Ordin is a simple event publish/subscribe queue library for PHP that uses DynamoDB as backend. The queue is implemented to allow multiple observers to receive the same event, but that each observer will receive an event only once.
This is useful in distributed micro service environments, where an event should be seen by all types of micro services, but only by one instance of each micro service type.
$config = [
'namespace' => 'My-App'
'table' => 'My-Table-Name',
'aws' => [
'version' => '2012-08-10',
'region' => 'eu-west-1',
'credentials' => [
'key' => 'my-key',
'secret' => 'my-secret',
Create a local config file say config.php
return [
'table' => 'My-Table-Name',
'aws' => [
'version' => 'latest',
'region' => 'eu-west-1',
'credentials' => [
'key' => 'my-key',
'secret' => 'my-secret',
Run the table create script
php vendor/fivesqrd/ordin/scripts/CreateTable.php config.php
$queue = Ordin\Queue::instance(
$config, 'My-App-Ecosystem'
$event = Ordin\Event::create(
'order.created', ['to' => '[email protected]', 'subject' => 'hello']
/* Add event to queue */
$result = $queue->add($event);
/* Receive 5 events */
$events = $queue->receive($observer)->limit(5)->fetch();
foreach ($events as $event) {
$payload = $event->payload();
/* Do the work */
$id = $event->id();
/* Receive 5 events */
$events = $queue->receive($observer)->topics(['order.released'])->fetch(5);
foreach ($events as $event) {
$payload = $event->payload();
/* Do the work */
$id = $event->id();
/* Receive 5 events */
$events = $queue->receive($observer)->topics(['order.released'])->fetch(5);
foreach ($events as $event) {
$queue->unread($event, $observer);