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Installing update ipsets

Costa Tsaousis edited this page Nov 8, 2015 · 33 revisions

update-ipsets is part of FireHOL.

You can use update-ipsets without FireHOL. update-ipsets will does not depend on it. You have to install it to your computer though.

Install update-ipsets, to be run as root

The FireHOL repo includes update-ipsets.

This is a quick guide to install it:

# cd somewhere
cd /tmp

# download FireHOL source from github
git clone firehol.git

# cd to it:
cd firehol.git

# configure it:
sudo ./

# make sure completes successfully

# then run:
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-man --disable-doc

# make sure configure completes successfully
# (of course you can omit --disable-man and --disable-doc
# though, man and doc generation have a few more package dependencies)

# install it
sudo make CFLAGS="-O3" install

# make sure it completes successfully.

The above installs the development version of FireHOL on your computer, which includes the latest update-ipsets.

To run it, use something like this:

sudo update-ipsets enable dshield

Check Downloading IP Lists to learn how to use it.

Install update-ipsets, to be run as non-root

If you don't want to install FireHOL, here is a process:

# cd to your home

# download firehol
git clone firehol.git

# cd to it
cd firehol.git

# you cannot configure and build it - it will most probably fail

# use this:
cd sbin
make -o iprange -O3 -pthread iprange.c

# you will have to install iprange
sudo cp iprange /usr/bin/

# In the same directory there is a file called
# You need to change its configuration though:

mkdir "$HOME/ipsets"

cat >update-ipsets.conf <<EOF

# Now you can run it like this:
./ -f update-ipsets.conf enable dshield

# To download the enabled IP lists:
./ -f update-ipsets.conf

Using the above procedure, the downloaded ipsets will be saved in $HOME/ipsets.

When update-ipsets is not run as root, it will not even attempt to change the ipsets in kernel.

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