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Extending update ipsets

Costa Tsaousis edited this page Nov 10, 2015 · 17 revisions

You can extend update-ipsets to download you IP lists.

There are 3 directories that are consulted for additional IP lists definitions:

  1. /etc/firehol/ipsets.d
  2. /usr/share/firehol/ipsets.d
  3. ~/.update-ipsets/ipsets.d

In any of the above directories, you can place *.conf files, each describing one or more IP lists.

Here is what each of these files can contain:

IP list definitions

IP lists are defined with the update command. This is the template:

update name mins aggregation ipv keep \
    url \
    processor \
    category \
    info \
    maintainer maintainer_url


Is the name of the IP list.

The name uniquely identifies the IP list and controls the filenames that will be generated.


mins is the update frequency of the list, in minutes. update-ipsets will not attempt to download again an IP list if mins minutes have not passed since the modification time of the last downloaded file.

The modification time of the file at the maintainer's site is copied to the local file when it is downloaded. For example, if you download IP list named A, the file A.source that will be generated will have the modification time of the file as it is stored at the maintainer's site.


aggregation is a list of durations in minutes that the ip list should be aggregated.

You can disable aggregation, by setting this parameter to 0.

Example values: "$[24*60] $[7*24*60] $[30*24*60]" to enable daily, weekly and monthly aggregations.


It can be ipv4 or ipv6.

Only ipv4 is supported at the moment.


It can be:

  • ip to keep only the single IPs found in the source file.

    The generated file will have the suffix .ipset.

  • net to keep only subnets found in the source file, ignoring single IPs.

    The generated file will the suffix .netset

  • both to keep both single IPs and subnets found in the source file.

    The generated file will the suffix .netset

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