diff --git a/GCN/GCN.fsproj b/GCN/GCN.fsproj
index 95024f2..b2ce6e9 100644
--- a/GCN/GCN.fsproj
+++ b/GCN/GCN.fsproj
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
diff --git a/GCN/GCNModel.fs b/GCN/GCNModel.fs
index 6918688..16d674d 100644
--- a/GCN/GCNModel.fs
+++ b/GCN/GCNModel.fs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ open type TorchSharp.NN.Modules
open TorchSharp.Fun
let inline (!>) (x:^a) : ^b = ((^a or ^b) : (static member op_Implicit : ^a -> ^b) x)
+///single graph convolutional layer
let gcnLayer in_features out_features hasBias (adj:TorchTensor) =
let weight = Parameter(randName(),Float32Tensor.empty([|in_features; out_features|],requiresGrad=true))
let bias = if hasBias then Parameter(randName(),Float32Tensor.empty([|out_features|],requiresGrad=true)) |> Some else None
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ let gcnLayer in_features out_features hasBias (adj:TorchTensor) =
let create nfeat nhid nclass dropout adj =
let gc1 = gcnLayer nfeat nhid true adj
let gc2 = gcnLayer nhid nclass true adj
- let drp = if dropout > 0.0 then Dropout(dropout) |> M else Model.nop
+ let drp = Dropout(dropout)
fwd3 gc1 gc2 drp (fun t g1 g2 drp ->
use t = gc1.forward(t)
diff --git a/GCN/Program.fs b/GCN/Program.fs
index 6e401a1..52f6439 100644
--- a/GCN/Program.fs
+++ b/GCN/Program.fs
@@ -57,9 +57,6 @@ module Defs =
let main args =
let runParms = Defs.parse args
- try
- Train.run runParms
- with ex ->
- printfn "%s" ex.Message
+ Train.run runParms
System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
diff --git a/GCN/Train.fs b/GCN/Train.fs
index 7c09737..38700e0 100644
--- a/GCN/Train.fs
+++ b/GCN/Train.fs
@@ -22,34 +22,38 @@ let run (datafolder,no_cuda,fastmode,epochs,dropout,lr,hidden,seed,weight_decay)
let loss = NN.Functions.nll_loss()
if cuda then
- model.Module.cuda() |> ignore
+ model.Module.cuda() |> ignore
let optimizer = NN.Optimizer.Adam(model.Module.parameters(), learningRate = lr, weight_decay=weight_decay)
let train epoch =
let t = DateTime.Now
- model.Module.Train()
- let parms = model.Module.parameters()
+ model.Module.Train()
let output = model.forward(features)
let loss_train = loss.Invoke(output.[ idx_train], labels.[idx_train])
- let ls = float loss_train
let acc_train = Utils.accuracy(output.[idx_train], labels.[idx_train])
- printfn $"training - loss: {ls}, acc: {acc_train}"
- if fastmode then
- model.Module.Eval()
- let y' = model.forward(features)
- let loss_val = loss.Invoke(y'.[idx_val], labels.[idx_val])
- let acc_val = Utils.accuracy(y'.[idx_val], labels.[idx_val])
- printfn
- $"""
- Epoch: {epoch}, loss_train: {float loss_train},
- acc_train: {acc_train}, loss_val: {float loss_val},
- acc_val: {acc_val}, time: {t}
- """
+ let parms = model.Module.parameters()
+ let data = parms |> Array.map TorchSharp.Fun.Tensor.getData
+ let i = 1
+ let loss_val,acc_val =
+ if not fastmode then
+ model.Module.Eval()
+ let y' = model.forward(features)
+ let loss_val = loss.Invoke(y'.[idx_val], labels.[idx_val])
+ let acc_val = Utils.accuracy(y'.[idx_val], labels.[idx_val])
+ loss_val,acc_val
+ else
+ let loss_val = loss.Invoke(output.[idx_val], labels.[idx_val])
+ let acc_val = Utils.accuracy(output.[idx_val], labels.[idx_val])
+ loss_val,acc_val
+ printf $"Epoch: {epoch}, loss_train: %0.4f{float loss_train}, acc_train: %0.4f{acc_train}, "
+ printfn $"loss_val: %0.4f{float loss_val}, acc_val: %0.4f{acc_val}"
let test() =
@@ -62,10 +66,9 @@ let run (datafolder,no_cuda,fastmode,epochs,dropout,lr,hidden,seed,weight_decay)
let t_total = DateTime.Now
for i in 1 .. epochs-1 do
- printfn $"epoch {i}"
train i
printfn "Optimization done"
- printfn $"Time elapsed: {(DateTime.Now - t_total).TotalMinutes} minutes"
+ printfn $"Time elapsed: %0.2f{(DateTime.Now - t_total).TotalSeconds} seconds"
diff --git a/GCN/Utils.fs b/GCN/Utils.fs
index 8adac97..a7a3fe1 100644
--- a/GCN/Utils.fs
+++ b/GCN/Utils.fs
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ let normalize (m:Matrix) =
let sparse_mx_to_torch_sparse_tensor (m:Matrix) =
let coo = m.EnumerateIndexed(Zeros.AllowSkip)
- let rows = coo |> Seq.map (fun (r,c,v) -> int64 r)
+ let rows = coo |> Seq.map (fun (r,c,v) -> int64 r)
let cols = coo |> Seq.map (fun (r,c,v) -> int64 c)
+ let vals = coo |> Seq.map (fun (r,c,v) -> v)
let idxs = Seq.append rows cols |> Seq.toArray
- let idx1 = idxs |> Int64Tensor.from |> fun x -> x.view(2L,-1L)
- let vals = coo |> Seq.map(fun (r,c,v) -> v) |> Seq.toArray |> Float32Tensor.from
- let t = Float32Tensor.sparse(idx1,vals,[|int64 m.RowCount; int64 m.ColumnCount|])
- let dt = TorchSharp.Fun.Tensor.getData(t.to_dense())
+ let idxT = idxs |> Int64Tensor.from |> fun x -> x.view(2L, idxs.Length / 2 |> int64)
+ let valsT = vals |> Seq.toArray |> Float32Tensor.from
+ let t = Float32Tensor.sparse(idxT,valsT,[|int64 m.RowCount; int64 m.ColumnCount|])
let accuracy(output:TorchTensor, labels:TorchTensor) =
@@ -64,27 +64,26 @@ let loadData (dataFolder:string) dataset =
Label = xs.[xs.Length-1]
- let edges =
+ let idx_map = dataFeatures |> Seq.mapi (fun i x-> x.Id,i) |> Map.ofSeq
+ let edges_unordered =
|> File.ReadLines
|> Seq.map (fun x->x.Split('\t'))
|> Seq.map (fun xs -> xs.[0],xs.[1])
|> Seq.toArray
- let edgeIdx =
- edges
- |> Seq.collect (fun (a,b)->[a;b])
- |> Seq.distinct
- |> Seq.mapi (fun i x->x,i)
- |> dict
+ let edges =
+ edges_unordered
+ |> Array.map (fun (a,b) -> idx_map.[a],idx_map.[b])
- let ftrs = Matrix.Build.DenseOfRows(dataFeatures |> Seq.map (fun x->Array.toSeq x.Features))
+ let ftrs = Matrix.Build.SparseOfRowArrays(dataFeatures |> Seq.map (fun x-> x.Features) |> Seq.toArray)
let graph = Matrix.Build.SparseFromCoordinateFormat
- edgeIdx.Count, edgeIdx.Count, edges.Length, //rows,cols,num vals
- edges |> Array.map (fun x -> edgeIdx.[fst x]), //hot row idx
- edges |> Array.map (fun x -> edgeIdx.[snd x]), //hot col idx
+ idx_map.Count, idx_map.Count, edges.Length, //rows,cols,num vals
+ edges |> Array.map fst, //hot row idx
+ edges |> Array.map snd, //hot col idx
edges |> Array.map (fun _ -> 1.0f) //values
diff --git a/GCN/scripts/gcn.fsx b/GCN/scripts/gcn.fsx
index 32d3715..91692f7 100644
--- a/GCN/scripts/gcn.fsx
+++ b/GCN/scripts/gcn.fsx
@@ -1,100 +1,24 @@
#load "packages.fsx"
-open System
-open System.IO
-open MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra
+#load "../Utils.fs"
+open TorchSharp.Fun
-let dataFolder = @"C:\Users\fwaris\Downloads\pygcn-master\data\cora"
-let contentFile = $"{dataFolder}/cora.content"
-let citesFile = $"{dataFolder}/cora.cites"
-let yourself x = x
+let datafolder = @"C:\s\Repos\gcn\data\cora"
+let adj, features, labels, idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = Utils.loadData datafolder None
-let dataCntnt =
- contentFile
- |> File.ReadLines
- |> Seq.map(fun x -> x.Split('\t'))
- |> Seq.map(fun xs ->
- {|
- Id = xs.[0]
- Features = xs.[1 .. xs.Length-2] |> Array.map float32
- Label = xs.[xs.Length-1]
- |})
+let v1 = adj.[0L,50L] |> float
-let dataCites =
- citesFile
- |> File.ReadLines
- |> Seq.map (fun x->x.Split('\t'))
- |> Seq.map (fun xs -> xs.[0],xs.[1])
- |> Seq.toArray
+let idx = adj.SparseIndices |> Tensor.getData
+let rc = idx |> Array.chunkBySize (idx.Length/2)
+let vals = adj.SparseValues |> Tensor.getData
-let citationIdx = dataCites |> Seq.collect (fun (a,b)->[a;b]) |> Seq.distinct |> Seq.mapi (fun i x->x,i) |> dict
+let i = 500
+let r,c = rc.[0].[i],rc.[1].[i]
+let vx = adj.[r,c] |> float
-let ftrs = Matrix.Build.DenseOfRows(dataCntnt |> Seq.map (fun x->Array.toSeq x.Features))
+let df = features |> Tensor.getData |> Array.chunkBySize (int features.shape.[1])
-let graph = Matrix.Build.SparseFromCoordinateFormat
- (
- dataCites.Length, dataCites.Length, dataCites.Length,
- dataCites |> Array.map (fun x -> citationIdx.[fst x]),
- dataCites |> Array.map (fun x -> citationIdx.[snd x]),
- dataCites |> Array.map (fun _ -> 1.0f)
- )
+let f1 = features.[1L,12L] |> float
-let normalize (m:Matrix) =
- let rowsum = m.RowSums()
- let r_inv = rowsum.PointwisePower(-1.0f)
- let r_inv = r_inv.Map(fun x-> if Single.IsInfinity x then 0.0f else x)
- let r_mat_inv = Matrix.Build.SparseOfDiagonalVector(r_inv)
- let mx = r_mat_inv.Multiply(m)
- mx
-let graph_n = Matrix.Build.SparseIdentity(graph.RowCount) + graph |> normalize
-let ftrs_n = normalize ftrs
-open TorchSharp.Tensor
-let sparse_mx_to_torch_sparse_tensor (m:Matrix) =
- let coo = m.EnumerateIndexed(Zeros.AllowSkip)
- let rows = coo |> Seq.map (fun (r,c,v) -> int64 r)
- let cols = coo |> Seq.map (fun (r,c,v) -> int64 c)
- let idxs = Seq.append rows cols |> Seq.toArray
- let idx1 = idxs |> Int64Tensor.from |> fun x -> x.view(2L,-1L)
- let vals = coo |> Seq.map(fun (r,c,v) -> v) |> Seq.toArray |> Float32Tensor.from
- Float32Tensor.sparse(idx1,vals,[|int64 m.RowCount; int64 m.ColumnCount|])
-let adj = sparse_mx_to_torch_sparse_tensor(graph_n)
-module GCNModel =
- open TorchSharp.Tensor
- open TorchSharp.NN
- open type TorchSharp.NN.Modules
- open TorchSharp.Fun
- let inline (!>) (x:^a) : ^b = ((^a or ^b) : (static member op_Implicit : ^a -> ^b) x)
- let gcnLayer in_features out_features hasBias (adj:TorchTensor) =
- let weight = Parameter(randName(),Float32Tensor.empty([|in_features; out_features|]))
- let bias = if hasBias then Parameter(randName(),Float32Tensor.empty([|out_features|])) |> Some else None
- let parms = [| yield weight; if hasBias then yield bias.Value|]
- Init.kaiming_uniform(weight.Tensor) |> ignore
- Model.create(parms,fun wts t ->
- let support = t.mm(wts.[0])
- let output = adj.mm(support)
- if hasBias then
- output.add(wts.[1])
- else
- output)
- let create nfeat nhid nclass dropout adj =
- let gc1 = gcnLayer nfeat nhid true adj
- let gc2 = gcnLayer nhid nclass true adj
- let relu = ReLU()
- let logm = LogSoftmax(1L)
- let drp = if dropout then Dropout() |> M else Model.nop
- fwd3 gc1 gc2 drp (fun t g1 g2 drp ->
- use t = gc1.forward(t)
- use t = relu.forward(t)
- use t = drp.forward(t)
- use t = gc2.forward(t)
- let t = logm.forward(t)
- t)
diff --git a/GCN/scripts/packages.fsx b/GCN/scripts/packages.fsx
index 538069b..1e50fca 100644
--- a/GCN/scripts/packages.fsx
+++ b/GCN/scripts/packages.fsx
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
//#r "nuget: libtorch-cuda-11.1-win-x64,"
-#load @"..\MLUtils.fs"
-#load @"..\MathUtils.fs"
#load @"..\TorchSharp.Fun.fs"
#I @"C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App\5.0.4"
#r "System.Windows.Forms"
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 173c63e..2a7c612 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,12 +1,78 @@
-### Design thoughts
+# Graph Convolutional Networks in TorchSharp.Fun
-#### What is avaialble
+TorchSharp.Fun is thin functional wrapper in F# over TorchSharp (a .Net binding of PyTorch).
-- V1 clusters
-- V2 clusters
+## TorchSharp.Fun Example
-#### Model
-- each micro cluster is a graph
-- extract the micrograph
-- note time to wait for root alarm
+Below is a simple sequential model. It is a composition over standard TorchSharp 'modules'. The compostion is performed with the '->>' operator.
+let model =
+ Linear(10L,5L)
+ ->> Dropout(0.5)
+ ->> Linear(5L,1L)
+ ->> RelU()
+## GCN Model
+The Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) model presented in this repo is based on the work of Thomas Kipf, [Graph Convolutional Networks](http://tkipf.github.io/graph-convolutional-networks/) (2016).
+It is a port of the [Pytorch GCN model](http://github.com/tkipf/pygcn).
+## TorchSharp.Fun
+The code for TorchSharp.Fun is included in the repo. At this stage it is expected to undergo considerable churn and therefore is not released as an independent package.
+## Training the model
+The data for the model included is however two changes to source are required to train the model. Both are in Program.fs file. These are:
+- Path to libtorch native library - [download link](https://pytorch.org/)
+- Path to the data folder
+It is recommend to use Visual Studio code with F# / Ionide plug-in - just start the project after making the above changes.
+## Why TorchSharp.Fun?
+A function-compostional approach to deep learning models arose when I could not easily create a deep ResNet model with 'standard' TorchSharp.
+An alternative F# library was also tried. The library supports an elegant API; it was easy to create a deep ResNet model. Unfortunately at its current stage of development, the training performance for deep models is not on par with that of basic TorchSharp.
+TorchSharp.Fun is a very thin wrapper over TorchSharp does not suffer any noticable performance hits when compared with TorchSharp (or PyTorch for that matter).
+Below is an example of a 30 layer ResNet regression model:
+module Resnet =
+ let RESNET_DIM = 50L
+ let RESNET_DEPTH = 30
+ let FTR_DIM = 340L
+ let act() = SELU()
+ let resnetCell (input: Model) =
+ let cell =
+ act()
+ ->> act()
+ let join =
+ fwd2 input cell (fun ``input tensor`` inputModel cellModel ->
+ use t1 = inputModel.forward (``input tensor``)
+ use t2 = cellModel.forward (t1)
+ t1 + t2)
+ join ->> act()
+ let create() =
+ let emb = Linear(FTR_DIM, RESNET_DIM) |> M
+ let rsLayers =
+ (emb, [ 1 .. RESNET_DEPTH ])
+ ||> List.fold (fun emb _ -> resnetCell emb)
+ rsLayers
+ ->> Linear(RESNET_DIM,10L)
+ ->> Linear(10L, 1L)