All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.6 (2022-12-29)
- Add fill_ratio option (d32d7ee)
- bump img-common mod ver (13cc323)
- change fill_ratio to aspect_ratio (460fa22)
- change variable (a374ac1)
- comment (540487e)
- error includes config level (f04f6d0)
- Fix error ctx per level (f1549ab)
- ignore (4ca984d)
- in progress (d5a6820)
- in progress broken (6b5d07e)
- install bootstrap (1328ebf)
- lqip generation in progress (38f9cfe)
- merge ctx at correct level (c5e42c4)
- move 1px resize to single generation context (10e3498)
- move level options to local (3b85fbb)
- move level options to local (e2947a1)
- move lqip generation to partial (e6882f3)
- move restrict widths to common (bf48cd4)
- moved js params to js context (e7fa43a)
- param sanitize (133bf81)
- quality printf format (9050de1)
- remove redundant code (a6a7951)
- rename prefetch to preload (13c12db)
- rename prefetch to preload (311bea9)
- replace common for dev (f3c98fb)
- syntax errors (6636ed5)
- update params and width dict (e7fcfc0)
- update readme (e2b1eec)
- widths logic (5e130b7)
- working (66bca1a)
- working (2537b82)
- working (55d10e3)
0.0.4 (2022-12-01)
- major overhaul (d0f1a9e)
- add frontmatter (6cf8fdf)
- added placeholder gen (9172eaa)
- lqip nearly working (e443737)
- remove debug warnings (8ec40fb)
- sanitization in progress (0667bac)
- updated partial input (b3599ba)
- var validation in progress (8b2cf37)