Incompact3d is OS independent, however, Fortran-90 and MPI compilers are requeride. For instance, in an Ubuntu instalation, the following packages should be installed:
sudo apt install gfortran libopenmpi-dev
There are two ways to set the necessary compilation flags. First, uncoment the following lines at the Makefile:
i3d_FLOW_TYPE = Plumes
i3d_LCL = local#local,lad,sdu
i3d_IVER = 18#16,17
i3d_CMP = gcc#intel,gcc
i3d_FFT = generic#mkl,generic,fftw3_f03,fftw3
It can also be done with environment variables, for instance, setting them at the ~/.bashrc
export i3d_FLOW_TYPE="Plumes"
export i3d_LCL="local"
export i3d_IVER="18"
export i3d_CMP="gcc"
export i3d_FFT="generic"
The last steep is type:
Now you should be able to run incompact like this:
mpirun -n 4 ./incompact3d