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Code Guidelines for the QMix Package

Python Code

  • In general, follow Google's style guidelines and "Best practices for scientific computing" by G. Wilson et al.
    • This includes giving variables, functions and classes meaningful names; using consistent formatting (i.e., follow what's already there); using Git effectively; using issue tracking; and writing in small steps with frequent testing.
  • All Python code should also follow the PEP-008 guidelines.
    • Always use 4 spaces to indent code, never tabs.
    • Try to stay below 80 characters per line. Sometimes this doesn't make sense, so use your own judgment.
    • The command pep8 can be used to check PEP-008 consistency:
      • To install: pip install pep8
      • To run: pep8 <filename>
    • The command autopep8 can be used to force PEP-008 consistency:
      • To install: pip install autopep8
      • To run: autopep8 qmix --recursive --in-place --pep8-passes 2000 --verbose
  • In addition to these guidelines, please ensure that your code:
    • is compatible with Python version 3.5 and later, and
    • only depends on the standard library; the NumPy, SciPy, Numba or Matplotlib packages; and the dependencies thereof.
  • Finally, please also ensure that there are only ASCII characters in your code (no unicode).
    • Using regular expression, you can search for non-ASCII characters using [^\x00-\x7F]+


  • Docstrings are required for every public module, function, class and dictionary.
  • Please use the Google docstring format and follow the PEP-257 guidelines.
  • Note: It's okay to comment private functions with inline comments (i.e., functions that start with a single underscore and are only used within that module).

Unit Tests

  • Unit tests are required for all public functions and classes.
  • The tests should be able to be run using pytest and should follow the file structure seen in the QMix/tests/ directory.
  • Ensure that your new tests pass when you run:
    • pytest --verbose --color=yes tests/
  • You should also check your test coverage using:
    • pytest --verbose --color=yes --cov=qmix/ --cov-report=html tests/
  • See Pytest's Good Integration Practices for more information.

QMix Documentation

  • The QMix webpage includes a section that outlines all of the modules, functions and classes that are contained within the QMix package.
  • If you add any new code, please update this documentation by running:
    • sphinx-apidoc -o docs/source/ qmix/

Version Control

  • The QMix project uses Git for version control and is hosted at:
  • So far, the QMix project has been written entirely by me, John Garrett. Because of this, I have been a bit sloppy in how I manage Git commits/branches. Moving forward, I would like to adopt a more formal Git commit/branching model (e.g., see "A successful Git branching model").
  • Some quick guidelines:
    • Always keep master branch clean (i.e., production-ready).
    • Use develop branch for developing new releases. Merge into master when stable (with new release tag).
    • Use feature/<feature> branches for developing new features. Should branch off of develop and merge back into develop when done. These branches generally only exist on developer repos (not origin).
  • Recommended tools:

Other Notes

  • For matrix indices, follow this order:
    • frequency (f), harmonic (p), summation index (k), voltage point (i)
    • e.g., for the Thevenin voltage: vt[f, p]
    • e.g., for the Convolution coefficient: ckh[f, p, k, i]
  • Use American spelling everywhere to be consistent with the rest of Python.
    • Note: If you have Aspell installed, you can check your spelling against the American dictionary using:
      • aspell -c -d en_US <filename>