This project contains all needed for setting up and update a knowledge base ready to be used by the application.
The knowledge base is built around the g0v application profile and LODMAP Bubble Graph Ontology:
- the g0v-fr application profile is used to describe the semantic of a financial report
- the Bubble Graph Ontology is used to describe the graphical objects that reprensent financial report components
The data ingestion process is managed by the LinkedData.Center SDaaS platform (community edition).
- edit local rdf files in the data directory providing static metadata (titles, taxonomies, welcome links, etc. etc.)
- develop the gateways for transforming raw data about financial report in linked data according the g0v application profile. See gateways doc.
- write axioms and rules to cleanup financial data.
- write axioms and rules to link financial data to the graphical objects.
- edit the build script that drives the whole data ingestion process.
- run sdaas
the test of the build script requires the sdaas-ce container.
docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD/gateways:/app composer install --no-dev
docker run -d -p 9999:8080 -v $PWD/.:/workspace --name kb linkeddatacenter/sdaas-ce
docker exec -ti kb bash
apk --no-cache add php7-iconv
sdaas --debug -f build.sdaas --reboot
docker rm -f kb
logs info and debug traces will be created in .cache directory
Access the admin workbench pointing browser to http://localhost:9999/sdaas
You can pack data and services with :
docker build . -t sdaas
docker run -d -p 8889:8080 --name datastore sdaas
The resulting container will provide a readonly distribution of the whole knowlede base in a stand-alone graph database with sparql interface.
- the build.sdaas file is a script to populate the knowledge base from scratch. It requires sdaas platform community edition 2.0+
- the axioms directory contains rules to be processed during reasoning windows.
- the data directory contains local data files
- the data/src directory contains some helper that were used to produce some ttl files.
- the gateways directory contains the code to transform raw data in linked data
- the .cache temporary directory that contains logs and debugging info. Not saved in repo.
- the dockerfile reuse Docker Blazegraph
- the sdaas platform is derived from LinkedData.Center SDaas Product and licensed with CC-by-nd-nc by LinkedData.Center to g0v community