Test drive your bus.io apps with bus.io-driver
var Message = require('bus.io-common').Message;
var driver = require('bus.io-driver');
var bus = require('bus.io')();
bus.on(function (msg, next) {
.done(function (err, msg) {
if (err) throw err;
assert.equal(msg.content(), 'HI');
Say you want to test this bus.io app.
var bus = require('bus.io')();
bus.in('shout', function (msg, sock) {
bus.on('shout', function (msg) {
bus.out('shout', function (msg) {
msg.content(msg.content() + '!!!').deliver();
You would do it like this with driver.
var driver = require('bus.io-driver');
var assert = require('assert');
var Message = require('bus.io-common').Message;
var bus = require('./my-bus.io-app.js');
// test the "shout" message handler when going from the socekt to the bus
.done(function (err, mesage) {
if (err) throw err;
assert.equal(msg.target(), 'everyone');
// test the "shout" message handler when processing on the bus
.done(function (err, ms) {
if (err) throw err;
assert.equal(msg.content(), 'HI');
// test the "shout" message handler when going from the bus to the socket
.done(function (err, msg) {
if (err) throw err;
assert.equal(msg.content(), 'HI!!!');
Test the whole trip.
var msg = Message().action('shout').content('hi');
.done(function (err, msg) {
if (err) throw err;
assert.equal(msg.target(), 'everyone');
assert.equal(message.content(), 'HI!!!');
Install node.js (See download and install instructions here: http://nodejs.org/).
Clone this repository
> git clone [email protected]:turbonetix/bus.io-driver.git
cd into the directory and install the dependencies
> cd bus.io-driver
> npm install && npm shrinkwrap --dev
var driver = require('bus.io-driver');
var bus = require('./bus.js');
var instance = driver(bus);
var events = require('events');
var sock = new events.EventEmitter;
var driver = require('bus.io-driver');
var bus = require('./bus.js');
var instance = driver(bus, sock);
Pipes the message through the in()
receiver stack of middleware.
Pipes the message through the on()
receiver stack of middleware.
Pipes the message through the out()
receiver stack of middleware.
driver.done(function (err, msg) {
if (err) throw nerr;
assert.equal(msg.content(), 'HI!!!');
Install coffee-script
> npm install coffee-script -g
Tests are run using grunt. You must first globally install the grunt-cli with npm.
> sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
To run the tests, just run grunt
> grunt spec
Examples are under the examples/