Cera Fisher September 14, 2018
based on Musser & Wagner (2015), JEZ:B
TPM, transcripts per million mapped, is a way of normalizing RNAseq data that accounts for differences in library size by scaling the abundance of a transcript (the “counts”) to the total number of transcripts assumed to be present in the transcriptome. In short, TPM = count for transcript “i” / total number of annotated transcripts * a scaling factor.
Necessarily, TPM from one species does not map to the TPM of another species if their transcriptomes are of different sizes, which they almost certainly are, so the values for the species with the smaller transcriptome will be inflated relative to the species with the larger transcriptome. According to Musser & Wagner, these values can be rescaled by calculating a scaling factor α:
Where N1 = the number of transcripts for species B (the smaller set), j = all the transcripts in the set, and tpm(Aj) is the transcripts per million for species A for each of the genes j in the set.
Here is how I interpret this to work in my transcriptomes for Entylia carinata and Homalodisca vitripennis.
- Read in the un-normalized TPM values from RSEM/edgeR.
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Ecar.TPM <- read.table("C:/Users/cruth/Treehoppers/ResearchFiles/RNASeq/GeneExpression_2018/Annotation/ECEF_Refined.isoforms.TPM.not_cross_norm", sep="\t", header=TRUE)
## [1] "X" "ECA_Abd" "ECA_Ovi" "ECB_Abd"
## [5] "ECC_Abd" "ECC_Ovi" "ECEF_Abd" "ECEF_Eye"
## [9] "ECEF_Leg" "ECEF_Meso" "ECEF_Ovi" "ECEF_Pro"
## [13] "ECEF_Wing2" "ECEF_Wing3" "ECFisC_Abd" "ECFisC_Eye"
## [17] "ECFisC_Leg" "ECFisC_Meso" "ECFisC_Ovi" "ECFisC_Pro"
## [21] "ECFisC_Wing2" "ECFisC_Wing3" "ECLegs_A" "ECLegs_B"
## [25] "ECLegs_C" "ECMeso_A" "ECMeso_B" "ECMeso_C"
## [29] "ECPro_A" "ECPro_B" "ECPro_C" "ECty4_Abd"
## [33] "ECty4_Eye" "ECty4_Leg" "ECty4_Meso" "ECty4_Ovi"
## [37] "ECty4_Pro" "ECty4_Wing2" "ECty4_Wing3" "ECWings_A"
## [41] "ECWings_B" "ECWings_C"
colnames(Ecar.TPM)[1] <- "ECid"
Hvit.TPM <- read.table("C:/Users/cruth/Treehoppers/ResearchFiles/RNASeq/GeneExpression_2018/Annotation/HV_Refined.isoform.TPM.not_cross_norm", sep="\t", header=TRUE)
## [1] "X" "HV102_Abd" "HV102_Eye" "HV102_Leg" "HV102_Meso"
## [6] "HV102_Ovi" "HV102_Pro" "HV102_Wing2" "HV102_Wing3" "HV3a_Abd"
## [11] "HV3a_Eye" "HV3a_Leg" "HV3a_Meso" "HV3a_Ovi" "HV3a_Pro"
## [16] "HV3a_Wing2" "HV3a_Wing3" "HV7_Abd" "HV7_Leg" "HV7_Meso"
## [21] "HV7_Pro" "HV7_Wing2"
colnames(Hvit.TPM)[1] <- "HVid"
2) Calculate α
<!-- end list -->
``` r
HvitN1 <- as.numeric(length(Hvit.TPM$HVid))
# 19,126
EcarN2 <- as.numeric(length(Ecar.TPM$ECid))
# 19,975
sumN2.EcarTPM <- (sum(Ecar.TPM[,2:42]))/41
## [1] 1e+06
## Sum of TPM for any given sample should, by definition, be 1,000,000
# The average TPM for Ecar is the sum divided by the number of transcripts.
Ec.avg.TPM <- sumN2.EcarTPM/EcarN2
## Getting the sum of Ecar TPM for the # of transcripts in Hvit's transcriptome
## i.e, multiplying the average times 19,126
sum.ECavgTPM.HvitN1 <- Ec.avg.TPM * HvitN1
# To get alpha, divide that amount by 1,000,000
alpha <- sum.ECavgTPM.HvitN1 * (10**(-6))
## [1] 0.9574969
beta <- sum.ECavgTPM.OfasN3 * (10**(-6))
This value for α, 0.957….etc is very close to the ratio of the smaller number of transcripts to the larger:
checksum <- HvitN1/EcarN2
## [1] 0.9574969
checksum - alpha
## [1] 7.006075e-09
Which perhaps should be expected, since those are the only values in this calculation that don’t cancel out.
Scaling Hvit.TPM, then, goes like this
HV_scaled <- Hvit.TPM[,-1]
row.names(HV_scaled) <- Hvit.TPM[,1]
Hvit.TPM.scaled <- HV_scaled * alpha
## [1] 19126 21
## [1] 12.68 3.08 30.92 2.55 0.29 6.34
## [1] 12.1410602 2.9490903 29.6058030 2.4416170 0.2776741 6.0705301
Multiplying by α results in our Hvit TPM numbers being just a little smaller, though it will matter a lot for some of the outrageously large numbers–
which(Hvit.TPM[,3] == max(Hvit.TPM[,3]))
## [1] 356
## [1] 136409.6
## [1] 130611.7
Now, let’s save our scaled and size-factor normalized TPM to new files to use later.
write.table(Hvit.TPM.scaled, "Hvit.90.isoforms.TPM.scaled.matrix", sep="\t")
We loaded DESeq2 in order to normalize the scaled values by library size within H. vitripennis
colData <- read.table("SampleInformation_colData.txt", header=TRUE)
hvCol <- colData[25:45,]
hvTPM <- as.matrix(Hvit.TPM.scaled)
storage.mode(hvTPM) = "integer"
hv.dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(hvTPM, colData = hvCol,
design = ~ Tissue + Pool)
## Warning in DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank): some variables in
## design formula are characters, converting to factors
hv.dds <- estimateSizeFactors(hv.dds)
hv.dds <- estimateDispersions(hv.dds)
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
hvScaledNorm <- as.data.frame(assay(hv.dds), normalized = TRUE)
write.table(hvScaledNorm, "Hvit_Scaled_SizeNormed_Integer_TPM.txt", sep="\t")
And then we'll want to do the same for E. carinata
ECid <- Ecar.TPM[,1]
Ecar.TPM <- Ecar.TPM[,-1]
Ecar.TPM <- Ecar.TPM[,c(6:13,14:21,31:38)]
rownames(Ecar.TPM) <- ECid
ec.dds <- as.matrix(Ecar.TPM)
ecCol <- colData[1:24,]
storage.mode(ec.dds) = "integer"
ec.dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(ec.dds, colData = ecCol,
design = ~ Tissue + Pool)
## Warning in DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank): some variables in
## design formula are characters, converting to factors
ec.dds <- estimateSizeFactors(ec.dds)
ec.dds <- estimateDispersions(ec.dds)
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## -- note: fitType='parametric', but the dispersion trend was not well captured by the
## function: y = a/x + b, and a local regression fit was automatically substituted.
## specify fitType='local' or 'mean' to avoid this message next time.
## final dispersion estimates
ecNorm <- as.data.frame(assay(ec.dds), normalized=TRUE)
write.table(ecNorm, "Ecar_SizeNormed_Integer_TPM.txt", sep="\t")