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80 lines (64 loc) · 2.22 KB

File metadata and controls

80 lines (64 loc) · 2.22 KB


Code for paper: Lahiri, Gao, Ganguli, "Random projections of random manifolds".

  • Run '' to generate and save all data and plots.

  • Run '' to quickly generate example data for plots.

  • Run '' to make plots without saving.
    (Un)comment lines to choose whether to use quick or full data.

  • Data/
    Folder containing generated data for plots.
    We have provided example data.

  • Figures/
    Folder containing plots.

  • rand_mfld_proj/
    Folder containing code.

      Simple functions for generating or plotting data.
    • Other subfolders contain the actual code.

Building the CPython modules

You will need to have the appropriate C compilers. On Linux, you should already have them. On Windows, see here.

You will need a BLAS/Lapack distribution. Anaconda on Windows usually uses MKL, but they recently moved the headers to a different package. You can install it with:

> conda install mkl-devel

Alternatively, you can downgrade to a version that has the headers, e.g.

> conda install mkl=2018.0.3

Another option is OpenBLAS

> conda install openblas -c conda-forge

(see here under Uninstalling MKL).

If your BLAS/Lapack distribution is installed somewhere numpy isn't expecting, you can provide directions in a site.cfg file.

Once you have all of the above, you can build the CPython modules in-place:

> python build_ext

or you can install it system-wide:

> python install


  • python3 (only tested with 3.7)
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • itertools
  • math
  • numbers
  • typing

Type hints

The following aliases are used:

Styles = Sequence[Mapping[str, str]]
StyleSet = Mapping[str, Styles]
Options = Mapping[str, Any]
OptionSet = Mapping[str, Options]
Labels = Sequence[str]
LabelSet = Mapping[str, Labels]
Axes = mpl.axes.Axes
Figure = mpl.figure.Figure
Lines = Sequence[mpl.lines.Line2D]