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This addon provides standalone functionality. The text addon provides functionality to perform text-based transformations like inflection of words or syntax highlighting.

Depends on

Addon Exported Optional





This Addon requires the following installation steps.

Add configuration to pom.xml

To use this addon, you must add it as a dependency in the pom.xml of your forge-addon classified artifact:



Inflector for performing inflection on words

Allows for camelcasing, capitalization, humanization, pluralization etc. of words.

@Inject private Inflector inflector;
String plural = inflector.pluralize("foo");
Highligher to color code syntax in terminal output

Allows for color coding of the following content types:

  • JAVA

  • JSON


  • CSS

  • HTML (with inline JavaScript/CSS)

When working with files you can rely on the Highlighter to determine the syntax based on the filename.

@Inject private Highlighter highlighter;
highlighter.byFileName(resource.getName(), resource.getContents(), output.out());

When working with pure content you can specify the source syntax via the contentType argument.

@Inject private Highlighter highlighter;
highlighter.byType("JAVA", resource.getContents(), output.out());

You can provide your own resource tokenizer for the Highlighter to use by implementing the interface org.jboss.forge.addon.text.highlight.Scanner, and expose it either as a CDI bean or registered as a simple service via the org.jboss.forge.furnace.container.simple.Service services file.


If your addon uses a container that does not support "@Inject" annotations, services such as the Inflector may also be accessed via the AddonRegistry:

Imported<Inflector> imported = addonRegistry.getServices(Inflector.class);
Inflector inflector = imported.get();