This repository contains methods for generating and evaluating metric embeddings on satellite images.
Random sampling
Choose every tile randomly across the entire map.Source: Sentinel 2 Cloudless
Cluster sampling
Choose tiles in clusters. (required for unsupervised magnet)Source: Sentinel 2 Cloudless
Hermans, Alexander, L. Beyer und B. Leibe (2017). In defense of the
triplet loss for person re-identification. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.07737.
Hard online mining
Find hard samples within the batch. -
Hard offline mining
Random search for hard samples over the map.
TODO: More mining methods from PyTorch metric learning
- resnext
- ViT
TODO: Integrate model zoo TODO: EfficientNet TODO: DEiT
- Train supervised with label from OSM/CLC
- Train unsupervised with distance of tile (Tile2Vec)
Jean, Neal, S. Wang, A. Samar, G. Azzari, D. Lobell und S. Ermon (2019). Tile2Vec: Unsupervised representation learning for spatially distributed data. In: Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Bd. 33, S. 3967–3974.
- Single Class Evaluation
- Accuracy
- Multi Class Evaluation
- Sum error
Multi label extension with the key idea of gSil - gSil
- TODO: Semantic segmentation
Place the maps or edit dataProcessors.tiffreader.GEOMAP
[SENTINEL]( = 'data/s2-de.tif'
[OSM]( = 'data/osm_WGS84.tif'
[CLC]( = 'data/CLCBGR.tif'
Default map is germany. Change rect in dataProcesor.imageSampler.ImageSampler
Edit Config file
// neural network architecture
"network": "transformer|resnext50",
// loss funktion
"loss": "tripletloss|quadrupletloss|magnetloss",
// use softmax distance (True) or euclidian (False)
"alt_loss": "True|False",
// supervised classifier and regressors for validation
"single_class_classifiers": ["knn", "svc", "rfc", "mlp", "dt"],
"multi_class_classifiers": ["knn", "svc", "rfc", "mlp", "dt"],
// tile size of samples
"image_size": 96,
"batch_size": 24,
// sampling distances for unsupervised learning (distance = image_size*dist)
"min_pos_dist": 1.0,
"max_pos_dist": 5.0,
"min_neg_dist": 10.0,
"max_neg_dist": 25.0,
// margin of triplet and quadrupletloss
"margin": 0.5,
// number of tiles for validation
"validation_nb": 5000,
// label map for validation
"validation_map": "osm|clc",
// L2-Norm on network output
"norm_output": "True|False",
// use map labels of validation_map (True) or tile distances (False) for training
"supervised": "True|False",
// size of output vector of neural network
"output_size": 64,
// use in validation only tiles that dominated by a single class (minimum proportion of the class in the tile)
"singleClassTreshold": 0.0,
// run the validation multiple times on different images
"valIteration": 5,
// 1.0 for random sampling | 0.0 for cluster sampling
"random_reset": 1.0
tensorboard --port XXXX --logdir results/XXXX
TODO: Add more results
"network": "resnext50",
"loss": "magnetloss",
"alt_loss": "False",
"single_class_classifiers": ["rfc", "knn"],
"multi_class_classifiers": ["rfc", "knn"],
"image_size": 96,
"batch_size": 12,
"mining": [],
"min_pos_dist": 1.0,
"max_pos_dist": 5.0,
"min_neg_dist": 10.0,
"max_neg_dist": 25.0,
"margin": 0.5,
"validation_nb": 5000,
"validation_map": "osm",
"norm_output": "True",
"supervised": "False",
"output_size": 64,
"singleClassTreshold": 0.0|0.8,
"valIteration": 5,
"random_reset": 0.0
Single label accuracy: 0.67
Multi label MAP@1: 0.44
Multi label MAP@10: 0.35
Multi label summed error: 1.08
osm label images in 3D embedding space, dimension reduction with PCA
"network": "resnext50",
"loss": "tripletloss",
"alt_loss": "False",
"single_class_classifiers": ["rfc", "knn"],
"multi_class_classifiers": ["rfc", "knn"],
"image_size": 96,
"batch_size": 12,
"mining": [],
"min_pos_dist": 1.0,
"max_pos_dist": 5.0,
"min_neg_dist": 10.0,
"max_neg_dist": 25.0,
"margin": 0.5,
"validation_nb": 5000,
"validation_map": "osm",
"norm_output": "True",
"supervised": "True",
"output_size": 64,
"singleClassTreshold": 0.0,
"valIteration": 5,
"random_reset": 0.0
Single label accuracy: 0.77
Multi label MAP@1: 0.72
Multi label MAP@10: 0.7
Multi label summed error: 0.54
osm label images in 3D embedding space, dimension reduction with PCA