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AnirudhRamanan edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the fk-android-batching wiki!

BatchManager : It is the entry point to the library, where in the client will use the instance of the batch manager to push in data to the library for batching.

BatchingStrategy : It is an interface, where all the batching logic comes in. The library has 4 batching strategies on its own, or the client can implement the interface, and provide his/her own logic for batching.

PersistenceStrategy : It is an interface, where all the persistence logic comes in. The library has 3 persistence strategies on its own, or the client can provide his/her own persistence layer to persist the events, just to make sure that there is no loss of events (in case of app crash)

OnBatchReadyListener : It is a interface, which gives a callback, whenever the batch is ready. The client can consume the batch, and can make a network call to the server. There are various types of OnBatchReadyListener which will be discussed later.

Data : It is an abstract class, wherein the client will need to extend this class for his events.

####See pages in the right for in-depth details of the library

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