Usable variables

plugin_vals['poster'] poster instance of `maclient_network`, can be used to communicate with server, returns decrypted data
plugin_vals['player'] player instance
├─.cards card data
│  └ .db card databse {1:['First - Lancelot','5','19'],……}
│  └ .cards player's cards, elements are object_dict types
│  └ .sid(xxx) find card by serial id
│  └ .mid(xxx) find card by master id, returns a list
├─.item item data
│  └ .name item database {'1':'AP Potion', ...}
│  └ .count item count {'1':123, ...}
├─.ap / bc
│  └ ['cur'] current value
│  └ ['max'] max value
├─.friendship_point / gold
plugin_vals['loc'] server name
plugin_vals['cookie'] session cookie
plugin_vals['logger'] the logger instance

All variables can be found in with self. as prefix

