diff --git a/decompiler/pipeline/commons/expressionpropagationcommons.py b/decompiler/pipeline/commons/expressionpropagationcommons.py
index c9e95f4ff..2df7d00a3 100644
--- a/decompiler/pipeline/commons/expressionpropagationcommons.py
+++ b/decompiler/pipeline/commons/expressionpropagationcommons.py
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ def _get_dangerous_relations_between_definition_and_target(self, alias_variable:
         for basic_block in self._cfg:
             for instruction in basic_block:
                 if isinstance(instruction, Relation) and instruction.destination.name == alias_variable.name:
-                    relations |= {instruction}
+                    relations.add(instruction)
         return relations
diff --git a/decompiler/pipeline/controlflowanalysis/variable_name_generation.py b/decompiler/pipeline/controlflowanalysis/variable_name_generation.py
index 10876adb1..39ca7162a 100644
--- a/decompiler/pipeline/controlflowanalysis/variable_name_generation.py
+++ b/decompiler/pipeline/controlflowanalysis/variable_name_generation.py
@@ -1,66 +1,26 @@
-import re
+import logging
+import string
 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from collections import defaultdict
+from dataclasses import dataclass
 from enum import Enum
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Counter, List
 from decompiler.pipeline.stage import PipelineStage
-from decompiler.structures.ast.ast_nodes import ConditionNode, LoopNode
-from decompiler.structures.logic.logic_condition import LogicCondition
-from decompiler.structures.pseudo import Condition, CustomType, DataflowObject, Float, GlobalVariable, Integer, Pointer, Type, Variable
+from decompiler.structures.pseudo import ArrayType, CustomType, Float, GlobalVariable, Integer, Pointer, Type, Variable
 from decompiler.structures.visitors.ast_dataflowobjectvisitor import BaseAstDataflowObjectVisitor
+from decompiler.structures.visitors.substitute_visitor import SubstituteVisitor
 from decompiler.task import DecompilerTask
-    Small explanation how variables work in the decompiler:
-        - sometimes they are the same object in different structures (assignments, loops etc.)
-        - sometimes they are real copies of another
-    ==> Therefore if we change a parameter of a variable (name), we have no guarantee that all usages of the variable will be updated
-    ==> Therefore we always collect EVERY variable used + check with a method (already_renamed) if we already renamed it to our new naming scheme
-def _get_var_counter(var_name: str) -> Optional[str]:
-    """Return the counter of a given variable name, if any is present."""
-    if counter := re.match(r".*?([0-9]+)$", var_name):
-        return counter.group(1)
-    return None
-def _get_containing_variables(dfo: DataflowObject) -> List[Variable]:
-    """Returns a list of variables contained in this dataflow object."""
-    variables: List[Variable] = []
-    for sub_exp in dfo.subexpressions():
-        if isinstance(sub_exp, Variable):
-            variables.append(sub_exp)
-    return variables
 class VariableCollector(BaseAstDataflowObjectVisitor):
-    """Visit relevant nodes and collect their variables."""
-    def __init__(self, cond_map: Dict[LogicCondition, Condition]):
-        self._cond_map: Dict[LogicCondition, Condition] = cond_map
-        self._loop_vars: list[Variable] = []
-        self._variables: list[Variable] = []
-    def get_variables(self) -> list[Variable]:
-        """Get collected variables."""
-        return self._variables
+    """Collect all variables in nodes/expressions"""
-    def get_loop_variables(self) -> list[Variable]:
-        """Get collected variables used in loops."""
-        return self._loop_vars
-    def visit_condition_node(self, node: ConditionNode):
-        for expr in [self._cond_map[symbol] for symbol in node.condition.get_symbols()]:
-            self._variables.extend(_get_containing_variables(expr))
-    def visit_loop_node(self, node: LoopNode):
-        for expr in [self._cond_map[symbol] for symbol in node.condition.get_symbols()]:
-            self._loop_vars.extend(_get_containing_variables(expr))
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.variables: list[Variable] = []
     def visit_variable(self, expression: Variable):
-        self._variables.append(expression)
+        self.variables.append(expression)
 class NamingConvention(str, Enum):
@@ -70,35 +30,28 @@ class NamingConvention(str, Enum):
     system_hungarian = "system_hungarian"
-class RenamingScheme(ABC):
-    """Base class for different Renaming schemes."""
+class VariableIdentifier:
+    name: str
+    ssa_label: int | None
+def identifier(var: Variable) -> VariableIdentifier:
+    return VariableIdentifier(var.name, var.ssa_label)
-    def __init__(self, task: DecompilerTask) -> None:
-        """Collets all needed variables for renaming + filters already renamed + function arguments out"""
-        collector = VariableCollector(task.ast.condition_map)
-        collector.visit_ast(task.ast)
-        self._params: List[Variable] = task.function_parameters
-        self._loop_vars: List[Variable] = collector.get_loop_variables()
-        self._variables: List[Variable] = list(filter(self._filter_variables, collector.get_variables()))
-    def _filter_variables(self, item: Variable) -> bool:
-        """Return False if variable is either a:
-        - parameter
-        - renamed loop variable
-        - GlobalVariable
-        """
-        return (
-            not item in self._params
-            and not (item in self._loop_vars and item.name.find("var_") == -1)
-            and not isinstance(item, GlobalVariable)
-        )
+class RenamingScheme(ABC):
-    def renameVariableNames(self):
-        """Abstract method which should rename variables with respect to the used scheme."""
+    def rename_variable(self, variable: Variable) -> Variable | None:
+class NoRenamingScheme(RenamingScheme):
+    def rename_variable(self, variable: Variable) -> Variable | None:
+        return None
 class HungarianScheme(RenamingScheme):
     """Class which renames variables into hungarian notation."""
@@ -107,62 +60,84 @@ class HungarianScheme(RenamingScheme):
         Integer: {8: "ch", 16: "s", 32: "i", 64: "l", 128: "i128"},
-    custom_var_names = {"tmp_": "Tmp", "loop_break": "LoopBreak"}
     def __init__(self, task: DecompilerTask) -> None:
-        super().__init__(task)
-        self._name = VariableNameGeneration.name
-        self._var_name: str = task.options.getstring(f"{self._name}.variable_name", fallback="Var")
-        self._pointer_base: bool = task.options.getboolean(f"{self._name}.pointer_base", fallback=True)
-        self._type_separator: str = task.options.getstring(f"{self._name}.type_separator", fallback="")
-        self._counter_separator: str = task.options.getstring(f"{self._name}.counter_separator", fallback="")
-    def renameVariableNames(self):
-        """Rename all collected variables to the hungarian notation."""
-        for var in self._variables:
-            if self.alread_renamed(var._name):
-                continue
-            counter = _get_var_counter(var.name)
-            var._name = self._hungarian_notation(var, counter if counter else "")
-    def _hungarian_notation(self, var: Variable, counter: int) -> str:
-        """Return hungarian notation to a given variable."""
-        return f"{self._hungarian_prefix(var.type)}{self._type_separator}{self.custom_var_names.get(var._name.rstrip(counter), self._var_name)}{self._counter_separator}{counter}"
-    def _hungarian_prefix(self, var_type: Type) -> str:
+        self._task = task
+        self._var_name: str = task.options.getstring(f"{VariableNameGeneration.name}.variable_name", fallback="var")
+        self._pointer_base: bool = task.options.getboolean(f"{VariableNameGeneration.name}.pointer_base", fallback=True)
+        self._type_separator: str = task.options.getstring(f"{VariableNameGeneration.name}.type_separator", fallback="")
+        self._counter_separator: str = task.options.getstring(f"{VariableNameGeneration.name}.counter_separator", fallback="")
+        self._variables = self._get_variables_to_rename()
+        counter = Counter[tuple[str, str]]()
+        self._variable_rename_map: dict[VariableIdentifier, str] = {}
+        variable_id: VariableIdentifier
+        vars: list[Variable]
+        for variable_id, vars in self._variables.items():
+            # because the way our cfg works, each use site of each variable could theoretically have a different type
+            # we just take the first assuming that they are all the same...
+            var_type = Counter(vars).most_common()[0][0].type
+            name_identifier = self._get_name_identifier(variable_id.name)
+            prefix = self._hungarian_prefix(var_type)
+            counter_postfix = f"{self._counter_separator}{counter[(name_identifier, prefix)]}"
+            counter[(name_identifier, prefix)] += 1
+            new_name: str = f"{prefix}{self._type_separator}{name_identifier.capitalize()}{counter_postfix}"
+            self._variable_rename_map[variable_id] = new_name
+    def rename_variable(self, variable: Variable) -> Variable | None:
+        new_name = self._variable_rename_map.get(identifier(variable))
+        if new_name is None:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return variable.copy(name=new_name)
+    def _get_name_identifier(self, name: str) -> str:
+        """Return identifier by purging non alpha chars + capitalize the char afterwards. If string is too short, return generic"""
+        if len(name) < 2:
+            return self._var_name
+        x = string.capwords("".join([c if c.isalnum() else " " for c in name]))
+        x = x[0].lower() + x[1:]  # important! We want to be able to choose later if the first letter should be capitalized
+        return "".join(filter(str.isalpha, x))
+    def _hungarian_prefix(self, var_type: Type) -> str | None:
         """Return hungarian prefix to a given variable type."""
-        if isinstance(var_type, Pointer):
-            if self._pointer_base:
-                return f"{self._hungarian_prefix(var_type.type)}p"
-            return "p"
-        if isinstance(var_type, CustomType):
-            if var_type.is_boolean:
-                return "b"
-            elif var_type.size == 0:
-                return "v"
-            else:
-                return ""
-        if isinstance(var_type, (Integer, Float)):
-            sign = "u" if isinstance(var_type, Integer) and not var_type.is_signed else ""
-            prefix = self.type_prefix[type(var_type)].get(var_type.size, "unk")
-            return f"{sign}{prefix}"
-        return ""
-    def alread_renamed(self, name) -> bool:
-        """Return true if variable with custom name was already renamed, false otherwise"""
-        renamed_keys_words = [key for key in self.custom_var_names.values()] + ["unk", self._var_name]
-        return any(keyword in name for keyword in renamed_keys_words)
-class DefaultScheme(RenamingScheme):
-    """Class which renames variables into the default scheme."""
-    def __init__(self, task: DecompilerTask) -> None:
-        super().__init__(task)
-    def renameVariableNames(self):
-        # Maybe make the suboptions more generic, so that the default scheme can also be changed by some parameters?
-        pass
+        match var_type:
+            case Pointer():
+                if self._pointer_base:
+                    return f"{self._hungarian_prefix(var_type.type)}p"
+                else:
+                    return "p"
+            case ArrayType():
+                return f"arr{self._hungarian_prefix(var_type.type)}"
+            case CustomType():
+                if var_type.is_boolean:
+                    return "b"
+                if var_type.size == 0:
+                    return "v"
+            case Integer() | Float():
+                sign = "u" if isinstance(var_type, Integer) and not var_type.is_signed else ""
+                prefix = self.type_prefix[type(var_type)].get(var_type.size, "unk")
+                return f"{sign}{prefix}"
+        return "unk"
+    def _get_variables_to_rename(self) -> dict[VariableIdentifier, list[Variable]]:
+        collector = VariableCollector()
+        collector.visit_ast(self._task.ast)
+        def include_variable(item: Variable):
+            return item not in self._task.function_parameters and not isinstance(item, GlobalVariable)
+        variables: dict[VariableIdentifier, List[Variable]] = defaultdict(list)
+        for variable in collector.variables:
+            if include_variable(variable):
+                variables[identifier(variable)].append(variable)
+        return variables
 class VariableNameGeneration(PipelineStage):
@@ -173,21 +148,29 @@ class VariableNameGeneration(PipelineStage):
     name: str = "variable-name-generation"
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._notation: str = None
     def run(self, task: DecompilerTask):
         """Rename variable names to the given scheme."""
-        self._notation = task.options.getstring(f"{self.name}.notation", fallback="default")
+        notation = task.options.getstring(f"{self.name}.notation", fallback=NamingConvention.default)
-        renamer: RenamingScheme = None
-        match self._notation:
+        scheme: RenamingScheme
+        match notation:
             case NamingConvention.default:
-                renamer = DefaultScheme(task)
+                scheme = NoRenamingScheme()
             case NamingConvention.system_hungarian:
-                renamer = HungarianScheme(task)
+                scheme = HungarianScheme(task)
             case _:
+                logging.warning("Unknown naming convention: %s", notation)
-        renamer.renameVariableNames()
+        self._rename_with_scheme(task, scheme)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _rename_with_scheme(task: DecompilerTask, rename_scheme: RenamingScheme):
+        rename_visitor = SubstituteVisitor(lambda o: rename_scheme.rename_variable(o) if isinstance(o, Variable) else None)
+        for node in task.ast.nodes:
+            for obj in node.get_dataflow_objets(task.ast.condition_map):
+                new_obj = rename_visitor.visit(obj)
+                if new_obj is not None:
+                    # while this should not happen, in theory, there is nothing preventing this case...
+                    logging.warning("Variable name renaming couldn't rename %s", new_obj)
diff --git a/decompiler/pipeline/preprocessing/phi_predecessors.py b/decompiler/pipeline/preprocessing/phi_predecessors.py
index b924efdc1..1e617d14d 100644
--- a/decompiler/pipeline/preprocessing/phi_predecessors.py
+++ b/decompiler/pipeline/preprocessing/phi_predecessors.py
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def run(self, task: DecompilerTask):
         self.cfg = task.graph
         self.head = task.graph.root
         self._def_map, self._use_map = _init_maps(self.cfg)
+        self._basic_block_of_definition = _init_basicblocks_of_definition(self.cfg)
     def extend_phi_functions(self):
@@ -77,10 +78,9 @@ def _basicblocks_of_used_variables_in_phi_function(
                 each key is the variable that is defined at the node
         variable_definition_nodes: Dict[BasicBlock, Variable] = dict()
-        basic_block_of_definition = _init_basicblocks_of_definition(self.cfg)
         for variable in used_variables:
             if self._def_map.get(variable):
-                node_with_variable_definition = basic_block_of_definition[variable]
+                node_with_variable_definition = self._basic_block_of_definition[variable]
                 node_with_variable_definition = None if is_head else self.head
             if node_with_variable_definition not in variable_definition_nodes.keys():
diff --git a/decompiler/structures/graphs/basicblock.py b/decompiler/structures/graphs/basicblock.py
index 44e5aef0c..ec75062a1 100644
--- a/decompiler/structures/graphs/basicblock.py
+++ b/decompiler/structures/graphs/basicblock.py
@@ -43,8 +43,10 @@ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Instruction]:
         yield from self._instructions
     def __str__(self) -> str:
-        """Return a string representation of all instructions in the basic block."""
-        return "\n".join((f"{instruction}" for instruction in self))
+        """Return a string representation of the block"""
+        # Note: Returning a string representation of all instructions here can be pretty expensive.
+        # Because most code does not expect this, we choose to simply return the cheap repr instead.
+        return repr(self)
     def __repr__(self) -> str:
         """Return a debug representation of the block."""
diff --git a/decompiler/structures/graphs/restructuring_graph/transition_cfg.py b/decompiler/structures/graphs/restructuring_graph/transition_cfg.py
index 7f95997e5..0271e9b36 100644
--- a/decompiler/structures/graphs/restructuring_graph/transition_cfg.py
+++ b/decompiler/structures/graphs/restructuring_graph/transition_cfg.py
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def __init__(self, address: int, ast: AbstractSyntaxTreeNode):
         self.ast: AbstractSyntaxTreeNode = ast
     def __str__(self) -> str:
-        """Return a string representation of all instructions in the basic block."""
+        """Return a string representation of the block"""
         return str(self.ast)
     def __repr__(self) -> str:
diff --git a/decompiler/util/default.json b/decompiler/util/default.json
index e2eedadac..f99a95817 100644
--- a/decompiler/util/default.json
+++ b/decompiler/util/default.json
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
                 "dest": "variable-name-generation.variable_name",
-                "default": "Var",
+                "default": "var",
                 "title": "Variable Base Name for hungarian notation",
                 "type": "string",
                 "description": "",
diff --git a/tests/pipeline/controlflowanalysis/test_variable_name_generation.py b/tests/pipeline/controlflowanalysis/test_variable_name_generation.py
index dc98392b2..c29b29b68 100644
--- a/tests/pipeline/controlflowanalysis/test_variable_name_generation.py
+++ b/tests/pipeline/controlflowanalysis/test_variable_name_generation.py
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 import pytest
 from decompiler.backend.codegenerator import CodeGenerator
 from decompiler.pipeline.controlflowanalysis import VariableNameGeneration
-from decompiler.structures.ast.ast_nodes import CodeNode
-from decompiler.structures.ast.syntaxtree import AbstractSyntaxTree
+from decompiler.structures.ast.syntaxtree import AbstractSyntaxTree, CodeNode
 from decompiler.structures.logic.logic_condition import LogicCondition
 from decompiler.structures.pseudo import Assignment, Constant, CustomType, Float, Integer, Pointer, Variable
 from decompiler.task import DecompilerTask
@@ -33,43 +32,43 @@
-    "sVar1",
-    "iVar2",
-    "lVar3",
-    "i128Var4",
-    "uchVar5",
-    "usVar6",
-    "uiVar7",
-    "ulVar8",
-    "ui128Var9",
-    "hVar10",
-    "fVar11",
-    "dVar12",
-    "ldVar13",
-    "qVar14",
-    "oVar15",
-    "bVar16",
-    "vVar17",
+    "sVar0",
+    "iVar0",
+    "lVar0",
+    "i128Var0",
+    "uchVar0",
+    "usVar0",
+    "uiVar0",
+    "ulVar0",
+    "ui128Var0",
+    "hVar0",
+    "fVar0",
+    "dVar0",
+    "ldVar0",
+    "qVar0",
+    "oVar0",
+    "bVar0",
+    "vVar0",
-    "spVar1",
-    "ipVar2",
-    "lpVar3",
-    "i128pVar4",
-    "uchpVar5",
-    "uspVar6",
-    "uipVar7",
-    "ulpVar8",
-    "ui128pVar9",
-    "hpVar10",
-    "fpVar11",
-    "dpVar12",
-    "ldpVar13",
-    "qpVar14",
-    "opVar15",
-    "bpVar16",
-    "vpVar17",
+    "spVar0",
+    "ipVar0",
+    "lpVar0",
+    "i128pVar0",
+    "uchpVar0",
+    "uspVar0",
+    "uipVar0",
+    "ulpVar0",
+    "ui128pVar0",
+    "hpVar0",
+    "fpVar0",
+    "dpVar0",
+    "ldpVar0",
+    "qpVar0",
+    "opVar0",
+    "bpVar0",
+    "vpVar0",
@@ -79,6 +78,8 @@ def _generate_options(notation: str = "system_hungarian", pointer_base: bool = T
     options.set(f"{PIPELINE_NAME}.pointer_base", pointer_base)
     options.set(f"{PIPELINE_NAME}.type_separator", type_sep)
     options.set(f"{PIPELINE_NAME}.counter_separator", counter_sep)
+    options.set(f"{PIPELINE_NAME}.rename_while_loop_variables", True)
+    options.set(f"{PIPELINE_NAME}.for_loop_variable_names", ["i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n"])
     options.set(f"code-generator.max_complexity", 100)
     options.set("code-generator.use_increment_int", False)
     options.set("code-generator.use_increment_float", False)
@@ -96,9 +97,9 @@ def _run_vng(ast: AbstractSyntaxTree, options: Options = _generate_options()):
 def test_default_notation_1():
     true_value = LogicCondition.initialize_true(LogicCondition.generate_new_context())
-    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(CodeNode(Assignment(var := Variable("var_0", I32), Constant(0)), true_value), {})
+    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(CodeNode([assignment := Assignment(Variable("var_0", I32), Constant(0))], true_value), {})
     _run_vng(ast, _generate_options(notation="default"))
-    assert var.name == "var_0"
+    assert assignment.destination.name == "var_0"
@@ -108,52 +109,79 @@ def test_default_notation_1():
 def test_hungarian_notation(variable, name):
     true_value = LogicCondition.initialize_true(LogicCondition.generate_new_context())
-    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(CodeNode([Assignment(variable, Constant(42))], true_value), {})
+    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(CodeNode([assignment := Assignment(variable, Constant(42))], true_value), {})
-    assert variable.name == name
+    assert assignment.destination.name == name
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("type_sep, counter_sep", [("", ""), ("_", "_")])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("type_sep, counter_sep", [("", ""), ("_", "_"), ("", "_"), ("_", "")])
 def test_hungarian_notation_separators(type_sep: str, counter_sep: str):
     true_value = LogicCondition.initialize_true(LogicCondition.generate_new_context())
-    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(CodeNode(Assignment(var := Variable("var_0", I32), Constant(0)), true_value), {})
+    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(CodeNode([assignment := Assignment(Variable("var_0", I32), Constant(0))], true_value), {})
     _run_vng(ast, _generate_options(type_sep=type_sep, counter_sep=counter_sep))
-    assert var.name == f"i{type_sep}Var{counter_sep}0"
+    assert assignment.destination.name == f"i{type_sep}Var{counter_sep}0"
 def test_custom_type():
     true_value = LogicCondition.initialize_true(LogicCondition.generate_new_context())
-    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(CodeNode(Assignment(var := Variable("var_0", CustomType("size_t", 64)), Constant(0)), true_value), {})
+    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(CodeNode([assignment := Assignment(Variable("var_0", CustomType("size_t", 64)), Constant(0))], true_value), {})
     _run_vng(ast, _generate_options())
-    assert var._name == "Var0"
+    assert assignment.destination.name == "unkVar0"
 def test_bninja_invalid_type():
     true_value = LogicCondition.initialize_true(LogicCondition.generate_new_context())
-    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(CodeNode(Assignment(var := Variable("var_0", Integer(104, True)), Constant(0)), true_value), {})
+    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(CodeNode([assignment := Assignment(Variable("var_0", Integer(104, True)), Constant(0))], true_value), {})
     _run_vng(ast, _generate_options())
-    assert var._name == "unkVar0"
-def test_tmp_variable():
-    true_value = LogicCondition.initialize_true(LogicCondition.generate_new_context())
-    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(CodeNode(Assignment(var := Variable("tmp_42", Float(64)), Constant(0)), true_value), {})
-    _run_vng(ast, _generate_options())
-    assert var._name == "dTmp42"
+    assert assignment.destination.name == "unkVar0"
 def test_same_variable():
     """Variables can be copies of the same one. The renamer should only rename a variable once. (More times would destroy the actual name)"""
-    true_value = LogicCondition.initialize_true(LogicCondition.generate_new_context())
     var1 = Variable("tmp_42", Float(64))
-    var2 = Variable("var_0", Integer(104, True))
-    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(
-        CodeNode(
-            [Assignment(var1, Constant(0)), Assignment(var1, Constant(0)), Assignment(var2, Constant(0)), Assignment(var2, Constant(0))],
-            true_value,
-        ),
-        {},
+    node = CodeNode(
+        [Assignment(var1, Constant(0)), Assignment(var1, Constant(0))],
+        LogicCondition.initialize_true(LogicCondition.generate_new_context()),
+    )
+    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(node, {})
+    _run_vng(ast, _generate_options())
+    assert node.instructions[0].destination.name == "dTmp0"
+    assert node.instructions[1].destination.name == "dTmp0"
+def test_same_variable_idx():
+    """Variables with the same counter should not be renamed into the same thing"""
+    var1 = Variable("x_1", Integer.int32_t())
+    var2 = Variable("y_1", Integer.int32_t())
+    node = CodeNode(
+        [Assignment(var1, Constant(0)), Assignment(var2, Constant(0))],
+        LogicCondition.initialize_true(LogicCondition.generate_new_context()),
+    )
+    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(node, {})
+    _run_vng(ast, _generate_options())
+    assert node.instructions[0].destination.name != node.instructions[1].destination.name
+def test_different_custom_names_0():
+    node = CodeNode(
+        [
+            Assignment(Variable("tmp_42", Float(64)), Constant(0)),
+            Assignment(Variable("entry_", Float(64)), Constant(0)),
+            Assignment(Variable("exit_", Float(64)), Constant(0)),
+        ],
+        LogicCondition.initialize_true(LogicCondition.generate_new_context()),
+    )
+    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(node, {})
+    _run_vng(ast, _generate_options())
+    assert node.instructions[0].destination.name == "dTmp0"
+    assert node.instructions[1].destination.name == "dEntry0"
+    assert node.instructions[2].destination.name == "dExit0"
+def test_different_custom_names_1():
+    node = CodeNode(
+        [Assignment(Variable("loop_break", Float(64)), Constant(0))], LogicCondition.initialize_true(LogicCondition.generate_new_context())
+    ast = AbstractSyntaxTree(node, {})
     _run_vng(ast, _generate_options())
-    assert var1._name == "dTmp42"
-    assert var2._name == "unkVar0"
+    assert node.instructions[0].destination.name == "dLoopbreak0"
diff --git a/tests/structures/graphs/test_basicblock.py b/tests/structures/graphs/test_basicblock.py
index e278c521e..6ff7e8d8b 100644
--- a/tests/structures/graphs/test_basicblock.py
+++ b/tests/structures/graphs/test_basicblock.py
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def test_instruction_management(testblock: BasicBlock):
 def test_block_representations(testblock: BasicBlock):
-    assert str(testblock) == "\n".join(str(instruction) for instruction in testblock)
+    assert str(testblock) == "BasicBlock(0x539, len=5)"
     assert repr(testblock) == "BasicBlock(0x539, len=5)"