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Developer Guide

This guide includes two parts:

  • How to customize your own alerts
  • and how to register investigator for the alert.

Customize Alerts

There are some Prometheus alerts provided by Theliv by default, while you can customize your own alerts. The alerting rules are defined in the config map of prometheus server. You can see all the configurations with the following command.

kubectl get cm prometheus-server -o yaml

You should see alerting_rules.yml in the config map, under which part are the alerts placed.

apiVersion: v1
  alerting_rules.yml: |
    - name: kube-state-metrics
      - alert: <YourAlertHere>

Define Alert

Theliv mainly uses kube-state-metrics to define prometheus alerts, which is a simple service that listens to the Kubernetes API server and generates metrics about the state of the objects such as deployments, nodes, and pods. The metrics are focused on orchestration metadata: deployment, pod, replica status, etc. It is important to note that kube-state-metrics is just a metrics endpoint. Other entities need to scrape it and provide long term storage (e.g., the Prometheus server).

Create Alert

Check the valid metrics provided by kube_state_metrics before defining your own alerts expressions. And specify the label job='kube-state-metrics' in the metric.
Prometheus alerting rules allow you to define alert conditions based on Prometheus expression language expressions and to send notifications about firing alerts to an external service. Alert Example:

      - alert: PodNotRunning
        expr: kube_pod_status_phase{job='kube-state-metrics',phase=~'Failed|Pending|Unknown'} * on(uid) group_left(owner_kind, owner_is_controller, owner_name) kube_pod_owner{job='kube-state-metrics'} >0
        for: 5m
          resourcetype: pod
          # The resourcetype label is REQUIRED for Theliv. 
          # You should specify the kind of resource (container, pod, node, deployment etc.) that triggers the alert.
          summary: "Pod is not in Running status"
          description: "Pod {{$labels.pod}} in namespace {{$labels.namespace}} is in {{$labels.phase}} status for more than 5mins."

Note: The label resourcetype is required in Theliv. You should specify the kind of resource (container, pod, node, deployment etc.) that triggers the alert.

Update Configuration

Edit the prometheus configuration to add your alerts:

kubectl edit cm prometheus-server

Reload Configuration

Prometheus can reload its configuration at runtime. If the new configuration is not well-formed, the changes will not be applied. A configuration reload is triggered by sending a SIGHUP to the Prometheus process or sending a HTTP POST request to the /-/reload endpoint (when the --web.enable-lifecycle flag is enabled). This will also reload any configured rule files.


kube_state_metrics docs
PromQL Cheetsheet
Alerts Examples

Provide Investigator

Investigators are mainly responsible to triage the problem that built from a fired alert and provide responding solutions and enough details for users to understand the next steps to solve the problem.
In this example, we have an alert to monitor the init container's ImagePullBackoff error.

      - alert: InitContainerWaitingAsImagePullBackOff
        expr: kube_pod_init_container_status_waiting_reason{job='kube-state-metrics', reason=~'ImagePullBackOff|ErrImagePull|InvalidImageName'} * on(uid, container) group_left(image) kube_pod_init_container_info{job='kube-state-metrics'} * on(uid) group_left(owner_kind, owner_is_controller, owner_name) kube_pod_owner{job='kube-state-metrics'} >0
        for: 5m
          resourcetype: container
          # resourcetype: initcontainer
          # either initcontainer, or container is okay
          summary: "Init Container is Waiting due to ImagePullBackOff"
          description: "Init Container {{$labels.pod}} of Pod {{$labels.pod}} in namespace {{$labels.namespace}} is waiting due to ImagePullBackOff, reason is {{$labels.reason}}"

And we need to provide the responding investigator:

  1. If the alert is to monitor a new resource type that not exist in detector.go -> buildProblemAffectedResource:
    1. You need to modify the func buildProblemAffectedResource to load its runtime object.
    2. You need to specity the problem level. The problem with the lowest level will become the root cause. (container level is lower than deployment level, thus container failure is the root cause of a deployment failure)
  2. Create a new investigator file under /internal/investigators for the resource type, in this example is initcontainerinvestigator.go
  3. Create an investigator function InitContainerImagePullBackoffInvestigator in the file.
  4. Register the function in the alertInvestigatorMap in /pkg/service/detector.go. The key is the with alert name InitContainerWaitingAsImagePullBackOff. The value is one or more investigator functions you expect to execute for the alert.
  5. Implement the investigator function and build problem.SolutionDetails. In this example we use go template to provide solutions formatting.
  6. After above steps, you should see in response.
    "name": "problem name",
    "rootCause": { ... },
    "resources": [
        "name": "pod-name-with-error",
        "type": "Pod",
        "labels": { ... },
        "annotations": { ... },
        "metadata": { ... },
        "issue": {
          "name": "InitContainerWaitingAsImagePullBackOff",
          "description": "Description of the alert",
          "solutions": [
            "!!!!! Here are the solutions you expect to see !!!!!",
            "1. Unable to pull image for the container nginx. The root cause could be one of the following.",
            "2. Either the image repository name is incorrect or does NOT exist.",
            "3. < You can also provide enough details to troubleshoot >",
            "4. Either the image tag is invalid or does NOT exist.",
            "5. < You can also provide cmd to troubleshoot >"
        "tags": { ... },
        "causelevel": 1

Example Investigator PR