Releases: firoorg/firo
This is a minor optional update which will be replaced soon.
The update is intended for those who are having sync issues.
Small usability improvements
- Wallet now shows progress when re-indexing
- Zerocoin indexing fixes and performance improvements
- Sync fixes with ported code from Bitcoin Core 0.13
- Added precomputed accumulator for improved loading speed.
- Compilation fixes on libzerocoin library
SHA256 Checksums:
We recommend starting a new wallet and clearing all existing files in your Zcoin data folder (remember to back up wallet.dat and export private keys. See below for more info!). This is because some legacy wallets still get stuck. In Windows this is typically in C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\zcoin while in Linux it should be in ~/.zcoin
First sync takes about a day but subsequent loads are very fast. You can also download the latest blockchain data at which speeds it up a little.
Just remember to backup your wallet.dat and to export any private keys on your old wallet with funds in them!
You can do this by going to Help > Debug Window > Console and typing the following:
walletpassphrase passphrase 120 (only if wallet is encrypted)
dumpprivkey address
Once you have your private key and your new wallet is synced u can import the private keys into it by:
walletpassphrase passphrase 120 (only if wallet is encrypted)
importprivkey yourPrivateKey "TheLabelThatIWant"
If you have any questions do drop by our Slack.
Known Bugs / Improvements
- When syncing with existing wallet.dat. Sometimes wallet will get stuck at block 670. Restarting with a -reindex flag will push it forward.
- When starting with wallet.dat but no other data, first time launch will crash but just open it up again and it will run fine.
- When importing blockchain data from, wallet will appear to be Loading on splash screen and will take a long time. It is loading but no progress is visible but will eventually load. If your CPU is being consumed, it is loading and not stuck.
Fixed Allow Multiple Spending TXs
- Fix zerocoin minting bug at GUI
- Release version now bases on wallet version
Add checkpoint at block 20580 and remove old version node
Added checkpoint at block 20580
Remove old version node
Lyra2Z parameters change for better GPU performance. Sync bug fixed.
Merge pull request #57 from zcoinofficial/Lyra2Z Final Lyra2Z
Changed to Lyra2Z at block 20500
- Changed mining algorithm to lyra2z at block 20500 to discourage botnet / credit miner abuse
- temporary fix for sync issue
Wallet loading optimisation and MacOS compile fix
- Wallet loading times improved greatly. First loading time after install/reinstall will still take hours but subsequent loads will take minutes.
- Fixed compile issue for MacOS
Update minimum protocol version
v0.1.6 Urgent update to eliminate old wallet version
Update Founder Reward
- It will fork at block 14000
- Protocol version 90016