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445 lines (290 loc) · 21.2 KB

File metadata and controls

445 lines (290 loc) · 21.2 KB



  • #347 Add Blazor Interactive Render Modes.

    • IServiceCollection.AddBoleroComponents() to be called instead of IServiceCollection.AddBoleroHost() to use interactive render modes. When that is used, boleroScript will include blazor.web.js instead of blazor.server.js or blazor.webassembly.js.

    • BoleroRenderModeAttribute can be used to indicate the render mode of the component it is applied to.

    • Alternately, Bolero.Server.Html.attr.renderMode can be used to indicate the render mode of the component it is applied to.

  • Add Program.mkStreamRendering and Program.mkSimpleStreamRendering functions.

  • Add StreamRenderingComponent base class with members InitialModel: 'model and LoadModel: 'model -> Task<'model>.

  • #279 Re-enable the generation of reference assemblies.

  • #355 Fix CSS isolation on rebuild.

  • Fix AttributeTargets for EndPoint and Wildcard.


  • #308 Add router functions to decide what to do when the URL is invalid.

    • Router.withNotFound takes an endpoint to redirect to, and applies to a Router<_, _, _> (ie. an inferred router).

    • Router.withNotFoundMsg takes an Elmish message to send, and applies to any IRouter<_, _> (including manual routers).

    These functions apply when the initial URL is invalid, or when the URL is programmatically changed to be invalid. They do not apply when the user clicks a link to an invalid URL, in order to allow external links.

  • #309 Add support for query parameters in inferred routing with EndPointAttribute.

    • ?paramName={fieldName} adds query parameter paramName corresponding to the union field named fieldName. This parameter is mandatory if fieldName is a string, boolean or number, and optional if it is an option or voption of these types.

    • ?{paramName} is short for ?paramName={paramName}.

  • #313 Improve C# compatibility of server-side APIs. For the following extension methods:

    • IServiceCollection.AddBoleroHost
    • IServiceCollection.AddBoleroRouting
    • IEndpointRouteBuilder.MapFallbackToBolero

    The following changes are applied:

    • Optional arguments are changed from F#-style to C#-style. This is a source breaking change for callers who use explicit syntax ?argument = optionValue.
    • Function arguments are changed from F#-style functions to C#-style Func or Action.
  • #315 Support adding hash component to routing URLs:

    • Manually adding + "#foo" to a routed URL will correctly scroll to the element named foo in the target page.

    • Methods IRouter.Link and IRouter.HRef take a new optional argument hash: string to link to the corresponding #hash in the target page.

  • #316 Fix on.stopPropagation and on.preventDefault to take event names without the on prefix, for consistency with on.event.

  • #317 Fix .NET 8 compatibility of the MSBuild task for scoped CSS.

  • #317 Fix .NET 8 compatibility of the server-side rendering of nodes.

  • #323 Use WheelEventArgs for wheel events and ErrorEventArgs for on.error.


  • #289 Add endpoint routing for remote services.

    • Add extension methods IServiceCollection.AddBoleroRemoting() in Bolero.Server, with the same overloads as the existing AddRemoting(), to register remote services for endpoint routing.

    • Add extension method IEndpointRouteBuilder.MapBoleroRemoting(?buildEndpoint) that sets up endpoint routing for all registered services. The function buildEndpoint configures the endpoint for a given method. The returned IEndpointConventionBuilder configures all the endpoints.

    • Add typed version of IEndpointRouteBuilder.MapBoleroRemoting<_>(?buildEndpoint) to set up a specific remote service.

    • Make IServiceCollection.AddRemoting() and IApplicationBuilder.UseRemoting() obsolete, and add IServiceCollection.AddBoleroRemoting() in Bolero.Client as equivalent of AddRemoting().

  • #280 Add typed version of IServiceCollection.AddBoleroRemoting<_>() in Bolero.Client to configure the HttpClient and serialization of a given remote service separately.

  • #288 Update Elmish to version 4.

  • #296 Add CSS isolation for Bolero components. Files ending in .bolero.css are treated as component-specific styles which can be applied to a component type with the following property:

    override _.CssScope = CssScopes.MyApp

    where CssScopes is a compiler-generated module and MyApp is the name of the style file without .bolero.css extension.

    The MSBuild item BoleroScopedCss can be used to add component-specific CSS files. Its metadata ScopeName determines the name of the corresponding value in the CssScopes module.

  • #290 Add support for HTML element references in HTML templates. In a template, an attribute ref="MyRef" will generate a method .MyRef() taking an HtmlRef as argument.

  • #269 Add a Zero method to the HTML builders to allow raising exceptions in the body.


  • #261 Fix prerendering of components inside server-side Bolero.Html.

  • To instantiate a client-side component inside server-side Bolero.Html, the standard comp<T> can now be used instead of the dedicated rootComp<T>.

  • #275 Add new module Bolero.Server.Components.Rendering with functions:

    • renderPlain : Node -> string renders a node to raw HTML. Blazor components are ignored.

    • renderPage : Node -> HttpContext -> IHtmlHelper -> IBoleroHostConfig -> string also renders a node to raw HTML. Blazor components are rendered according to the given host config.

  • #279 Bolero.Build: Disable the production of a reference assembly.

  • #285 Fix typed component builders so that nested components aren't forced to have the same type.


  • Upgrade dependency to .NET 6.

  • #249 Replace the list-based functions for HTML and components with computation expressions:

    div {
        "Welcome to "
        navLink NavLinkMatch.All {
            attr.href ""
   (fun _ -> printfn "Clicked!")
            b { "Bolero" }
    • Union types Attr and Node replaced with delegate types, alongside modules for raw constructors.

    • Bolero.Html element functions, Bolero.Html.concat, Bolero.Html.attrs replaced with computation expression builders.

    • Bolero.Html.comp, ecomp, lazyComp*, navLink functions no longer take attribute and child lists and return a computation expression builder instead.

    • Bolero.Html.virtualize.comp replaced with a computation expression builder where let! retrieves the current item:

      virtualize.comp {
          virtualize.placeholder (fun _ -> text "<placeholder>")
          let! item = virtualize.items [1..100]
          text $"Actual item {item}"
    • Bolero.Html.empty value replaced with a function: empty().

    • Bolero.Html.attr.empty value replaced with a function: attr.empty().

  • Bolero.Html.attr.classes is obsolete. BREAKING CHANGE: classes are no longer combined across multiple calls to it or Bolero.Html.attr.class.

  • #250 Configure Bolero and Bolero.Html for trimming.

  • #256 by @JeremiahSanders: Templating: keep the casing of attribute names. This fixes issues with case-sensitive SVG attributes.


  • Loosen Microsoft.* dependencies from ~> 5.0 to >= 5.0 to allow using 6.0+.

  • Update FSharp.Core to 6.0.

  • Remove references to Ply, use F# 6's own task instead.

  • Run tests on .NET 6.

  • Move CI from AppVeyor to GitHub actions.


  • #202 Add the ability to generate static HTML content using Bolero.Html functions.

    For example, a simple page may look like this:

    let index = doctypeHtml [] [
        head [] [
            title [] [text "Hello, world!"]
        body [] [
            div [ "main"] [

    In this sample, the call to rootComp inserts the Bolero (or Blazor) component Client.MyApp in the page. The call to boleroScript inserts the script tag required by Blazor.

    These tags use the configuration passed to AddBoleroHost to determine whether the component is server-side or WebAssembly, and whether it is prerendered or not.

  • #216 Add helpers to create virtualized components. This is a Blazor feature that allows rendering only the visible items in a collection.

    // Display a virtualized list of 100 items.
    let items = [1..100]
    virtualize.comp [] items <| fun item ->
        div [] [textf "%i" item]

    The helpers provide all the features of Blazor's Virtualize component, such as loading from a function rather than a collection, and placeholders while items are loading:

    // Display a virtualized list of items retrieved from a remote function.
    let getItems (r: ItemsProviderRequest) : ValueTask<ItemProviderResult> =
        async {
            let! items, totalCount = remote.GetItems(r.StartIndex, r.Count)
            return ItemsProviderResult(items, totalCount)
        |> Async.StartAsTask
        |> ValueTask
    // Displayed while an item is being loaded.
    let placeholder = div [attr.classes ["my-placeholder"]] []
        [ virtualize.placeholder (fun _ -> placeholder) ]
        <| fun item ->
            div [] [textf "%i" item]
  • #205 Breaking change: the Value property of of Ref<'T> and HtmlRef now has type 'T option rather than 'T. It is None if the reference hasn't been set using attr.ref.

  • #214 Fix stripping F# metadata from assemblies when building in non-trimmed mode.


  • Upgrade from .NET Core 3.1 to .NET 5.


  • #56: Update to Elmish 3.0. Also update the Cmd module to match Elmish 3's API, adding submodules Cmd.OfAuthorized and Cmd.OfJS.

  • #144: When a router is enabled and the user clicks a link that points to a URI not handled by the router, do navigate to this URI.

  • #163 Rework the HTML element reference API and add Blazor component reference:

    • ElementRefBinder renamed to HtmlRef (old name still available but obsolete)
    • attr.bindRef renamed to attr.ref (old name still available but obsolete)
    • attr.ref taking a function removed
    • ref.Ref renamed to ref.Value
    let theDiv = HtmlRef()    // Used to be: let theDiv = ElementRefBinder()
    div [
        attr.ref theDiv    // Used to be: attr.bindRef theDiv (fun _ -> doSomethingWith theDiv.Value)    // Used to be: doSomethingWith theDiv.Ref
    ] []
    • Added Ref<'Component> which provides the same capability for Blazor components, using the same attr.ref:
    let theComp = Ref<MyComponent>()
    comp<MyComponent> [
        attr.ref theComp (fun _ -> doSomethingWith theComp.Value)
    ] []
  • #166: Ensure that Elmish subscriptions and init commands are not run during server-side prerender.

  • #168: Move the module Bolero.Html to a separate assembly and make all of its functions inline, in order to reduce the downloaded binary size.

  • #174: Change ShouldRender to invoke override instead of base implementation (thanks @dougquidd!)

  • #175: Do not render Ref until after Child Content (thanks @dougquidd!)


  • #135 Inferred router performs URL encoding/decoding on string-typed parameters.

  • #151 Accept either a relative or absolute path in custom router's getRoute.

  • #155 Add function fragment to create a Bolero Node from a Blazor RenderFragment.

  • #159 Breaking change: Remove the module Bolero.Json, and use System.Text.Json together with FSharp.SystemTextJson instead for remoting.

    Remoting serialization can be customized by passing an additional argument configureSerialization: JsonSerializerOptions -> unit to services.AddRemoting() in both the server-side and client-side startup functions.


  • Update dependencies to Blazor 3.2.0.

  • Add Elmish commands for JavaScript interop:

    Cmd.ofJS : IJSRuntime -> string -> obj[] -> ('res -> 'msg) -> (exn -> 'msg) -> Cmd<'msg>
    Cmd.performJS : IJSRuntime -> string -> obj[] -> ('res -> 'msg) -> Cmd<'msg>
  • #127 Add lazyComp*By family functions based on a key function (as opposed to lazyComp*With's equality function):

         : ('model -> 'key)
        -> ('model -> Node)
        -> 'model -> Node
        when 'key : equality
         : ('model -> 'key)
        -> ('model -> Dispatch<'msg> -> Node)
        -> 'model -> Dispatch<'msg> -> Node
        when 'key : equality
         : ('model1 * 'model2 -> 'key)
        -> ('model1 -> 'model2 -> Dispatch<'msg> -> Node)
        -> 'model1 -> 'model2 -> Dispatch<'msg> -> Node
        when 'key : equality
  • #142 Add functions to create Blazor component attributes of certain types for which => is not sufficient:

    • For parameters of type EventCallback<'T>:
      attr.callback : string -> ('T -> unit) -> Attr
      attr.async.callback : string -> ('T -> Async<unit>) -> Attr
      attr.task.callback : string -> ('T -> Task) -> Attr
    • For parameters of type RenderFragment:
      attr.fragment : string -> Node -> Attr
    • For parameters of type RenderFragment<'T>:
      attr.fragmentWith : string -> ('T -> Node) -> Attr
  • #141 Add injectable Bolero.Server.RazorHost.IBoleroHostConfig to provide configuration for the server-side Razor host. This is used within the Razor page by calling the extension methods on IHtmlHelper:

    member RenderComponentAsync<'T when 'T :> IComponent> : IBoleroHostConfig -> Task<IHtmlContent>
    member RenderBoleroScript : IBoleroHostConfig -> IHtmlContent

    and injected using the extension method on IServiceCollection:

    member AddBoleroHost : ?server: bool * ?prerendered: bool * ?devToggle: bool -> IServiceCollection


  • #119: Correctly apply model changes to inputs using bind.*
  • Upgrade to Blazor 3.2-preview2


  • #95 Add on.async.* and on.task.* event handlers that use callbacks returning Async<unit> and Task, respectively.

  • #86 Add attr.aria to create ARIA accessibility attributes.

  • #97 Add on.preventDefault and on.stopPropagation to prevent the default behavior of an event and to stop its propagation to parent elements, respectively.

  • #102 BREAKING CHANGE: The API for binders have been changed. The bind module now contains submodules bind.input and bind.change which in turn contain functions for the type of value being bound: string, int, int64, float, float32, decimal, dateTime and dateTimeOffset. Additionally, a module bind.withCulture contains the same submodules with functions taking an additional CultureInfo as argument to specify the culture to use to parse the value.

  • #103: Optimization: use Async.StartImmediateAsTask rather than Async.StartAsTask internally.

  • #105: New functions lazyComp, lazyCompWith, lazyComp2, lazyComp2With, lazyComp3 and lazyComp3With allow creating components whose view is only updated when the model is actually changed. For users familiar with Fable, they are close equivalents to its lazyView family of functions.

  • #106: ProgramComponent.Dispatch is now public, and can be used for scenarios where Program.withSubscription is insufficient.


  • #82 Calls to attr.classes and attr.``class`` are now combined into a single class attribute.

    div [attr.classes ["a"; "b"]; attr.``class`` "c"; attr.classes ["d"]] []


    <div class="a b c d"></div>
  • #87 ecomp now takes an additional list of attributes as first argument.

  • #89 ProgramComponent now has the same method ShouldRender : 'model * 'model -> bool that ElmishComponent has. The full program is not re-rendered if this returns false after an update. Thanks @laenas!

  • A new type alias Program<'model, 'msg> represents the exact type of Elmish programs used by Bolero. It corresponds to Program<ProgramComponent<'model, 'msg>, 'model, 'msg, Node>.


  • Updated .NET Core dependency to version 3.0 RTM and Blazor to 3.0-preview9.

  • #78, #79: Add PageModels. PageModels allow adding a model specific to a page. The new APIs are:

    namespace Bolero
    type PageModel<'T> = { Model : 'T }
    module Router =
        val inferWithModel
            : makeMessage: ('page -> 'msg)
           -> getEndPoint: ('model -> 'page)
           -> defaultPageModel: ('page -> unit)
           -> Router<'page, 'model, 'msg>
        val noModel : PageModel<'T>
        val definePageModel : PageModel<'T> -> 'T -> unit


  • Updated Blazor and .NET Core dependencies to version 3.0-preview8, with associated API changes.

  • #61 Add attr.key to uniquely identify elements in a list to help the renderer. See the corresponding @key attribute in the Blazor documentation.

  • #70 Correctly provide the HttpContext to remote functions when running in server mode.

  • #71 Add new exception RemoteException of HttpResponseMessage, which is thrown on the client side when the response code is neither 200 OK (which succeeds) nor 401 Unauthorized (which throws RemoteUnauthorizedException).

  • #73 Breaking Removed the server-side module Bolero.Remoting.Server.Remote with its functions withHttpContext, authorize and authorizeWith.

    Instead, a new type IRemoteContext is provided via dependency injection:

    type IRemoteContext =
        inherit IHttpContextAccessor // member HttpContext : HttpContext with get, set
        member Authorize : ('req -> Async<'resp>) -> ('req -> Async<'resp>)
        member AuthorizeWith : seq<IAuthorizeData> -> ('req -> Async<'resp>) -> ('req -> Async<'resp>)

    There are also new overloads on IServiceCollection.AddRemoting that take IRemoteContext -> 'Handler as argument, so that remote handlers that use authorization don't need to switch to using DI.


  • Bolero.HotReload, the HTML template hot reload library, had been blocked from upgrade by a dependency; it is now available again for the latest Bolero.

  • Cmd.ofRemote and its cousin Cmd.performRemote have been deprecated. We felt that these function names were misleading, because they are only useful when calling authorized remote functions. Remote functions without user authorization can be simply called with Cmd.ofAsync or Cmd.performAsync. The new functions Cmd.ofAuthorized or Cmd.performAuthorized should now be used instead. They are identical to the previous *Remote, except that instead of passing the response as a custom type RemoteResponse<'T>, they use a simple option<'T>, which is Some on success and None in case of authorization failure.