Install and configure ArgoCD in the hub cluster and Argo Rollouts in both cluster-1 and cluster-2 clusters.
export CTX_CLUSTER1=k8s-1-admin@k8s-1
export CTX_CLUSTER2=k8s-2-admin@k8s-2
export CTX_CLUSTERHUB=k8s-hub-admin@k8s-hub
First, install ArgoCD in the hub cluster:
kubectl --context="${CTX_CLUSTERHUB}" create namespace argocd
kubectl --context="${CTX_CLUSTERHUB}" apply -n argocd -f
Expose Argo Server:
kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
Login using Argo CLI:
argocd admin initial-password -n argocd
ARGOHUB=$(oc get svc argocd-server -n argocd -o json | jq -r .status.loadBalancer.ingress\[\].ip)
argocd login $ARGOHUB --insecure
Register both workloads clusters in ArgoCD:
argocd cluster add $CTX_CLUSTER1 --label name=k8s-1 --label workloadcluster=true --name k8s-1
argocd cluster add $CTX_CLUSTER2 --label name=k8s-2 --label workloadcluster=true --name k8s-2