- PHP 7.4.+
- Composer
- Mysql@5.7
- Memcached
- Valet (or your preferred service manager/server)
brew update
brew upgrade
- Install PHP 7.4.+
brew install mcrypt php@7.4
- Start php service:
brew services start php@7.4
brew link php@7.4 --force
php -v
--> should give you 7.4 now on terminal if not, close session of term and open a new one (Restart)- Install Mysql
brew install mysql@5.7
- Install memcached:
brew install libmemcached
pecl install memcached
- Pecl will ask you the path of the library, type
- Pecl will ask you the path of the library, type
- Check if the php module has been added:
php -m | grep memcached
- Check if the php module has been added:
- Start the service:
/usr/local/opt/memcached/bin/memcached &
- Start the service:
- Start mysql service:
brew services start mysql@5.7
- Finally, install composer:
brew install composer
- Install valet:
composer global require laravel/valet
- If you have a problem with the “Changed current directory to”.
You need to add this folder to your unix path. You can do this by running the following:
export PATH=$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin
- valet install
Once Valet is installed, you’re ready to start serving sites. Valet provides two commands to help you serve your Laravel sites: park
and link
- Set your env file APP_URL and API_URL to the url you'll want to go i.e: APP_URL=https://dbp.test and API_URL=https://dbp.test/api
- cd into your dbp folder
- run
valet park
- Install sequel pro to visualize the databases: https://sequelpro.com/download
- To decrypt the databases you'll need:
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in encypted_db_name -out decrypted_db_name -k "your decript password"
On Sequel Pro:
- Go to "database"->"Add database"
- For the users db, name it dbp_users
- For the dbp prod, name it dbp_prod
- For each database, go to "File"->"Import" and select the sql file you have
Go to your terminal
- cd into your dbp root folder
- run
php artisan migrate
you can use an additional ":status" to the command to see which migrations have run thus far