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Gantry 5 Agenda, Exploration and Time Travel

Djamil Legato edited this page Oct 28, 2015 · 29 revisions

Many of the features that gets requested in the issue tracker have been already discussed and / or are planned. Here you can find the public list of what's planned ahead for Gantry 5, with no set ETA. Anything listed below is there because a. we don't feel it's the right time yet to be implemented, b. we want to internally discuss better how to approach it, c. more pressing issues need attention.

Either way, this is what we plan to implement, sooner or later. Stay tuned!


Features and enhancements that are going to be Gantry specific and will apply to all the platforms compatible.

  • Outlines and Inheritance: We have plans to improve how an Outline inherits from other Outlines and from the Base. Right now it is not possible to clone Particles from another Outline or even just copy properties from a different Particle in the same Outline. We have plans to improve all of this and make it even easier to build Layout pages (#303, #340, #361, #575)

  • Multi Language is already working by following the Platform specific standards. With Gantry 5 we would like to take this a step further by implementing a dedicated Language section in the admin. All language strings will be available to be translated to different languages and it will also allow to have Particles translatable. A long discussion has been going on in #84 with a plan of attack (mockup included) at #84@issuecomment-104453815

  • Page Settings: We have discussed to add a new dedicated Page Settings section in admin where anything that is going to be global can be adjusted. For example, adding metadata to the <head>, loading CSS/JS, global Atoms, anything that is going to be generic for the site will be available in here (#359) [Implemented with v5.2.0]

  • Sections Layout: Each Section can already be set to either display as Fullwidth or Boxed. After many requests we agree that Fullwidth can be misleading and we need 2 types of Fullwidth: one where the content is boxed in the grid and one where the content is flushed to the edges. These two new additions will help expand even more the designs and templating with Gantry (#747). [Implemented with v5.2.0]

  • Layout Enhancements: We do plan to enhance the way sections gets rendered, providing more flexibility in the output, as well as better support for nested sections (#548). [Implemented with v5.2.0]

  • Import/Export is something we have planned to have in Gantry 5 since the very beginning. We would like to be able to easily export and import, in a modular way, anything specific to a template: Custom folder, Particles settings, Layouts, etc. (#218, #339)

  • Outlines Improvements: We would like to extend the way one creates a new Outline by presenting in a modal a set of fields to be compiled such as Title and Preset #207

  • Advanced Editor: Many fields that use textarea could do with a more advanced editor (ala RokPad). We would also like to implement Markdown support right in the editor field itself so that where HTML is required, one could just write the more user-friendly Markdown. (#236)

  • Overrides: Although Gantry 5 does a fine job at allowing to override pretty much everything, we are still missing some portions that need to be addressed. For instance the admin and gantry folders (#263).

  • Extendable YAML/Twig: It is very easy with Gantry 5 to override twig and yaml files but extending only portions of a YAML file or inject to blocks of Twigs is not possible. This is why we intend to allow to extend YAML files and allow to provide [filename]-custom.html.twig (#904)

  • Accessibility: We want to improve accessibility for Gantry 5 as much as possible. We already started optimizing the admin and we will continue with it. Thanks to RocketTheme user Wesley Derbyshire we have a good list of areas we can focus our attention on (#713). [Partly implemented with v5.1.1]

  • Demo: We feel like presenting a demo of just Hydrogen is not going to ever give justice to Gantry 5 as a whole. For this reason we have plans to create a Demo where anyone can log into the admin and have each their own session, allowing anyone to basically play around without anyone else interfering.


Nothing specific yet.


Nothing specific yet.


The next in line Platform that will join the Gantry 5 family! Stay tuned.

We'll try our best to keep this list up to date.

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