diff --git a/fj-doc-guide/src/main/docs/asciidoc/chapters/03_1_doc_format_xml.adoc b/fj-doc-guide/src/main/docs/asciidoc/chapters/03_1_doc_format_xml.adoc
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fj-doc-guide/src/main/docs/asciidoc/chapters/03_1_doc_format_xml.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+=== XML Source Format
+When writing a sample Venus Document, it is possible to draw from some online resources :
+. https://www.fugerit.org/data/java/doc/xsd/doc-2-0.xsd[Venus DOC XML Schema Definition] - Current version of the Venus DOC XSD, the main source for writing valid Venus document meta model.
+. https://venusdocs.fugerit.org/fj-doc-base/src/main/docs/doc_xsd_config_ref.html[Venus DOC XML Reference] - the informations contained in the previous XSD in HTML format for convenience.
+. https://venusdocs.fugerit.org/docs/html/doc_meta_info.html[Venus DOC meta informations reference] - documentations for existing 'info' properties for 'metadata' section.
+. https://docs.fugerit.org/fj-doc-playground/home/[Online Playground] - To test how the XML elements are rendered to documents by DocHandlers.
+Supported is provided by the base module dependency :
+ org.fugerit.java
+ fj-doc-base
+ ${fj-doc-version}
+Here is an example xml :
+ 10;10;10;30
+ Hello World
+ fugerit79
+ en
+ Hello World!
diff --git a/fj-doc-guide/src/main/docs/asciidoc/chapters/03_2_doc_format_json_yaml.adoc b/fj-doc-guide/src/main/docs/asciidoc/chapters/03_2_doc_format_json_yaml.adoc
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fj-doc-guide/src/main/docs/asciidoc/chapters/03_2_doc_format_json_yaml.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+=== JSON and YAML Source Format
+It is possible to use JSON or YAML as source. It is just needed to follow some conversion rules.
+The conversion rules from xml to json/yaml are :
+. xml meta information are translated as top level property (xmlns etc.)
+. Every JSON/YAML object contains the information of a XML tag
+. "_t" special property contains the tag name (for example "_t" : "metadata")
+. "_v" special property contains the text content of an element
+. "_e" special property contains a list of child elements
+. any other xml attribute is mapped as a JSON/YAML property (for example "name" : "margins")
+NOTE: As it is possible to directly convert JSON and YAML, rules for YAML are the same as for JSON format.
+NOTE: All XML comments are ignored
+NOTE: For XML/JSON/YAML conversion a https://docs.fugerit.org/fj-doc-playground/home/[Online Playground] is available.
+Support for _JSON_ format needs the following dependency :
+ org.fugerit.java
+ fj-doc-base-json
+ ${fj-doc-version}
+Here is a simple JSON source document :
+ "xmlns" : "http://javacoredoc.fugerit.org",
+ "xsi:schemaLocation" : "http://javacoredoc.fugerit.org https://www.fugerit.org/data/java/doc/xsd/doc-2-0.xsd",
+ "xmlns:xsi" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
+ "_t" : "doc",
+ "_e" : [ {
+ "_t" : "metadata",
+ "_e" : [ {
+ "name" : "margins",
+ "_t" : "info",
+ "_v" : "10;10;10;30"
+ }, {
+ "name" : "doc-title",
+ "_t" : "info",
+ "_v" : "Hello World"
+ }, {
+ "name" : "doc-author",
+ "_t" : "info",
+ "_v" : "fugerit79"
+ }, {
+ "name" : "doc-language",
+ "_t" : "info",
+ "_v" : "en"
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "_t" : "body",
+ "_e" : [ {
+ "_t" : "para",
+ "_v" : "Hello World!"
+ } ]
+ } ]
+Support for _YAML_ format needs the following dependency :
+ org.fugerit.java
+ fj-doc-base-yaml
+ ${fj-doc-version}
+Here is the equivalent YAML :
+xmlns: "http://javacoredoc.fugerit.org"
+xsi:schemaLocation: "http://javacoredoc.fugerit.org https://www.fugerit.org/data/java/doc/xsd/doc-2-1.xsd"
+xmlns:xsi: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+_t: "doc"
+- _t: "metadata"
+ _e:
+ - name: "margins"
+ _t: "info"
+ _v: "10;10;10;30"
+ - name: "doc-title"
+ _t: "info"
+ _v: "Basic example"
+ - name: "doc-subject"
+ _t: "info"
+ _v: "fj doc venus sample source xml"
+ - name: "doc-author"
+ _t: "info"
+ _v: "fugerit79"
+ - name: "doc-language"
+ _t: "info"
+ _v: "en"
+ - name: "default-font-name"
+ _t: "info"
+ _v: "TitilliumWeb"
+ - name: "excel-table-id"
+ _t: "info"
+ _v: "data-table=print"
+ - name: "csv-table-id"
+ _t: "info"
+ _v: "data-table"
+ - _t: "footer-ext"
+ _e:
+ - align: "right"
+ _t: "para"
+ _v: "${currentPage} / ${pageCount}"
+- _t: "body"
+ _e:
+ - _t: "para"
+ _v: "My sample title"
+ - padding: "2"
+ columns: "3"
+ width: "100"
+ id: "data-table"
+ colwidths: "30;30;40"
+ _t: "table"
+ _e:
+ - _t: "row"
+ _e:
+ - border-color: "#000000"
+ border-width: "1"
+ align: "center"
+ _t: "cell"
+ _e:
+ - style: "bold"
+ _t: "para"
+ _v: "Name"
+ - align: "center"
+ _t: "cell"
+ _e:
+ - style: "bold"
+ _t: "para"
+ _v: "Surname"
+ - align: "center"
+ _t: "cell"
+ _e:
+ - style: "bold"
+ _t: "para"
+ _v: "Title"
+ - _t: "row"
+ _e:
+ - _t: "cell"
+ _e:
+ - _t: "para"
+ _v: "Luthien"
+ - _t: "cell"
+ _e:
+ - _t: "para"
+ _v: "Tinuviel"
+ - _t: "cell"
+ _e:
+ - _t: "para"
+ _v: "Queen"
+ - _t: "row"
+ _e:
+ - _t: "cell"
+ _e:
+ - _t: "para"
+ _v: "Thorin"
+ - _t: "cell"
+ _e:
+ - _t: "para"
+ _v: "Oakshield"
+ - _t: "cell"
+ _e:
+ - _t: "para"
+ _v: "King"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fj-doc-guide/src/main/docs/asciidoc/chapters/03_3_doc_format_kotlin.adoc b/fj-doc-guide/src/main/docs/asciidoc/chapters/03_3_doc_format_kotlin.adoc
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fj-doc-guide/src/main/docs/asciidoc/chapters/03_3_doc_format_kotlin.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+=== Kotlin Source Format (Experimental)
+Supported is provided by the base module dependency.
+ org.fugerit.java
+ fj-doc-ext-kotlin
+ ${fj-doc-ext-kotlin-version}
+NOTE: At the moment kotlin (KTS) support is still experimental. The link:https://github.com/fugerit-org/fj-doc-ext-kotlin[Kotlin extension] is maintained on a separate repository.
+Kotlin source is based on a custom DSL (Domain Specific Language).
+The link:https://github.com/fugerit-org/fj-doc-ext-kotlin/blob/main/src/main/java/org/fugerit/java/doc/base/kotlin/dsl/dslDoc.kt[Fugerit Doc Kotlin DSL] is basically a mapping of the xsd.
+Here is a sample kotlin source document :
+import org.fugerit.java.doc.base.kotlin.dsl.dslDoc
+dslDoc {
+ val docTitle = attStr( data, "docTitle" )
+ meta {
+ info( ( docTitle ) ).name( "doc-title" )
+ info( ( "10;10;10;30" ) ).name( "margins" )
+ info( ( "fj doc venus sample source Kotlin Template - kts" ) ).name( "doc-subject" )
+ info( ( "fugerit79" ) ).name( "dock-author" )
+ info( ( "en" ) ).name( "doc-language" )
+ info( ( "TitilliumWeb" ) ).name( "default-font-name" )
+ info( ( "data-table=print" ) ).name( "excel-table-id" )
+ info( ( "data-table" ) ).name( "csv-table-id" )
+ footerExt {
+ para( '$'+"{currentPage} / "+'$'+"{pageCount}" ).align( "right" )
+ }
+ }
+ body {
+ h( docTitle ).headLevel( 1 )
+ table {
+ row {
+ cell { para( "Name" ) }.align( "center" )
+ cell { para( "Surname" ) }.align( "center" )
+ cell { para( "Title" ) }.align( "center" )
+ }.header( true )
+ attListMap( data, "listPeople" ).forEach( { e -> row {
+ cell { para( attStr( e, "name" ) ) }
+ cell { para( attStr( e, "surname" ) ) }
+ cell { para( attStr( e, "title" ) ) }
+ } } )
+ }.columns( 3 ).colwidths( "30;30;40" ).width( 100 ).id( "data-table" ).padding( 2 )
+ }
diff --git a/fj-doc-guide/src/main/docs/asciidoc/index.adoc b/fj-doc-guide/src/main/docs/asciidoc/index.adoc
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@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ include::chapters/02_2_maven_plugin_init.adoc[]