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Vim Chunkwm Navigator

This plugin will allow you to navigate seamlessly between Vim/Neovim splits and native mac os windows managed by chunkwm using a consistent set of hotkeys. The secret sauce that allows this to work is the combination of Åsmund Vikane's chunkwm, a tiling window manager, and a hotkey daemon(e.g. khd or skhd).

This is oh so heavily based off Chris Toomey's vim-tmux-navigator. For educational purposes I have structured the code like vim-tmux-navigator due to my lack of vimscript experience. I have taken the time to implement everything as if it were from scratch in a progressive manner (as the need presented itself) for my educational benefit. In the end, I hope to have scratched my own itch, while deepening my vim knownledge.

IMPORTANT: This requires chunkwm, or similar window manager and your hacking on supplied scripts, and a third party hotkey daemon(e.g. khd or skhd)


This plugin provides the following mappings which allow you to move between Vim/Neovim pane splits and native macos windows seamlessly.

  • <ctrl-h> => Left
  • <ctrl-j> => Down
  • <ctrl-k> => Up
  • <ctrl-l> => Right

Note - Even if you use a modal hotkey daemon, you can bind these to the default mode.

If you want to use alternate key mappings, see the [configuration section below][].



If you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend using vim-plug. Assuming you have vim-plug installed and configured, the following steps will install the plugin:

Add the following line to your .vimrc or init.vim file

Plug 'fielding/vim-chunkwm-navigator'

Then run




# allow chunkwm to pass through ctrl-h/j/k/l so that vim can switch panes without triggering shell escape characters

Hotkey Daemon or other third party key mapping method

To configure the chunkw side of this customization we must use a third party hotkey daemon(e.g. khd or skhd). I will try include configurations for any submitted by others.


For skhd edit any existing bindings to ctrl - h, ctrl - j, ctrl - k, and ctrl - l in ~/.skhdrc to match the following snippet:

ctrl - h ->         : if [[ "$(chunkc tiling::query --window name)" != *"vim"* ]]; then chunkc tiling::window --focus west; fi
ctrl - l ->         : if [[ "$(chunkc tiling::query --window name)" != *"vim"* ]]; then chunkc tiling::window --focus west; fi
ctrl - j ->         : if [[ "$(chunkc tiling::query --window name)" != *"vim"* ]]; then chunkc tiling::window --focus west; fi
ctrl - k ->         : if [[ "$(chunkc tiling::query --window name)" != *"vim"* ]]; then chunkc tiling::window --focus west; fi


  • Add previous to the list of binds/focus change options
  • Correct how it handles the wrapping around from window back in to vim/nvim
  • README: Finish!
    • add confguraton section
    • add khd configuration
    • add tidbit about terminal title