- Display OIT's POM version on configuration view page
- Use exact match for title look-up (SUP-50607)
- Switch Instance lookup from Inventory to Search (SUP-50607)
- Chi mapping: Restore note type to electronic bookplate for items.
- Set jetty artifact versions to
and pin them.
- Update Dockerfile to specify Jetty 10 as the base image.
- Sigma mapping: Only sets note type on items if there's a donor.
- Sets instance.indexTitle to title with initial article removed.
- Escapes all title characters that are CQL special characters.
- Maps name-of-part (245$p) to end of title.
- Maps editions from first 250$a.
- Maps series from first 490, all subfields except $y, $z.
- Maps languages from 041$a.
- Sets holdings type for physical resources, too (as for electronic).
- Maps resource type from first 336$a (default still 'text').
- Maps instance formats from first 337$a " -- " 338$a, concatenated.
- Chi mapping: Sets item copy number to 'c.1'.
- Workaround for CQL parser issue affecting titles with quotes
- Log4J upgrade for security issue
- Supports ISBNs with last digit of 'X'.
- Lambda mapping: ignores 856$x 'userLimit' field, so it can be used with non-integer values.
- Supports passing import properties file name as ServletContext attribute.
- Chi mapping: Add OCLC number to Instance identifiers.
- Chi mapping: Use only ISBN for product ID (and thus for linking to existing Instance).
- Update only newly created item(s); in the rare case holdings record has previously existing items.
- Fixes premature use of coming 'holdingId' property in JSON response to POST of PO
- Fixes bug in location validation for MARC records with multiple 980s
- Supports one-PO-per-file and multiple-locations-per-MARC-record
- Adds MARC mapping extension 'sigma'
- Bug-fix: Validates Instance ISBNs without including any qualifiers.
- Bug-fix: Removes mistaken attempt to update Item for electronic
- Chi mapping: maps barcode from 980$o
- Provides three sets of MARC-to-FOLIO mappings: Chi, Lambda, Sigma.
- The tool adapts to coming schema change in Orders wrt acquisition method
- The validation logic checks fund, budget, budget expense class, and price.
- Configurable time zone for dates shown in UI
- Configurable locale for dates
- Redundant request to Orders is removed
- Empty results file stored immediately, to avoid exceptions on early "Refresh" in UI
- Runs import jobs asynchronously and provides UI mechanisms to follow progress
- Stores import JSON logs at the file upload path, UI provides listing of import history
- Properly sets default materialType if not provided in properties
- Allows all paths in properties to be with our without the ending slash