- offical url: https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/blob/master/doc/distribution_linux.md#installing-the-packages
- If you lazy to read the detail about how to install driver and package you can consider to take my install note for reference.
- I record my install note and put in src/rs_d435i/rs_d435i install guide
- Please install driver then install package.
- If you suffered from any problems, you can read or open issues in this repo.
- Change the path of the following files:
- file1: get_rs_image/scripts/get_rs_image.Get_Image.py
- file2: rs_d435i/test_rs_img/scripts/get_rs_module_img.py
- Change this: sys.path.insert(1, "/home/<your_pc_name>/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/")
- Do change in file1 and file2
- Change this: sys.path.insert(2, "/home/<your_pc_name>/<your_workspace_name>/catkin_workspace/install/lib/python3/dist-packages")
- Do change only in file2
- python may be different for different pc, please check your path
- cd src/rs_d435i/
- source create_catkin_ws.sh
(terminal-1) < cd to your workspace >
. devel/setup.bash
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_rgbd.launch
open new terminal (terminal-2)
. /devel/setup.bash
rosrun test_rs_img get_rs_module_img.py
NOTE: If you have a fault when you run bash scripts in terminal-2, you have to re-open a new terminal and re-execute the two bash scripts again.