Comfy Downtime is essentially a more Customized and purpose-built version of ZGM, intended for both COOP, PVP and Misc Mission types that involve various Factions and sides.
It's concept is heavily inspired from the vanilla ZGM Missions, howvever a few big changes stand out:
- Arsenal at all initial Spawns for all Units (Can be disabled in Mission Settings)
- Optional LHD Spawnpoint (Can be enabled in Mission Settings)
- ACE Compatible
- Works on every map
- Custom Slingloading and Viewdistance scripts
As of right now, the build process currently requires the following Dependencies:
Make sure the following path is in your %PATH% Environment Variable:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools\bin\
What the build script essentially does is create a folder for each map Type that currently resides within the Facepunch Modpack, and creates a mission PBO File.
This way each Map has it's own ComfyDowntime Mission.
If you don't want to install these depndencies and just want to test the mission on a single map, you can simply PBO up the mission folder.
Go into the comfy_make directory and execute the following command:
cargo build --release
After that, the exe file should be present under the following path:
Copy that exe file into the "src" Folder, and execute it. After that, the src folder should be populated with the mission PBO Files.