Curation templates are utilized to record immune signatures, i.e., published research findings that describe how immune exposures (e.g., infection, immunization) modulate the abundance of biologically important response components (e.g., genes, cell subpopulations). Immune signatures typically reflect a comparison between two subject groups (e.g., patients with severe infection vs. patients with mild infection). Curation templates can contain multiple rows, each row corresponding to a single immune signature. As many rows as needed can be used to capture all pertinent immune signatures in a publication.
Currently there are two curation templates in use, one each for two exposure types (vaccination, infection).
Curation template column specification.xlsx. Specification for the data fields comprising the HIPC Dashboard curation templates. The spreadsheet contains four sheets: shared (columns shared by all templates.), infection (columns used in templates used to curate infection signatures), vaccination (columns used in templates used to curate vaccination signatures), and pick lists (lists of permissible values).
Curation template column specification.ods: Column specification in Open Document format.
immune_signature_summary_example.pdf: Description of how immune signature summaries are constructed in the HIPC Dashboard.
infection_signature_curation_template.xlsx, vaccination_signature_curation_template.xlsx: Curation templates.