All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.2.1 (2020-02-21)
- error-logging: dont log in dev. Check for user cancelations (41b1f2d)
- logging: send proper user to sentry (f0b76f1)
1.2.0 (2020-02-20)
- build: add npm script to develop (b75b3f8)
- error-logging: show puppeteer errors on toasts (4d2d62b)
- fill-hours: persist state when navigating from screens (915721b)
- notifications: add toasts to show status (7e90ba9)
- puppeteer: allow to cancel running script (f15743e)
- add showbrowser as menu (5a810e7)
- ui: add feedback on save and isDirty (f313ccc)
- source maps and screenshot (87d9415)
- reliability: got script to work. Adds small screenshot (9128b0f)
- ui: paddings of the app (23c26f5)
- persist isDirty (3e579b1)
- remove console logs (29998d4)
- remove setstatus (aac6396)
- build: add slash to package json commands (5b3e38f)
- build: isDev is based on app.isPackaged (8746fca)
- header: margin left aligned with app (ac30364)
- settings: save settings was not working (bda857b)
1.1.0 (2020-02-19)
- build: add npm script to develop (b75b3f8)
- add showbrowser as menu (5a810e7)
- error-logging: show puppeteer errors on toasts (4d2d62b)
- fill-hours: persist state when navigating from screens (915721b)
- notifications: add toasts to show status (7e90ba9)
- puppeteer: allow to cancel running script (f15743e)
- ui: add feedback on save and isDirty (f313ccc)
- build: add slash to package json commands (5b3e38f)
- build: isDev is based on app.isPackaged (8746fca)
- header: margin left aligned with app (ac30364)
- persist isDirty (3e579b1)
- remove console logs (29998d4)
- remove setstatus (aac6396)
- reliability: got script to work. Adds small screenshot (9128b0f)
- settings: save settings was not working (bda857b)
- ui: paddings of the app (23c26f5)
- source maps and screenshot (87d9415)