diff --git a/src/locales/pt.js b/src/locales/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05289dd93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/locales/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+export default {
+ translation: {
+ error_page: {
+ error: "Connection error",
+ at_moment: "At the moment is not possible show map",
+ f5: "Press Ctrl+F5"
+ },
+ cookie_law: {
+ message: "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
+ buttonText: "Got It!"
+ },
+ default:"default",
+ sign_in: "Sign in",
+ layer_selection_filter: {
+ tools: {
+ filter: "Add/Remove Filter",
+ nofilter: "Remove Filter",
+ invert: "Invert Selection",
+ clear: "Clear Selection",
+ show_features_on_map: "Show features visible on map"
+ }
+ },
+ warning: {
+ not_supported_format: "Not supported format"
+ },
+ layer_position: {
+ top: 'TOP',
+ bottom: 'BOTTOM',
+ message: "Position relative to layers on TOC"
+ },
+ sdk: {
+ atlas: {
+ template_dialog: {
+ title: "Select Template"
+ }
+ },
+ spatialbookmarks: {
+ title: "Spatial Bookmarks",
+ helptext: "Move on map extent, insert name and click Add",
+ input: {
+ name: "Name"
+ },
+ sections: {
+ project:{
+ title: "Project Bookmarks"
+ },
+ user: {
+ title: "User Bookmarks"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ search: {
+ all: 'ALL',
+ no_results: "No results",
+ searching: "Searching ...",
+ error_loading: "Error Loading Data",
+ layer_not_searchable: "Layer is not searchable",
+ layer_not_querable: "Layer is not querable",
+ autocomplete: {
+ inputshort: {
+ pre: "Please enter",
+ post: "or more characters"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ print: {
+ no_layers: 'No Layer to print',
+ template: "Template",
+ labels: "Labels",
+ scale: "Scale",
+ format: "Format",
+ rotation: "Rotation",
+ download_image: "Download Image",
+ fids_instruction: "Values accepted: from 1 to value of [max]. Is possible to insert a range ex. 4-6",
+ fids_example: "Ex. 1,4-6 will be printed id 1,4,5,6",
+ help: "The layers shown in the print could be those defined on the project and not those displayed on the map"
+ },
+ querybuilder: {
+ search: {
+ run: "Run",
+ info: "Information",
+ delete: "Delete",
+ edit: "Edit"
+ },
+ messages: {
+ changed: 'Saved',
+ number_of_features: "Number of features"
+ },
+ panel: {
+ button: {
+ all: 'ALL',
+ save: 'SAVE',
+ test: 'TEST',
+ clear: 'CLEAR',
+ run: 'RUN',
+ manual: 'MANUAL'
+ },
+ layers: 'LAYERS',
+ fields: 'FIELDS',
+ values: 'VALUES',
+ operators: 'OPERATORS',
+ expression: 'EXPRESSION'
+ },
+ error_run: 'An error occurs. Please check the query',
+ error_test: "An error occur during query execution",
+ delete: 'Do you want delete it?',
+ additem: 'Insert the name of the new search'
+ },
+ errors: {
+ layers: {
+ load: "Some layers are not available"
+ },
+ unsupported_format: 'Not supported format',
+ add_external_layer: 'Load layer error'
+ },
+ metadata: {
+ title: 'Metadata',
+ groups: {
+ general: {
+ title: 'GENERAL',
+ fields: {
+ title: 'TITLE',
+ name: 'NAME',
+ description: "DESCRIPTION",
+ abstract: "ABSTRACT",
+ keywords: 'KEYWORDS',
+ fees: "FEES",
+ accessconstraints: "ACCESS CONSTRAINT",
+ contactinformation: "CONTACTS",
+ subfields: {
+ contactinformation: {
+ contactelectronicmailaddress: "Email",
+ personprimary: 'References',
+ contactvoicetelephone: 'Phone',
+ contactorganization: 'Organization',
+ ContactOrganization: 'Organization',
+ contactposition: 'Position',
+ ContactPosition: 'Position',
+ contactperson: 'Person',
+ ContactPerson: 'Person'
+ }
+ },
+ wms_url: "WMS"
+ }
+ },
+ spatial:{
+ title: 'SPATIAL',
+ fields : {
+ crs: 'EPSG',
+ extent: 'BBOX'
+ }
+ },
+ layers: {
+ title: 'LAYERS',
+ fields: {
+ layers: 'LAYERS',
+ subfields: {
+ crs: 'EPSG',
+ bbox: 'BBOX',
+ title: "TITLE",
+ name: 'NAME',
+ geometrytype: 'GEOMETRY',
+ source: 'SOURCE',
+ attributes: 'ATTRIBUTES',
+ abstract: 'ABSTRACT',
+ attribution: 'ATTRIBUTION',
+ keywords: "PAROLE CHIAVE",
+ metadataurl:'METADATA URL',
+ dataurl: "DATA URL"
+ }
+ },
+ groups : {
+ general: 'GENERAL',
+ spatial: 'SPATIAL'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ tooltips: {
+ relations: {
+ form_to_row: "Row View",
+ row_to_form: "Form View"
+ },
+ copy_map_extent_url: 'Copy map view link',
+ download_shapefile: "Download Shapefile",
+ download_gpx: "Download GPX",
+ download_gpkg: "Download GPKG",
+ download_csv: "Download CSV",
+ download_xls: "Download XLS",
+ show_chart: "Show Chart",
+ atlas: "Print Atlas"
+ },
+ mapcontrols: {
+ query: {
+ tooltip: 'Query layer',
+ actions: {
+ add_selection: {
+ hint: "Add/Remove Selection"
+ },
+ zoom_to_features_extent:{
+ hint: "Zoom to features extent"
+ },
+ add_features_to_results: {
+ hint: "Add/Remove features to results"
+ },
+ remove_feature_from_results: {
+ hint: "Remove feature from results"
+ },
+ zoom_to_feature: {
+ hint: "Zoom to feature"
+ },
+ relations: {
+ hint: "Show Relations"
+ },
+ relations_charts: {
+ hint: "Show relations chart"
+ },
+ download_features_shapefile:{
+ hint: 'Download features Shapefile'
+ },
+ download_shapefile: {
+ hint: 'Download feature Shapefile'
+ },
+ download_features_gpx: {
+ hint: "Download feature GPX"
+ },
+ download_features_gpkg: {
+ hint: "Download features GPKG"
+ },
+ download_gpx: {
+ hint: "Download feature GPX"
+ },
+ download_gpkg: {
+ hint: "Download feature GPKG"
+ },
+ download_features_csv: {
+ hint: "Download features CSV"
+ },
+ download_csv: {
+ hint: "Download feature CSV"
+ },
+ download_features_xls: {
+ hint: "Download features XLS"
+ },
+ download_xls: {
+ hint: "Download feature XLS"
+ },
+ atlas: {
+ hint: "Print Atlas"
+ },
+ copy_zoom_to_fid_url: {
+ hint: "Copy map URL with this geometry feature extension",
+ hint_change: "Copied"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ querybypolygon: {
+ download: {
+ title: "Attributes download",
+ choiches:{
+ feature: {
+ label:"Features only",
+ },
+ feature_polygon: {
+ label:"Features+Query Polygon",
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ tooltip: 'Query By Polygon',
+ no_geometry: 'No geometry on response',
+ help: {
+ title:'Guide - Query By Polygon',
+ message: `
+ - Select a polygon layer on TOC.
+ - Be sure that layer is visible.
+ - Click on a feature of selected layer.
+ }
+ },
+ querybydrawpolygon: {
+ tooltip: "Query by Draw Polygon "
+ },
+ querybybbox: {
+ tooltip: 'Query BBox layer',
+ nolayers_visible: 'No querable layers are visible. Please set at least one visible wfs layer to run query',
+ help: {
+ title: 'Guide - Query BBox layer',
+ message:`
+ - Draw a square on map to query underlined layers on TOC
+ }
+ },
+ addlayer: {
+ messages: {
+ csv: {
+ warning: "The result in the map is partial due to the presence of the below incorrect records list:"
+ }
+ },
+ tooltip: 'Add Layer'
+ },
+ geolocation: {
+ tooltip: 'Geolocation'
+ },
+ measures: {
+ length: {
+ tooltip: "Length",
+ help: "Click on map to draw the line. Press
CANC if you want delete last vertex",
+ },
+ area: {
+ tooltip: "Area",
+ help: "Click to draw poligon.Press
CANC if you want delete last vertex"
+ }
+ },
+ scale: {
+ no_valid_scale: "Invalid Scale"
+ },
+ scaleline: {
+ units: {
+ metric: 'Meters',
+ nautical: 'Nautical Mile'
+ }
+ },
+ zoomhistory: {
+ zoom_last: "Zoom Last",
+ zoom_next: "Zoom Next"
+ }
+ },
+ relations: {
+ relation_data: 'Relation data',
+ no_relations_found: 'No relations found',
+ back_to_relations: 'Back to relations',
+ list_of_relations_feature: 'List of relations of feature',
+ error_missing_father_field: "Field is missing"
+ },
+ workflow: {
+ steps: {
+ title: 'Steps',
+ },
+ next: 'Next'
+ },
+ form: {
+ loading: 'Loading ...',
+ inputs: {
+ messages: {
+ errors: {
+ picklayer: "No feature selected. Check if layer is on editing or visible at current scale"
+ }
+ },
+ tooltips:{
+ picklayer: "Get value from ma layer",
+ lonlat: "Click on map to get coordinates"
+ },
+ input_validation_mutually_exclusive: "Field mutually exclusive with ",
+ input_validation_error: "Mandatory Field or wrong data type",
+ input_validation_min_field: "Value has to be more/equal to field value ",
+ input_validation_max_field: "Value has to be less/equal to field value ",
+ input_validation_exclude_values: "Value has to be unique",
+ integer: "integer",
+ bigint: "integer",
+ text: "text",
+ varchar: "text",
+ textarea: "text",
+ string: "string",
+ date: "date",
+ datetime: "date",
+ float: "float",
+ table: "table"
+ },
+ footer: {
+ "required_fields": "Required fields"
+ },
+ messages: {
+ qgis_input_widget_relation: "Use relation specific form to work with relation"
+ }
+ },
+ catalog: {
+ current_map_theme_prefix: "THEME",
+ choose_map_theme: "CHOOSE THEME",
+ menu: {
+ layerposition: 'Layer Position',
+ setwmsopacity: "Set Opacity",
+ wms: {
+ title:"",
+ copy: "Click here to copy url",
+ copied: "Copied"
+ },
+ download: {
+ shp: 'Download Shapefile',
+ gpx: 'Download GPX',
+ gpkg: 'Download GPKG',
+ csv: 'Download CSV',
+ xls: 'Download XLS',
+ geotiff: "Download GEOTIFF",
+ geotiff_map_extent: "Download GEOTIFF(current view extent)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ wps: {
+ list_process: "List of process",
+ tooltip: 'Click on map'
+ }
+ },
+ credits: {
+ g3wSuiteFramework: "Application based on OS framework",
+ g3wSuiteDescription: "Publish and manage your QGIS projects on the web",
+ productOf: "Framework developed by",
+ },
+ toggle_color_scheme: "Toggle color scheme",
+ logout: "Logout",
+ no_other_projects: "No more project for this group",
+ no_other_groups: "No more groups for this Macrogroup",
+ yes: "Yes",
+ no: "No",
+ back: "Back",
+ backto: "Back to ",
+ changemap: "Change Map",
+ change_session: "Change Session",
+ component: "Generic Component",
+ search: "Search",
+ no_results: "No results found",
+ print: "Print",
+ create_print: "Create Print",
+ dosearch: "Search",
+ catalog: "Map",
+ data: "Data",
+ externalwms: "WMS",
+ baselayers: "Base",
+ tools: "Tools",
+ tree: "Layers",
+ legend: "Legend",
+ nobaselayer: "No basemap",
+ street_search: "Find Address",
+ show: "Show",
+ hide: "Hide",
+ copy_form_data: "Copy data",
+ paste_form_data: "Paste",
+ copy_form_data_from_feature: "Copy data from map",
+ error_map_loading: "Error occurs loading map",
+ check_internet_connection_or_server_admin: "Check internet connection or contact admin",
+ could_not_load_vector_layers: "Connection error: Layers can be loaded",
+ server_saver_error: "Error in server saving",
+ server_error: "Server connection error",
+ save: "Save",
+ cancel: "Cancel",
+ close: "Close",
+ /**
+ * @since 3.8.0
+ */
+ dont_show_again: "Don't show again",
+ enlange_reduce:"Enlarge/Reduce",
+ reset_default:"Default size",
+ add: "Add",
+ exitnosave: "Exit without save",
+ annul: "Cancel",
+ layer_is_added: "Layer with same name already added",
+ sidebar: {
+ wms: {
+ panel: {
+ title:'Add WMS Layer',
+ label: {
+ position: "Map Position",
+ name: "Name",
+ projections: 'Projection',
+ layers: 'Layers'
+ }
+ },
+ add_wms_layer: "Add WMS layer",
+ delete_wms_url: "Delete WMS url",
+ layer_id_already_added: "WMS Layer already added",
+ url_already_added: "WMS URL/Name already added",
+ layer_add_error: "WMS Layer not added. Please check all wms parameter or url"
+ }
+ },
+ info: {
+ title: "Results",
+ list_of_relations: "List of Relations",
+ open_link: "Open attached document",
+ server_error: "An error occurred from server",
+ no_results: "No results found for this query/search",
+ link_button: "Open"
+ },
+ mapcontrols: {
+ geolocations: {
+ error: "Can't get your position"
+ },
+ nominatim: {
+ placeholder: "Address ...",
+ noresults: "No results",
+ notresponseserver: "No response from server"
+ },
+ add_layer_control: {
+ header: "Add Layer",
+ select_projection: "Select layer projection",
+ select_field_to_show: "Select Field to show on map",
+ select_csv_separator: "Select delimiter",
+ select_csv_x_field: "Select X field",
+ select_csv_y_field: "Select Y field",
+ select_color: "Select Layer Color",
+ drag_layer: "Drag and drop layer here"
+ },
+ query: {
+ input_relation: "Click to show relations"
+ },
+ length: {
+ tooltip: "Length"
+ },
+ area: {
+ tooltip: "Area"
+ },
+ screenshot: {
+ error: "Screenshot error creation"
+ }
+ },
+ catalog_items: {
+ helptext: "Right-click on individual layer to access additional features",
+ contextmenu: {
+ zoomtolayer: "Zoom to Layer",
+ open_attribute_table: "Open Attribute Table",
+ show_metadata: "Metadata",
+ styles: 'Styles',
+ vector_color_menu:"Set/Change Color",
+ layer_opacity: "Opacity"
+ }
+ },
+ dataTable: {
+ previous: "Previous",
+ next: "Next",
+ lengthMenu: "Show _MENU_",
+ info: "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
+ no_data: "No data",
+ nodatafilterd: "No matching records found",
+ infoFiltered: "(filtered from _MAX_ total records)"
+ }
+ },