A rating stars component for Fyndiq
The component can be installed through NPM:
npm i -S fyndiq-component-stars
import React from 'react'
import Stars from 'fyndiq-component-stars'
// Normal usage
<Stars rating={4} />
// Different size
<Stars rating={3.5} size="l" />
// Show number of reviews
<Stars rating={4} reviews={53} />
// Interactive version
<Stars interactive onChange={handleChange} />
The component Stars
has the following customizable props:
Name | Type | Description | Default value |
rating | Number or String | The current rating of the product (between 0 and 5). Can be decimal | undefined |
reviews | Number | Number of reviews | undefined |
size | String | Can be l for a bigger component |
m |
interactive | Boolean | Enables interactive mode | false |
onChange | Function | The handler when used in interactive mode. |
noop => noop |