Create a schedule definition
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ScheduleId | ResourceId | ||
JobId | ResourceId | ||
Name | string | A display name for this Schedule | |
Description | string | A description of the Schedule | |
Author | string | Name of the author of this schedule | [optional] |
Owner | string | Name of owner of this schedule | [optional] |
Arguments | Dictionary<string, string> | All arguments specified by this Schedule that will be passed in to the Job | [optional] |
Trigger | Trigger | [optional] | |
Notifications | List<Notification> | Notifications for this Schedule | [optional] |
Enabled | bool | Specify whether schedule is enabled or not Defaults to true | [optional] |
UseAsAuth | string | Id of user associated with schedule. All calls to FINBOURNE services as part of execution of this schedule will be authenticated as this user. Can be null, in which case we'll default to that of the user making this request | [optional] |