- Refucktoring
- CodinGame Escape Room
- CodinGame Clash of Code (kinda a Hackathon competition)
- Bingo (create your own Team Bingo with insider jokes)
- Pub Quiz Developer Edition
- Ice breaker game: Happy Salmon
- Print your own: https://woutergeelen.nl/your-own-happy-salmon-game/
- As the blog seems to be down, card pdfs are also here in the repo
- Online games
- skribbl.io
- Wikitrivia
- Tradle
- GeoGuesser
- Guess the game
- Gartic Phone
- Classic stuff
- (Virtual) Escape Room
- Go Karting
- Bowling
- Billiard
- etc.
- Classic games:
- Exploding Kittens
- Cards against Humanity
- Cards against Agility
- Cards against Compilers
- The Game against Downtime
- etc.
- Two Rooms and a boom
- Tempel des Schreckens
- Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
- Jackbox Games
- Drawful
- Split the room
- Quiplash