Thanks for taking the time. On this page you find some general hints on how we "want to do things" around here, both for social interaction as well as technical details (see below).
We're students here, and some of us are beginners. Being nice and answering questions are an easy way to make everyone feel welcome and thus increasing the chances of motivated contributions to our website.
We know, we're mostly non-native English speakers. Nonetheless, it's a public code repository and we want to include everyone. We feel like English is the best language to achieve this. You might want to consider it practice for yourself. Also: English is only mandatory in code, comments and docs. If you're working on content, this rule obviously doesn't apply. (However English versions of e. g. news posts are of course highly appreciated!)
If you're a first-time contributor, it's easiest to fork the repository, create a branch and then open a pull request in our main repository. if you don't know how this works, check out the following resources:
- Git Basics and Cheat Sheet
- How To Create A PR (in German)
- Creating your first PR at firstcontributions
If you've never worked with git before, we recommend practicing with own repositories for some time.
As an active member of the student body in general and as part of the working group website in particular, you can become a member of the organization. That means you can create your branches on the original repository instead of working in your fork all the time. Please ask for access in the Slack channel #ak_website.
There are probably some open issues that need attention. Pick something that's interesting to you and leave a comment on the issue so we know you're working on it.
Please adhere to the following rules for your commit messages:
- Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature")
- Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...")
- Limit the first line to 72 characters or less
- If you're working on a certain area that is not website content, consider
adding brackets with an area for quick identification like so:
[Design] Change color palette in footer component
[Fix] Fix missing className param on static pages
[CI/CD] Update deployment container image
See this blog post for background information.
That's the basics, you're all set. Pick a specific area and get to work!