DOT is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that is used in the Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software to describe graphs. A graph is an ensemble of nodes connected by edges.
This project aims to mimic this language using various features of the Kotlin language.
This is the graph described with DOT:
graph graphname {
yellow -- green -- red;
green -- blue [style=dashed];
Using this library, we can write it in Kotlin:
val yellow = Node("yellow")
val green = Node("green")
val red = Node("red")
val blue = Node("blue")
val graph = Graph (
yellow - green - red,
(green - blue) [Style.DASHED],
This code prints the following graph:
(yellow) .. (green) .. (red)
(green) -- (blue)
(This graph is of course only for demonstration purpose)