To contribute to this project, fork it, clone it and install it in development mode:
$ git clone [email protected]:fitodic/centerline.git
$ pip install -e .[dev,gdal,lint,test,docs]
The most important dependency for development is tox. It is used for running the test suite, building the documentation and changelog, validation (linting, manifest and PyPI description) and creating a new project release. To validate it is successfully installed, run:
$ pip show tox
Name: tox
Version: 3.12.1
Summary: tox is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool
Author: Holger Krekel, Oliver Bestwalter, Bernát Gábor and others
Author-email: None
License: MIT
Location: /home/username/.virtualenvs/centerline/lib/python3.7/site-packages
Requires: py, filelock, virtualenv, setuptools, six, pluggy, toml
To run the test suite, run:
$ tox
or more specifically:
$ tox -e py37-gdal2.3.3
This project uses towncrier for changelog management. You don't need to install it locally since you'll be using it through tox
, but please adhere to the following rules:
- For each pull request, create a new file in the changelog.d directory with a filename adhering to the #pr.(feature|bugfix|doc|removal|misc).rst schema. For example, changelog.d/23.bugfix.rst that is submitted in the pull request 23.
will automatically add a link to the note when building the final changelog. - Wrap symbols like modules, functions, or classes into double backticks so they are rendered in a monospace font.
- If you mention functions or other callables, add parentheses at the end of their names:
. This makes the changelog a lot more readable.
If you have any doubts, you can always render the changelog to the terminal without changing it:
$ tox -e changelog -- --draft
To build the documentation, run the following command:
$ tox -e docs
The same command is used for building the documentation on
The CI environment should build packages and upload them to the PyPI server when a tag is pushed to origin. Therefore, if you want to make a new release, all you have to do is run the release environment in tox:
$ tox -e release
This environment will merge the changelogs from the changelog.d directory into CHANGELOG.rst
, bump the minor version (by default) using bumpversion, commit the
changes, create a tag and push it all to origin.
If you want to make a patch release, run:
$ tox -e release -- patch
If Travis CI builds were successful, the new release should be automatically uploaded to